This Week at
St. Paul's Lutheran Church-Lionville
November 17, 2024
"Grow in Faith, Serve with Love, Invite into Fellowship"
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Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 17
8:00 am Traditional Service
9:15 am Faith Formation (for all ages)
10:30 am Contemporary Service
Attend in person or worship online
Everyone is welcome!
Second Sunday of Every Month:
4:00 pm - Rejoicing Spirits Service
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Our Prayer List.
We pray for Andrew, Garrett, Jen, William, Travis, Julie, Alex, Herb, Charles, Alicia P., Jane, Samantha, Michael, Steven, Rick, Dick, Dave M., Lucy, Janet K., Amy C., Ruth, Sid, Sandy L., Pat, Marlene, Nancy, Garnet, Chip, Sandy F., Alice, Jean, and Mark. We pray that your comforting Spirit be present with the Hujsak and Tabakin families as they grieve the death of Dick. We lift up Daniel, Zach, Alistar, and Chris in the military. We pray for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East.
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Thanksgiving Community Service
Please join with people of all faiths as we celebrate and worship together on Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 7 pm at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church at 2440 Conestoga Road, Chester Springs. (Click here to view online.) The service will feature sharing, prayers and music sponsored by the Interfaith Action Community and the Exton/Lionville Ministerium. Please bring canned goods as an offering for the local food banks! We hope you can attend and celebrate with your neighbors!
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Celebration for Lyndsey Holmes!
We will all gather in the Fellowship Hall on November 24 after the late service to celebrate Lyndsey's wonderful eleven years as our Director of Music! Please sign up for your attendance and choice of potluck item. Feel free to invite guests who have interacted with Lyndsey (just let us know), and we will make sure to have food for all.
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Grow With St. Paul's
This week we conclude our worship series based on the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-9. This parable is such a simple way to think about our faith as Jesus compares our lives to the growth of seeds in four different soils. We have a diorama in the Sanctuary to help us visualize the parable, and we encourage you to check it out and to consider how each of us can provide the most fertile soil for spreading the message of Jesus. If you haven't yet completed an Estimate of Giving for 2025, please do so at this easy form!
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Homemade Pumpkin Pie Sale
Let Social Ministry make your Thanksgiving easier! We are selling HOMEMADE pumpkin pies to raise money for our Toys for Tots drive. Every pie sold will provide at least 1 toy to a child in need.
9" Homemade Pumpkin pies are available for $25 each. Orders must be placed and paid for by Sunday, November 17. Please place a payment in the council president's mailbox or hand it to Kyle or Anne Wiest. Please make your check payable to St Paul's with Pie Sale in the memo.
Pies will be available for pick up before and after church on Sunday, November 24.
We are only planning on making 20 so get your order in early! Sign up here.
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Muscles Needed for Thanksgiving Food Box Delivery
Loading and unloading help is needed with the Thanksgiving Food Drive delivery on Sunday, November 24. We will load the trucks up at noon and then caravan to the Care Center where we will unload the boxes and turkeys. This is the same day as Lyndsey's Farewell Luncheon. There will be time to grab a quick bite and say farewell before we head out. Sign up here to help out!
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Director of Music
Documents related to our search for a new Director of Music are now available. If you or someone you know is interested, they can be found at! Please keep this process in prayer as our discerning team receives information, starts to interview, and seeks God's direction.
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3rd Annual Toys for Tots Drive
Social Ministry is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children in Chester County. Toys for Tots collects toys for children of all ages. However, there is a shortage of toys for children under age 2 and above age 8.
Toys can be placed in the collection boxes in the airlocks or in the Narthex.
We are also collecting funds to purchase larger toys. If you would like to contribute in this way, please mark "Toys for Tots" on your check or envelope and place the donation in the offering.
Donations will be collected until noon on Tuesday, December 10.
Thank you!
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In Touch Christmas Cards
This year the In Touch Ministry is sponsoring the mailing of the St. Paul's Christmas Greeting Card and we need help signing cards, stuffing and labeling envelopes. Join the fun in-between services on Sunday, December 8, 9:15 am, in the upstairs fellowship hall. All are invited to help out and a light breakfast will be served. Contact Kirsten McCurdy with any questions and sign up to help online.
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Sleeping Bags Needed
With the cold weather on the way, the homeless could use sleeping bags. If you have a sleeping bag you could donate, please place it in one of the bins in the hallway.
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Youth Ministry News
For the most up-to-date event information and signup links,
go online to the Youth Ministry web page at
OUR 9TH-12TH GRADE OASIS "FRIENDSGIVING" is this coming Sunday, November 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Sanders' home in West Chester. Come spend the evening sharing food and fun with friends! ALL are welcome, and encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Sign up here so we can save you a seat: Nov. 17th High School Friendsgiving.
HEY 6th THROUGH 12th GRADERS - IS GAMING YOUR THING? Come join our Gaming Group on Sunday, December 1 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm at Uplink Studios in Glenmoore. The cost per family is $20 for one participant, or $35 for two or more participants from the same household. Sign up here to reserve your gaming console: Dec. 1st Youth Gaming at Uplink Studios.
OUR ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH TRIP TO ELMWOOD PARK ZOO'S "WILD LIGHTS" WITH THE KIDS FROM GEMMA SERVICES will be Sunday evening, December 8 from 4:15 to 8:00 pm. Meet at St. Matt's at 4:15 pm to travel to Elmwood Park Zoo and meet the Gemma Services students at 5:00 pm. Walk with them through the zoo's light show and animal exhibits, and share some Christmas love with kids who could use some extra happiness in their lives. The cost will be $10 per person- if you wish to chip in additional money to help cover admission for our guests, you are welcome to do that as well. Sign up here to make someone's Christmas a bit brighter: : Dec. 8th Gemma Services "Wild Lights" Event.
REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW FOR NEXT SUMMER'S APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT WORK WEEK! Our annual work week with ASP will be Saturday, July 12 through Saturday, July 19, 2025. All current 7th through 12th graders are welcome to join us for a meaningful week of memorable fun and eye-opening experiences as we travel once more to Central Appalachia to help make people's homes safer, warmer, and drier. To register, go to the online ASP Registration Portal and use group code 15902 to find our trip. If you haven't participated in ASP before, you will need to create an account first; be sure to create the account in the participant's name, not the parent's! If you have questions about ASP, contact Craig Miller at, or 484-320-0785.
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Living Love Lunches
Our next Living Love Lunches lunch packing event is on Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30 pm. Please stop by the fellowship hall and lend a hand. Thank you!
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Crafters Meetings
Crafters usually meet on Wednesdays at 10 am. They will not be meeting on Wednesday, November 27. All are welcome!
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Volunteer Your Time to St. Paul's
In December, we will be scheduling our next session (March through May) of volunteers to help support our worship services at St. Paul’s. Positions include altar care, assisting minister, lector, usher, and acolyte. More information and descriptions of positions can be found online. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the pink insert in this week’s bulletin or in the narthex or use our online form. We are especially in need of altar care, assisting minister, and acolyte volunteers. Thank you so much for considering how you can help!
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Gently Used Winter Coats Needed
Honey Brook Food Pantry is in need of gently used winter coats for kids through adults. Please bring to church and put in the designated boxes. Great way to clean out your closets and help someone in need.
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Coffee Fellowship Help
Most of our coffee fellowship slots for December are still open. It's a great opportunity to prepare coffee and provide some holiday treats and fellowship after services. Sign up online or in the narthex.
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