September 23, 2021
This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Services are being live-streamed online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Friday, September 24
4pm - Funeral for Barbara Mallory (in-person)

Saturday, September 25
10am to 2pm - The Emporium is open

Sunday, September 26
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, September 29
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
From the Rector
“Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above…” James 1:17

Dear Members,

Every pledge campaign begins with Gratitude, and that is how I want to begin my message to you this year. I am inspired by your generosity – by the gracious acts that you have done this year, by the single acts of love and kindness, and by the unseen work you have accomplished in the service of God and our church community; thank you. I cannot say it enough.

Our pledge campaign this year focuses on our gifts, not just on the things we wrap with paper and bows, and not the things we put in envelopes or give from our bank accounts, but all of the gifts that we give throughout the year. We frequently talk about the three-legged stool of Time, Talent, and Treasure when we discuss our gifts, without really focusing on the power of each of those elements. I am grateful and aware of the ways in which you have given all three, and for now, I want to focus on your time.

Time, they say, is the greatest gift, because it is a gift that we can’t replace. When we give of our treasure or our talent, they come from renewable streams, to some extent. But time, once given, can’t be taken back. This is why I am inspired by the ways that you give of your time to this community. Whether these gifts of time are measured in hours spent running a ministry, participating in our services, volunteering at the food pantry, or in minutes spent on the phone or in person reaching out to each other, St. Mary’s is generous with its time.
In his timeless work, Le Petit Prince, Saint-Exupéry says of the Prince’s tending of his beloved rose, “It is the time you have spent on your rose that makes your rose so important.” Our church is like that rose, tended and blessed by the abundant effort, prayer, and time you share.

In this season where we uphold our gifts, I hold up your generous hearts. Over the coming weeks you will be hearing more about our gifts from our leadership, in our liturgy, and in our common life together. Each of you is a gift to St. Mary’s, and you are gifts one to another, and to a world in need of our love. St. Mary’s is truly blessed with every perfect gift that comes from God above.

Father Rick
A Personal Note
After learning that Pete and I were exposed to someone with COVID last week, I am relieved to tell you all that we have both tested negative for the virus. Please continue to pray for our friend who is sick. This was a breakthrough infection, and as such, we hope that it will pass with a happy outcome.

We are truly grateful to Sue, Lili, and Dennis for making sure that our Sunday worship took place. I also led morning prayer from the rectory for our online community. We must remain vigilant and committed to an end to this pandemic. Fides opera! We have faith, but we also work together for the good of all.

Father Rick
Ministries Survey
We have a long history of spiritual, educational, and social programming here at St. Mary’s. This moment presents us with a great opportunity to reboot and reimagine those ministries, particularly those for children and youth. But we need your input and involvement. To that end, we’ve created a survey -- it’s short and just takes a few minutes to complete. You can take the survey online or get a paper copy at church.
In Memoriam
Longtime parishioner Barbara Baker Mallory's funeral will be held at St. Mary's on Friday, September 24th at 4pm. May Barbara's soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Barbara died peacefully in Palm Beach, FL on May 2nd surrounded by her three children. The eldest daughter of Alice & John D. Baker, Barbara was born in 1936 and was raised in New York City and Buck Hill Falls, PA. She graduated from the Madeira School and Bennett College with a degree in Interior Design in 1956. In 1957 she married Thomas Downs Mallory of Bradford, PA and Palm Beach, FL.

After briefly living in New York City following her husband’s U.S. Army enlistment, Barbara and Downs moved to Tuxedo Park, NY in 1964. For the next 35 years they raised three children and enjoyed an active, outdoor lifestyle. Barbara managed her own interior design company; she was one of only a few women at the time in Tuxedo Park to run her own business, Barbara Baker Interior Design, and to use her maiden name in her work. Her projects ranged from Tuxedo Park, and nearby New York City, to Nantucket, Florida, Chicago, Sun Valley, and Jackson Hole. In her community, she became president of the Tuxedo Park Garden Club and eventually the Orange and Dutchess County Garden Club, while also volunteering extensively with the Tuxedo Park Club, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, and the Hudson Valley chapter of the Nature Conservancy. Perhaps most unique to Barbara was her vigor in sports. On the golf course she was only the 2nd person in Tuxedo Park Club history to win the club championship 5 times. In the fields and streams she was a master wing shooter and gifted fly fisherwoman. She was an amateur mycologist and an outstanding cook of wild game. Barbara was elected into the International Women’s Fly Fishing Association which is composed of the top female anglers worldwide. Downs accompanied her when the group travelled internationally on fishing expeditions to Russia, New Zealand and Patagonia.

In 1999 Downs and Barbara moved to Wilson, WY and Palm Beach, FL. In Wyoming she continued to hunt and fish while entertaining her many friends and extended family at their beautiful home alongside the Teton Mountains. They enjoyed being members of the Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club and played many rounds of golf with friends. In Florida, they reconnected with old friends, enjoyed the Bath and Tennis Club, the Everglades Club, and the Society of the Four Arts while keeping up their sporting life. Like her red hair Barbara was a bold and boisterous mother, grandmother, aunt, godmother, and wife for 61 devoted years. She loved all people, animals and natural things and her indomitable spirit gave her the courage to face her last 11 years with Alzheimer’s. She was not afraid to talk about her disease and helped many people cope with this same diagnosis.

Barbara is survived by her older son Thomas D. Mallory, Jr. of Atlanta, GA; daughter Meredith Mallory George of Darien, CT; younger son Baker D. Mallory of Ridgefield, CT; nine grandchildren; and sisters Alice Cullen of Villanova, PA and Joan Baker of Santa Fe, NM. She is predeceased by her husband Thomas Downs Mallory. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in memory of Barbara Baker Mallory to: Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, 34 Washington St., Suite 310, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481.
St. Francis Sunday
In a longstanding Anglican tradition, pets are always welcome in church, but especially on St. Francis Sunday! Please bring your furry, feathery, and scaly friends for a special blessing of the animals after the 10am service on October 10th, on the great lawn of St. Mary's. All are welcome to attend the inside service and/or just the outdoor pet blessing. If your pets don't travel well, or you'd like to remember pets who have passed, please bring a photo. Visit our Facebook page for photos and video from last year's pet blessings.

For those joining us virtually, please send a photo of your pet with their name to by October 8th and we will include them in the pet blessing service.
Dinner Benefit
Please join us for a festive dinner to benefit the ministries of St. Mary's at 6pm on October 30th at the Tuxedo Club.

Proof of COVID vaccination will be required to attend the event.

A catalog of auction items will be published shortly, and a mechanism will be created for those who wish to bid virtually.

Tickets are $200 per person. You may get them online or send a check to St. Mary’s, PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987.

For more information, please call (845) 351-5122 or email
September Outreach Update
Sue Heywood
St. Mary’s Outreach seeks to serve Christ with our time, our talent, and our treasure. We address the problems of hunger, homelessness, poverty, sickness, and inequality of educational opportunity; and respond to natural disasters, locally, nationally and internationally. September outreach seems to have covered all of these, one way or another!

National Outreach

St Mary’s sent a donation of $2,000 to Episcopal Relief and Development for their work in Louisiana and Haiti. ERD works with and through the Episcopal churches established there.

Local Outreach

Working with other charities we support and where we have volunteers working within these organizations, we donated:

$5,000 to the Sloatsburg Food Pantry towards their building fund (you may learn more about the project on the food pantry website).

$2,000 to Habitat for Humanity, Newburgh on the occasion of their ‘Walk for Housing’. Unfortunately, the walk clashed with St Mary’s Rally Day and picnic so the usual group wasn’t able to go. Dennis Trotter, Junior Warden, represented us, joining up with other Episcopal Churches in the area.

$1,000 to Helping hands of Rockland County for feeding and supporting the homeless. Anna Kobelka, the director of this project, has asked if we could supply a quantity of men’s sweatshirts for her to distribute, sizes medium and large. We are buying some new, but if you have any going spare please leave them on the porch at St Mary’s or drop off at my house. I promised a delivery early next week!

Individual Outreach

We donated a $50 Kohl’s gift card to each of five children in a family whose father died during the pandemic. The eldest sister will take them shopping to choose clothes or shoes for school.

ShopRite has again granted us a 20% discount on Gift Cards of various denominations which we will give to families this winter. We have paid $5,000 and are receiving cards to the value of $6,000! Some of these will be distributed through the SFP and others through Tuxedo Schools.

A story to make you feel glad

Diana Segovia, a resident of Tuxedo, came to the USA from San Salvador in December, 2013. She spoke no English and came to live with her aunt and three cousins. She was 16. With help, support and encouragement from the people of St. Mary’s and the counselors and teachers at Baker High School, Diana is now in her senior year at SUNY Purchase.

She texted me this week: ‘The classes I am taking are macroeconomics, world migration, senior seminar and senior project to prepare for my thesis, and also a jury trial class. I love my classes. My thesis is on unaccompanied immigrants, children and juveniles, and everything they have to go through to obtain a better life.’ She has a 3.6 GPA with all grades A and A- and while at RCC maintained a 3.2 GPA with consistently good grades.

While studying, she is supporting her mother and three younger siblings, who are in grades 8, 10 and 12 at Baker High School, by working at Dottie Audrey’s. They came to the US several years after their sister. Diana has shown such determination, energy, good humor, and truly hard work over the last eight years and is hoping to get a job in a law firm when she graduates. She has a green card! Way to go Diana! We’re proud of you!

International Outreach

We continue to work with Carryou in South Africa. Posted on Facebook this morning was the story of one family and giving thanks for the donations from St Mary’s and friends who make their work helping individual families possible.

Our thanks to all who donate!
Sue Heywood Outreach Chair
Shop The Emporium This Weekend
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987