November 18, 2021
This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Services are being live-streamed online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, November 20
10am to 2pm - The Emporium is open

Sunday, November 21
10am - Harvest Thanksgiving/Christ the King Sunday
Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, November 24
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)

Thursday, November 25
10am - Thanksgiving Day Service at St. John's in Arden

Saturday, November 27
5pm - Evensong and Book Discussion

Sunday, November 28
10am - First Sunday of Advent
Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

It is hard to believe how quickly the year is coming to an end. Soon we will be celebrating our national Thanksgiving, but this coming Sunday, we will also be celebrating the Church's harvest thanksgiving. This celebration goes back far into our agrarian past, and fits in quite nicely with our liturgy.

We are, in fact, a people of thanksgiving. Each and every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we celebrate thanksgiving. The term Eucharist comes from the Greek and means "the great thanksgiving."

At this time of year, we give thanks not only for the bountiful harvest, but also for all of the blessings of this life. Everything comes from and returns to God. As part of our celebration this Sunday, we will have an ingathering of pledges for 2022. Many of you have already mailed in your pledge cards, and we thank you! As of this writing, we are at 47% of our goal for next year's giving.

As has been stated already, every gift is important and is received with gratitude. It is vitally important for every member of St. Mary's to make his or her pledge as a show of financial support, but also of faith in our mission and witness to the risen Christ.

I hope that you can join us on Sunday for the ingathering, and that if you haven't already, that you will present your pledge at that time. Remember, next Sunday is NOT a deadline. Your pledge can come in at any time, but practically speaking, before the end of the year helps us greatly with our budget projections for 2022.

May God bless you in your generosity,
Father Rick
Thanksgiving Day at St. John's in Arden
A Thanksgiving service will be celebrated at Saint John’s in Arden at 10am on Thursday, November 25. If you have never been, it is a magical little church, tucked into the woods off Arden Road in Harriman. We hope you will join us.

Directions: From the Tuxedo Park gate, turn left on Route 17 and continue north until you see the sign for Arden. Turn right, cross over the thruway, and stay to the left. Continue up the hill, and stay to the right. Pass through the open gate and continue up the hill to the clearing, where you will find the church.
Advent Learning & Spirituality
Before the covid lockdown, we introduced a Saturday evening service of evensong with meditation on the writings of the mystic St. Teresa of Avila. For a number of people, this service was a source of spiritual nourishment, and its discontinuance was a source of disappointment for all involved.

I am happy to announce that starting on Saturday, November 27, at 5pm, we will resume evensong with discussion of the classic spiritual work, "Dark Night of the Soul," by St. John of the Cross, a 16th century mystic whose poetry and studies on the development of the soul are considered among the greatest works of Spanish literature. The service will be simple, but moving. You can buy your copy of the book here.

In other liturgical news, we will resume congregational singing on the first Sunday of Advent, and will be using the Rite I celebration of the Eucharist. Like you, I am very much looking forward to singing in church again, and Advent is an especially good time to begin again, as it is the Church's new year, and the Advent hymns are some of the greatest in our tradition.

See you in church!
Father Rick
Annual Outreach Thanksgiving Appeal
Thanksgiving scene
Traditionally St Mary’s puts together Thanksgiving Baskets to give to low income families in our community and families who, because of sickness or any other adversity, would benefit and enjoy some extra help in creating their Thanksgiving meal.

The Sloatsburg Food Pantry, at its new location in All Souls Community Church in Suffern [corner of Oliver Street and Washington avenue] will be giving out around 400 special boxes of non-perishables and fresh vegetables and fruit on Wednesday November 17th. As the new refrigeration equipment will not be in place until the second week of December, the turkeys will be replaced by ShopRite Gift Cards. St Mary’s is contributing 125 of these gift cards, each valued at $25.
In Tuxedo we have been asked to provide 36 baskets which will be distributed on the morning of Tuesday 23rd November using a school bus and driver. This year, because of the refrigeration problem, a ShopRite gift card will replace the meat, and according to the size of the family the value of the gift card will be $25 or $50.

We will be accepting donations of non-perishables at any time and fresh vegetables and fruit the weekend of 20th and 21st November. These should be dropped off in the Chapel (up the steps to the right of the church building). We will pack the baskets on Monday, November 22nd.

Cash donations by check [made out to St Mary’s, with memo Thanksgiving Baskets] or online here will also be very gratefully accepted. 

Items for Hispanic basket:
Long grain rice 
Cans of red, black and pink beans 
Corn tortillas 
Garlic, green, sweet and red peppers, green olives 
Yucca, potatoes, sweet potatoes 
Canned pumpkins and yams Apples, bananas, pineapples, oranges 
Packets or Maseca and gandules 

Items for traditional American Thanksgiving meal: 
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots 
Cranberry Sauce 
Cans or jars of green beans, yams, gravy 
Packets of stuffing 
Apples, bananas, oranges Cookies and sweet treats Pumpkin pies
Dinner Benefit a Smashing Success
Thank you again to everyone who helped make October 30th's Dinner Benefit and Auction such a huge success, especially our co-chairs Jane Garofano and Lili Neuhauser. After expenses, we netted a record $49,695 to support the mission and ministries of St. Mary’s.

A very special thank you to Clem Napolitano for donating the night's crown jewel, a 1967 Tuxedo Park edition Jeep. The successful bidders plan to keep it in the park, and we look forward to seeing them out and about. Thank you!
Shop The Emporium This Weekend
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987