We pray for the sick: Arthur Applegate, Jean Carlton, Walker Crosby, Lidia DiPaolo, George Rawling Evans, Sally Fayard, Elizabeth Flowers, Mary Forbes, Zelphia Galantis, Robert Gould, Susan Hemminger, Molly Hughes, Robert Johnson, Susan Keenan, Robert Kizer, Gene Martini, John Murray, Marijane and Kenneth Nichols, Bill Phillipps, Libby LeLand Puckette, Valerie Rouillard, Fran Sanders, Sydney Severance, Pete Sperr, Margaret Swanson, Judy Vandiford, Lindsey Wing, and Harrison Woods.
We grieve with and pray for Mollie Coleman and family on the death of her husband, Chisolm Larkin Coleman, on September 28.
We pray for our expectant parents: Boykin and Thomas Anderson; Carter and Foxy Foxworth.
We pray for protection for Becca Baird, Chris and Julia Beasley, Graham Blunt, Henry Clayton, Ben Colyer, David Daughtridge, Eric Gaines, Morgan and Mason Herring, Andrew Kane, Quin Kane, Horry Kerrison, Frazier Kulze, John Mason, Zach McFadden, Philip Middleton III, Jackson Miller, Edward Pritchard, Nathaniel Rollings, David Scott, and John Self.
We pray for our home and world missions: Star Gospel Mission, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, Suzy McCall and LAMB, for the medical missions to Honduras, for ministry to victims of genocide and AIDS in Rwanda, for the Persecuted Church, for Anglican Frontier Missions, for Uganda Christian University Partners, for Water Mission and the Global Water Center, and for St. Jean Baptiste, our sister church, and the schools in Haiti.