This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
All services are offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, February 12
10am to 2pm - Emporium Open
4:30pm - Confirmation class
5pm - Evening Prayer

Sunday, February 13
10am - Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist
11am to 1pm - Emporium open

Wednesday, February 16
10am - Holy Eucharist - Feria

Saturday, February 19
4:30pm - Confirmation class
5pm - Evening Prayer
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Pious legend tells us that upon seeing the ruined church at Assisi, St. Francis had a vision in which God told him, “Francis, rebuild my church.” Perhaps this was the divine origin of building stewardship.

It is often said that the people are the church, not the building. Well, yes, but a church building is so much more than just another edifice. It is a temple, a sanctuary built by human hands and consecrated to the worship of God the Almighty for all time.

We are a pilgrim people, journeying toward eternity with our God. We long to be in the holy of holies, close to our creator, praising him along with the angel choirs. Until that time, it is in the church building where we make our pilgrimage each time we hear God’s word, sing his praises, and approach the holy altar and the Blessed Sacrament. Therefore it is fitting that we show great care for our church, which is simultaneously a gift from the past, a balm for the present, and an offering to the future.

You may have noticed work going on in the car park this week near the chapel entrance. Over the years, our massive stone staircase (built 1901) has deteriorated and is in need of repair. The current work is the construction of a shoring system under the two supporting arches that will allow continued use of the stairs. It will also facilitate repairs without having to deconstruct the whole thing. (In slippery weather we recommend entering through the Emporium.)

The next phase will be the repair of the arches and steps, which will likely take us into summer and possibly fall. This is all part of a comprehensive plan for preservation developed by the vestry with the help of a team of architects. While not as exciting as the restoration of a magnificent window or the addition of ranks of pipes to the organ, this work will nevertheless put us in good stead for the next hundred years.

Father Rick
Confirmation class will meet on Saturday afternoons at 4:30, immediately preceding our 5:00 wintertime service. Classes have begun, and go through March 26, eight weeks in total. At each class, we will learn about the Church, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We will learn some basics of the faith, such as the Lord's Prayer, the creeds, and the ten commandments. We will also look into our particular way of being a Christian as an Anglican. This will prepare our confirmands to make their own profession of faith to the Bishop and congregation with confidence and understanding.

Even if you are already confirmed, you are welcome to come for a "refresher."

If you (or someone you know) will be 13 years of age by April 3 and wish to be confirmed, please contact us here at St. Mary's or (845) 351-5122.
Volunteers are needed for the following dates the at Sloatsburg Food Pantry located in All Souls Community Church, 81 Washington Ave, Suffern, NY 10901

Wednesday, 2/16 distribution

Please Contact St. Mary's (845) 351-5122 or The Sloatsburg Food Pantry (201) 394-0627 if you can help on any of the above dates.
Did you know?
"Boiler Houses”
I often dart around picking up goodies from generous residents who have donations for the Emporium. Today was such a day. After I had packed up the most beautiful gold rimmed glasses, I asked about the house, a cottage actually. I was told was a “boiler house.” I have never heard that term before, “What is a boiler house?" I asked. “Well, it had an enormous boiler in the basement for the greenhouse." My host went across the sitting room for the photos shown here. This all belonged to the C.B. Alexander estate, built in 1920. The house at the top of the Hitching’s ad was the Gardener’s Cottage, which is still there; the gardener was called Mr. Rake, seriously!  The house below was the boiler house. As you can see, much has changed and much is the same with a few additions for creature comforts.

I now realize that there must have been many boiler houses in Tuxedo Park, as there were so many greenhouses back in the day. Flowers in that era were hugely important, always are but excess was, well big. Harriet, Mrs. Alexander, once said, “What kind of house does not have a ballroom?” Really. How many calla lilies did she need? Apparently tons. She loved her parties and balls and yes, bigger was always better!

There is a lot (called Maxwell’s Corner) of about 2.8 acres, currently for sale, that is part of the original estate; it is the corner where you first see the lake on Tuxedo Road. A massive fountain was installed welcoming all, as you can see from the photo here. The Alexander House was perched more than prominently, just across the road, lake side, in a rather “here I am” position, a monster of a stone structure. It was the first estate going up Tower Hill Road on the left. When the house was demolished in 1935 the taxes on it were $83,000 a year. Adjusted for inflation, that would be more than $1.6 million today--yikes!

In researching the family, it seemed that both the Alexander’s House in New York City and this house in Tuxedo Park were torn down after Mrs. Alexander’s death in 1935. After building this massive house it seems odd to tear it all down a short 15 years later. It was said no one wanted to maintain such a beast. I imagine some of the neighbors may have been very pleased! The Madden House, our dear Sandy’s abode, is seen just above and to the left, to give a little perspective.

It was a good history day and that is always fun!

Sliver Dollars Social Group

The Tuxedo Silver Dollars is a social organization committed to providing a social gathering and valuable information for Tuxedo’s senior population. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the Community Room at the Tuxedo Town Hall, 1 Temple Drive in Tuxedo NY. Refreshments are shared and prizes are won.
Switch up your daily routine and come to a meeting, visit a local attraction, go to a show or casino, or out to lunch with us. Membership is $15 a year to be part of Tuxedo’s most long-lived population of 50+. A special Valentine Luncheon will be held on February 14th at Characters Restaurant. Any questions can be sent to:
Tuxedo Park School - Empty Bowls Event
Empty Bowls is an internationally known project which raises awareness in the fight to end hunger. The mission is to create positive and lasting change through art, education, and community. On February 17th, the community are invited to join Tuxedo Park School at Dottie Audrey’s Bakery Kitchen from 2:00-5:00pm, purchase a bowl, and enjoy a complementary bowl of soup and bread with their donation. All proceeds collected will benefit the Sloatsburg Food Pantry.
Prayers of the Community

Parishioners we are praying for:
Barbara Beauregard
Sue Heywood
Bert Lucarelli
Bill Steinmann
Webb Turner
Kirby Warren

Friends and family members we are praying for:
Bishop Rodney Michel
Bishop Andrew St. John
John Kordel, friend of Fr Rick and Pete
Jolene Matthews, daughter of Gillian Ballard
Dawn Triantafillou, daughter of Bill Steinmann

Prayer requests may be made at
(845) 351-5122 or
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987