Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we experience the love of Jesus Christ and share it with others.

Looking Ahead - Special Events

Sunday, October 27th

Walk In Love

7:30 Brotherhood of St. Andrew

8:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:30 Godly Play (Ages 3-10, Kids return to church in time for communion)

10:30 Nursery and Playroom available for kids (1 month to 4 years old)

11:50 No Children's Choir - enjoy the Scavenger Hunt!

October 6 - November 3

St. Timothy's Altar Guild Fundraiser ~ Christmas Greenery Sales

Walking In Love & Sharing Stories Season

Tuesdays, October 8 - November 12, 1 - 3 p.m. Bible Study of the Book of Revelation with Nancy Carter (Blue Room)

Tuesday-Saturday, Oct. 22-26

River of Hope Garage Sale in the Parish Hall

Tuesday -Thursday gathering of donations; drop off times between 10-2 & 5-7

Thursday evening Early Bird sale 5-7 PM

Friday 8-12, and Saturday 8-12 sale open to the public

Sunday, Oct. 27

Wear your favorite costume (all ages); Scavenger Hunt after the 10:30 service.

Thursday, Oct. 31, 6-8 PM Give Out Candy and Blessings at LJI's Trunk or Treat!

Volunteers contact Jane Power.

Saturday, Nov. 2, Time for Remembrance at 12-1 PM

Dia de los Muertos (All Souls Day) Prayer Service

Add your loved one's photo to the altar in the chapel; Tell stories of those you loved who have died.

Sunday, Nov. 3 All Saints Sunday (Combined Service at 10:30)

Daylight Saving Time Ends (set your clocks back one hour)

Olive Garden catered luncheon, share stories, pledge in-gathering, and parish elections

Monday, Nov. 4

Parish Hall closed for election day setup

no round dancing this week only

Tuesday, Nov. 5 - Election Day

Parish Hall used as an election site

Message From Our Rector

Dear brothers and sisters, beloved of God, 

I pray that you might know the mercy and love of God this week. 

During the month of October, we are reflecting on our stories of Walking in the Way of Love. We want to hear your stories and stories of those you have known at St. Timothy’s who have walked in the way of love. 

This past Sunday, we had the privilege of hearing from Denis James. I asked Denis how he came to be part of the Living Nativity and share his voice. He replied, “Someone asked me, and I simply said ‘Yes’.” He did not know that his “yes” would lead to him making a recording in a broom closet! He simply did what was asked.

Denis was living from a perspective or question of “What can I do for you, God?” This is the question and position from which to live if we want to Walk in the Way of Love. 

This past Sunday, we heard about the sons of Zebedee, James and John, telling Jesus what they wanted him to do for them. They wanted to be on the right and the left hand of Jesus in heaven. A life lived from a “What can you do for me, God?” attitude is the quintessential opposite of the way God intends for us to live. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. 

What question are you living by these days? It makes all the difference. 

Walking with you in love,

For His Sake,

Pastor Robin+


Please consider answering one or all of the following questions.

  1. How did you come to be with us at St. Timothy's?
  2. How have you experienced God's love here?
  3. What was a special event or memory you have from your time at St. Timothy's?
  4. What keeps you coming back?
  5. What ministries are you currently serving or have in the past or are interested in?
  6. What gifts or skills would you be interested in sharing?
  7. Have you identified for yourself your spiritual gifts?
  8. Who are you most passionate about serving--children? Teens? The homebound?
  9. What would you tell a friend about why they should visit?
  10. How do you envision St. Timothy's in the future?

Opportunities and Events

Remembering Those Who Have Died...

Dia de los Muertos

(All Souls Day)

Bring a photo and join us for a time of sharing why that person(s) was/is important to you. Saturday, November 2, 12-1 PM.

We will be decorating an ofrenda in the Chapel to commemorate those who have joined the great cloud of witnesses this year. Please bring a photo of your loved one for the altar. Place pictures into the ziploc bag. Write your name and the name of the person onto the ziploc bag. Next, put your baggie in the basket in the Narthex. The ofrenda will be decorated October 15th-November 2nd. If you have any questions, please see Kim Lehnhoff or Angela McCabe.

Christmas Food Drive - Flour

ends Sunday, November 17

Please help our neighbors who rely on The Food Basket by donating 5 pound bags of all-purpose flour to the red buckets and table in the hallway. We need to donate at least 144 bags of flour to be sure that each family gets one.

We will also accept gluten-free flour substitutes, as there is a handful of clients who are unable to digest gluten.

You can also make a check to St. Timothy's, and put Outreach - Food Drive in the memo line.

River of Hope Garage Sale

Tuesday-Saturday, Oct. 22-26

River of Hope will again be hosting their annual garage sale in St. Timothy's Parish Hall. Whether you'd like to volunteer to help, donate goods, or shop for bargains, we need your help.

Proceeds help support the poor in our area with rental assistance, utilities, etc.

All Are Invited To Wear Your Costume

October 27

All are invited to wear a fun costume (preferably not too scary) to church.

We will have a brief scavenger hunt for kids immediately after the 10:30 service.

Help Hand Out Candy & Bless Kids:

Trunk or Treat at Lake Jackson Intermediate, Oct. 31, 6-8 PM

LJI Principal, Cheryl Roberts, has invited us, Covenant Presbyterian and Cornerstone church to partner with them on putting on a trunk or treat on Halloween night 6-8 pm for their students. It is drive-through.

If you are available to come, stand, or sit and smile and give out candy and blessings, please contact Jane Power.

Vestry and Diocesan Council Nominations are Open

Nominations for vestry and diocesan council are open. Four positions will be open for the vestry class of 2025. For diocesan council, we typically elect three representatives plus one alternate. Elections will be November 3, 2024. Please prayerfully consider who to nominate or feel free to volunteer.

176th Diocesan Council will be held February 7-8, 2025 in Fort Worth. Details coming soon.

Download a Vestry Nomination Form

We are also seeking volunteers for the following ministries.

Download our Ministry Map

Christmas Greenery Fundraiser

Now through November 3

St. Timothy's Altar Guild is hosting our first ever Christmas Greenery Fundraiser this Advent 2024. Christmas Greenery purchased from Sherwood Forest Farms, located in the Pacific Northwest, supplies beautiful holiday greenery which lasts beyond the Christmas Season! Proceeds from this fundraiser directly support St. Timothy's Altar Guild and the beautiful Eucharistic Table we feast at each Sunday.

Our sale kicks off on October 6th. The last day to order is November 3rd. Ordering online or on your phone is a breeze! We will also have a box for traditional order forms and checks (made payable to St. Timothy's--please note on the Memo line: Altar Guild Greenery-- in our narthex and office. Kim Lehnhoff will be available on Sundays: 10/13; 10/20; 10/27; 11/3 to help with orders by check or online orders. The delivery window for the greenery is December 2nd-December 10th—just in time for the Christmas Season.

Our goal is $1500 in sales with hopefully 50%-ish in funds for Altar Guild returning to us.

Contact Kim Lehnhoff for information about the fundraiser or joining Altar Guild. We’d love to have you on our Ministry Team.

Order Online

Children’s Choir

No children’s Choir on October 27 so you can participate in the Scavenger Hunt. See you again on November 3rd!

Tabitha's Guild (Sewing)

We have donated another three duffle bags to CASA for kids entering the foster system!

We will be sewing again this Saturday, October 26 from 2-4PM. Come on out and help make more duffle bags or bring your own project.

We will be taking a break on November 2 and 9.

Our next sewing class with Food Basket clients will be Thurs., Nov. 21 – 10 a.m.-noon. We'll be making decorative Christmas trees based on the hot pad pattern at https://sewcanshe.com/sew-a-christmas-tree-holiday-potholder-free-sewing-pattern/.

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Christian Formation

New Tuesday Bible Study on Revelation

October 8th-November 12, 1-3 pm, Blue Room,

led by Nancy Carter

Our Tuesday Bible Study will be Revelation: Extravagant Hope by Margaret Feinberg.

We hope you’ll join us in the Blue Room beginning Tuesday, October 8. We will meet from 1:00 to 3:00 for six weeks. Sessions will include watching a DVD and a discussion based on the study guide.

The study guides are available from Amazon for $13.89. Nancy has Amazon Prime and will gladly order a study guide for you. The study guides are also available on eBay and Christianbook.com if you prefer to order your own. If interested in joining us, please contact Nancy Carter at wcarter006@comcast.net or text to 979-285-4831. All are welcome!

Sunday's Sermon

Prayers and Thanksgivings

We invite your prayers for those who are sick, who are isolated, who are in despair. We pray for caregivers and healers who care for those we love. We pray especially for members: Luke, Charlie, Bob and Carol, Alan, Donna and Larry, Lorna, Lauren, Jacob, Richard, Kay, Char, Tony, Jim and James, John and Gayle, Kay and Roy, Mary, James, Jake, Denis and Judi, Steve, Michael, Robert, and Linda.


Thank you for the privilege to pray on behalf of friends and families: The Luna family, Gilbert and family, Alisha, Eileen, the Dye family, Sue and Keith, Daryl and family, Carrie, Jody, Laryssa, Molly, Ali, Doris, Kaytlynn, Mary, Bruce, Sheral, Megan, Dorothy, Cody, Bill, Greta, Warren and Danee, Betty and family, Rose, Melissa, Brennan, Pam, Annette, Liam and family, Holly, Jane, Kristi, Mita, Alexander, Dustin, Kristi, Hannah, Margaret, Grace, Douglas, Jean, Rebecca, Kellye, Liz, Loorie, Derek, Mary, Eric, Kelly, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Terry, Matt, Kevin, and Claire.


For our men and women serving in the Armed Forces: Cory, Jordan, Brad, Lucas, Annie, Justin, Joseph, Caleb, Ed, Brett, Thea, Jaycob, Cody, and Joshua.


Those recovering from natural disasters, war, and famine. Be their strength and aid in all things. Guide us in how we might help our neighbors still suffering. 


For the diocesan cycle of prayer: Christ Church in Matagorda, Good Shepherd Indian in Stafford, Holy Comforter in Angleton, and the Diocese of Peshawar. 


Prayer for the new bishop-elect 

Almighty God, giver of all good things, who by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed different Orders of Ministers in thy Church: Mercifully behold this thy servant Bishop Rowe now called to the work and ministry of Presiding Bishop; and replenish him so with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn him with innocency of life, that both by word and example he may lead and guide your church. 


For an Election

Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays: Ryan Crim, Becky Kageler, Jessica McLeod, and Kay McKneely

Anniversaries: Linda & Billy Henson; Ron Weeks & Irenna Garapetian; Alan & Fran Hammond

Birthday and Anniversary Prayer

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

You may donate altar flowers in memory, honor, or celebration of whomever you choose. Select the week of your choice by signing up on the flower chart in the Narthex. The cost is $75 for arrangements on the altar. You may give a check to Jackie (in the office) or put in the offering plate with “flowers” in the memo line.


Request Prayer

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

There are 2 ways for prayer requests to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship and the weekly Blast. Details will remain confidential.
  • Call the office to share your request (979-297-6003).
  • Use the online form found on the church website or scan the QR code found here or in your bulletin.

Whether prayers of supplication or of thanksgiving:
  • Incorporate your personal prayers into worship
  • Use the longer pause during the Prayers of the People for spoken and unspoken prayer 
  • Join a member of the Healing Prayer team at the side chapel after taking communion 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. 
Matthew 18:20

Round Dance Lessons (Waltz)

Mondays at 7:00 PM

Cancelled November 4

Round Dance will not meet on Monday, November 4 because the Parish Hall will be set up for the elections.

Round Dance lessons continue in the Parish Hall on most Mondays. We are doing a variety of ballroom dances and currently focusing on Waltz. Newbies are welcome as we currently have very low numbers of attendees, you'll get lots of personal instruction. Wear casual clothes with comfortable shoes that slide. Join us for fun exercise and to meet new friends. Cost is $5 per person per lesson approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours on Mondays starting at 7:00PM. Questions, contact Gigi at 979-529-5887 or stop by and check us out.

Got Announcements?

Submit them Online!

You can submit announcement requests from the St. Timothy's website at www.stimothy.org/announcements or by email to Sondra and Jackie at announcements@stimothy.org.

Here is our timeline and deadlines for the Blast.

  • Tuesday 5PM Most new articles should be submitted.
  • Wednesday 5PM ALL new articles should be sent in.
  • on or before noon on Thursday we will send a draft of the Blast to stakeholders 
  • Thursday 5PM ALL edits of existing articles should be submitted

Exceptions should only be for emergencies and information that couldn't possibly be anticipated.

Get our Church Directory

Our digital church directory is a great tool to help you know who's who, associate a name with a face, and reach out to another member. To get started, download the Instant Church Directory app, and log in with the email you provided to the office.

New to St. Timothy's? Have an outdated picture? Take a new picture, and send it in to the office, (office@stimothy.org.)
We accept gifts in a variety of ways including PayPal and SimpleGive.
For your convenience, you may now give via St. Timothy’s PayPal @ https://paypal.me/stimothy200 or the QR code above (There is a small transaction fee to the church for this service)
You may also give your offering via SimpleGive using this link or the QR Code above: https://my.simplegive.com/App/Giving/sttims. (There is a 3% transaction fee to the church for this service)

Current Master Schedule

St. Timothy's Calendar

Our Church Directory App

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Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Safe Church Connection

If you have other suggestions, please let us know.

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