Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we experience the love of Jesus Christ and share it with others. | |
Looking Ahead - Special Events | |
Sunday, Nov. 24 Christ the King Sunday
7:30 Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast
8:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15 Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
9:30 - 10:15 Got Questions? Newcomers Class in Welcome Center off the Narthex
9:30 - 10:15 Questions about Pledging? Tony Janeshek will be in the Guild Room to help.
10:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:30 Godly Play (Ages 3-10, Kids return to church in time for communion)
10:30 Nursery and Playroom available for kids, (1 month to 4 years old)
11:50 Children's Choir in Choir Room
Thursday, Nov. 28
9:30 Thanksgiving morning prayer, led by Tony Janeshek, music from Paul Butt.
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, Nov. 27-29
Church office will be closed for Thanksgiving holiday
Pastor Robin & Jackie will be out. Volunteers will be in the office Monday & Tuesday.
Sunday, Dec. 1 (1st Sunday of Advent)
9:30 & 11:30 a.m., Annual Advent Arts & Crafts Event - Parish Hall
9:30 Discussion of Advent Devotional with Pastor Robin in corner of Parish Hall
(Pick up your free Advent Devotionals)
Wednesday, Dec. 4
3:30-8 pm Holiday Open House - the Kautz’s Home: 610 Wood Duck Court, Clute
Saturday, Dec. 7
8:30AM - 11:30 Build Living Nativity Set
1:00PM - Pack Christmas Food Boxes at the Food Basket, (1 Wesley Dr., Clute)
Friday, Dec. 13.
4-6 pm Drop off cookies for the Living Nativity in Parish Hall (We need 54 doz.) Janet Hicks
Saturday, Dec. 14
4-6 pm Help bag cookies for Living Nativity. Kitchen with Janet Hicks & Jane Power
Friday, Saturday & Sunday Dec. 13-15
7:00 & 7:45 - Living Nativity Shows
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Dear Beloved of God,
Why Prayer matters?
Prayer is our declaration of dependence on God.
When we pray, we are acknowledging we need and want God’s input. We are exercising our faith.
Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God. The more we talk with Him or are silent in His presence, the more we learn to trust Him. We learn to trust in His promises like Jeremiah 29:13.
God has plans for Good not harm for those who believe, a hope for our future.
Consider trying on a new way to pray.
Wait on God 5 minutes or 5 seconds before each activity in your day. As you sit silently, your intention is to make space for Holy Spirit’s presence. The goal is just to “be” with God like “being” with a friend. It also makes room for God to give you wisdom, direction and peace.
This is helping me de-escalate my stress. Maybe you get going on tasks and become a task master pushing yourself hard to get more done. This is actually counter productive.
So as the rest of the world is ramping up for the holiday season, I invite you to take “be” breaks.
Pause, take at least three deep breaths, and remember who our God is and that he is with you as you wait 5 minutes or even 5 seconds. You are demonstrating your faith and dependence on Him for all! Great peace can be found in this small but frequent turning to God.
For Your well-being and peace,
Pastor Robin+
Be well and united body of Christ,
and know you are loved!
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Why Pledge?
If you have never pledged or have gotten away from pledging, you are missing out on witnessing God’s faithfulness and growing in your faith.
We hope you will take a leap of faith and turn in a pledge card.
Got questions about stewardship? Tony Janeshek, Stewardship Chair will be available this Sunday 9:30-10:15 in the Guild room or by appointment (call or text Tony at 979 529 5897).
The Finance Team and Vestry base the next year budget on the pledges turned in now. Budgeting will be done early December.
Pledge cards are available outside the Welcome center along with an envelope and box to put them. If you prefer to pledge online, you may do so from St. Timothy’s home page, www.stimothy.org, or directly at http://www.stimothy.org/pledge.html.
Current 2025 Pledges Received
As of 11/20
Pledges for Operating Budget: 33 $259,280
Pledges for Capital Expenses: 13 $. 24,600
Total Amount Pledged. $283,880
2024 Pledges
Pledges for Operating Budget: 50 $305,782
Pledges for Capital Expenses: 19 $. 31,520
Total Amount Pledged $337,302
If you need what your balance for your pledge is, please contact Jackie Moore. If you feel you will not be able to complete your pledge this year, please let Tony Janeshek or Pastor Robin know. It will help us make plans for year end.
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Make a Family Memory
Dec. 1 Advent Wreath-Making & Crafting
Join us for Advent Wreath Making & Holiday Crafting
Sundays in Advent, (starting December 1)
9:30 - 10:15 am and
11:30 - 1 pm with Pizza.
Supplies will be out during the month of
December in the Parish Hall so you can craft on Sundays.
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Declaring Hope in the Face of Despair | |
Congratulations to
Ana & John Russell
Married on Saturday, 11/16
May God bless you and your marriage with much joy, peace and love, in Jesus' name.
We loved meeting your family and friends!
🩷 Pastor Robin+
Your St. Timothy’s Family
Special thanks to everyone
who helped make the day so special!
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Living Well Through Advent
Sundays, 9:30, Parish Hall
In Advent, we take time to prepare our hearts for Jesus' birth, not unlike preparing to host Christmas guests. Taking a little time with family or friends can make a big difference.
Two Advent devotionals will be available on the table just outside the Narthex by the Welcome Center beginning this week. We hope they will help you prepare your heart for the coming of Christ. One is focused on peace, the other on how Jesus became bread for the world. The second one has activities for families.
You are encouraged to go deeper by joining in a discussion group lead by Pastor Robin on Sundays from 9:30-10:15 by the windows in the Parish Hall.
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Family Devotional with Activities | |
Help Pack Christmas Food Boxes
Saturday, December 7, 1PM
at the Food Basket, 1 Wesley Dr., Clute
WE NEED YOUR HELP on Saturday, December 7. St. Timothy's will be helping the Food Basket prepare for their Christmas food distribution by packing 144 boxes of food that was donated by St. Timothy's and a number of other churches, (including the flour you just donated.) We need about 12 people. This task does involve light to moderate lifting depending on the task you choose. Anyone elementary school age or older can help.
There are only 12 spots available. A sign-up sheet is available, so please let us know if we can expect you. Or, call the church office to sign up.
Got questions? Reach out to the Griners or the Klorers.
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Help Make the Living Nativity a Success
December 13, 14, and 15
The Living Nativity will be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this year, December 13, 14, and 15 at 7:00 & 7:45.
Actors need to arrive at 5 pm to eat, get into costume, and have a rehearsal. First performance is at 7pm. The 2nd performance is at 7:45pm. There is a 10 to 15 minute break between shows for the actors to grab a drink and refresh themselves.
Please check the weather. If it is going to be cold, wear warmer clothes under your costume. It does get chilly standing there if it is cold and breezy. Rain will not deter us. If it is light drizzle we stay outside. A heavier rain and the show moves into the church.
We still need a Mary and Joseph for Friday night. And we can always use Shepherds and Angels.
Please contact Kerry at kerryanncormier2@gmail.com or text to 979.799.7612.
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Angel Tree
Help Children of Incarcerated Parents
The Angel Tree program is a national organization that allows parents in prison to strengthen their connection with their children by providing gifts with a personal message from the parent. Each child receives a toy gift, a clothing gift, and an age-appropriate religious book. No gift should exceed $25.00
Each October the church receives a list of children who live in the Clute-Lake Jackson area codes. The caregivers are contacted for sizes and gift suggestions. These gift ideas are written on the paper angels placed on the Angel Tree. The “tree” will be in the narthex starting Sunday, November 24. A donor selects an angel, purchases the gift, wraps it, attaches the top part of the angel to the package, and brings it to the church. The gifts are delivered the week before Christmas.
Your participation is needed and we will be happy to deliver “Angels” to you and pick up gifts if you are unable to get to the church. Call or text Nancy Carter at 979-285-4831.
The wrapped gifts should be returned no later than December 15. Donations of money for books can be put in the stocking on the tree or given to Nancy Carter. Checks should be written to St. Timothy’s with a notation of “for Angel Tree”.
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Thank you for your Donations! |
Thanks you to all at St. Timothy's who responded so generously to our recent food drive. Today, we delivered 150x5lb bags of flour to the Food Basket. (750 pounds! That's a lot of flour!) We also delivered 138.6 pounds of canned goods and other food items.
Thank you to the Freemens for loading and hauling flour!
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Tabitha's Guild (Sewing)
Yay for sharing love at St. Timothy's! On Thursday, we welcomed guests, prayed together and sewed decorative Christmas Trees.
On Saturday, the sewing room will be open for sewing more duffle bags and for making more Christmas Trees.
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Living Nativity Opportunities to Serve!
54 Dozen Christmas Cookies Needed To Serve Our Guests
Please sign up to supply Christmas cookies to our guests who attend the Living Nativity. Sign-up sheets are available. Please drop off your cookies by the morning of December 13.
Contact Janet Hicks if you have any questions.
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Food Basket Volunteers Needed
Due to illnesses and travel with some of our regular volunteers, The Food Basket needs YOU to serve as Shoppers and Cart Handlers. This is a wonderful ministry and supports our Christian mandate to serve the poor and the hungry.
When? Tuesdays and/or Saturdays, 8-close (about 10:30).
What’s Involved?
- Shoppers guide the Food Basket clients through the pantry, helping them select from the items on the shelf. You can go home when the last client leaves, or stay to stock the pantry shelves for the next food distribution day. Stocking shelves involves moderate lifting.
- Cart Handlers escort clients to their vehicle, help them load their groceries into the trunk, and return the carts. Light to moderate lifting.
Got questions? Reach out to the Griners or Klorers.
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Children’s Choir
Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to join us after the 10:30 service on Sundays (approx. 11:45 am to 12:15 pm).
Feel free to contact Andrea Hutchison for more information at music@stimothy.org or 817-691-3753
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Thanksgiving Morning Prayer
You are invited to participate in daily office of morning prayer at 9:30 AM on Thanksgiving Day. Hopefully, the time of the service will allow you to make preparations to celebrate with family and friends as well as to give thanks to God in a prayerful liturgy. For those of you who like to sing the traditional Thanksgiving hymns, Paul Butt has agreed to provide the organ music again this year.
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Prayers and Thanksgivings | |
We pray for the special needs, concerns, and thanksgivings of this congregation and community.
We pray especially for members: Kurt, Claira, Luke, Charlie, Bob and Carol, Alan, Donna and Larry, Lorna, Lauren, Jacob, Richard, Kay, Char, Tony, Jim and James, John and Gayle, Kay and Roy, Mary, James, Jake, Denis and Judi, Steve, Michael, Robert, and Linda.
Thank you for the privilege to pray on behalf of friends and families: Pat, Paul, the Luna family, Gilbert and family, Alisha, Eileen, the Dye family, Sue and Keith, Daryl and family, Carrie, Jody, Laryssa, Molly, Ali, Doris, Kaytlynn, Mary, Bruce, Sheral, Megan, Dorothy, Cody, Bill, Greta, Warren and Danee, Betty and family, Rose, Melissa, Brennan, Pam, Annette, Liam and family, Holly, Jane, Kristi, Mita, Alexander, Dustin, Kristi, Hannah, Margaret, Grace, Douglas, Jean, Rebecca, Kellye, Liz, Loorie, Derek, Mary, Eric, Kelly, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Terry, Matt, Kevin, and Claire.
For our men and women serving in the Armed Forces: Cory, Jordan, Brad, Lucas, Annie, Justin, Joseph, Caleb, Ed, Brett, Thea, Jaycob, Cody, and Joshua.
Those recovering from natural disasters, war, and famine. Be their strength and aid in all things. Guide us in how we might help our neighbors still suffering.
We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal Kingdom.
For the diocesan cycle of prayer: Ascension in Houston, Christ the King (Alief) in Houston, Emmanuel in Houston, Epiphany in Houston, and the Diocese of Peshawar.
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays: Nancy Carter, Abi Friehauf, Osborne McKinney, Kim Lehnhoff, Timothy McDonald, Ana Savoy, Bunny Schockmel, and William Pritchett
Birthday and Anniversary Prayer
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
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Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God from Pastor Robin in thanksgiving for David’s birthday and the marriage of Dalton and Bailey.
You may donate altar flowers in memory, honor, or celebration of whomever you choose. Select the week of your choice by signing up on the flower chart in the Narthex. The cost is $75 for arrangements on the altar. You may give a check to Jackie (in the office) or put in the offering plate with “flowers” in the memo line.
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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
There are 2 ways for prayer requests to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship and the weekly Blast. Details will remain confidential.
- Call the office to share your request (979-297-6003).
- Use the online form found on the church website or scan the QR code found here or in your bulletin.
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Whether prayers of supplication or of thanksgiving:
- Incorporate your personal prayers into worship
- Use the longer pause during the Prayers of the People for spoken and unspoken prayer
- Join a member of the Healing Prayer team at the side chapel after taking communion
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20
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Round Dance Lessons (Waltz)
Mondays at 7:00 PM
| Round Dance lessons continue in the Parish Hall on most Mondays. We are doing a variety of ballroom dances and currently focusing on Waltz. Newbies are welcome as we currently have very low numbers of attendees, you'll get lots of personal instruction. Wear casual clothes with comfortable shoes that slide. Join us for fun exercise and to meet new friends. Cost is $5 per person per lesson approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours on Mondays starting at 7:00PM. Questions, contact Gigi at 979-529-5887 or stop by and check us out. | |
Got Announcements?
Submit them Online!
You can submit announcement requests from the St. Timothy's website at www.stimothy.org/announcements or by email to Sondra and Jackie at announcements@stimothy.org.
Here is our timeline and deadlines for the Blast.
- Tuesday 5PM Most new articles should be submitted.
Wednesday 5PM ALL new articles should be sent in.
- on or before noon on Thursday we will send a draft of the Blast to stakeholders
- Thursday 5PM ALL edits of existing articles should be submitted
Exceptions should only be for emergencies and information that couldn't possibly be anticipated.
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Our digital church directory is a great tool to help you know who's who, associate a name with a face, and reach out to another member. To get started, download the Instant Church Directory app, and log in with the email you provided to the office.
New to St. Timothy's? Have an outdated picture? Take a new picture, and send it in to the office, (office@stimothy.org.)
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We accept gifts in a variety of ways including PayPal and SimpleGive. | |
For your convenience, you may now give via St. Timothy’s PayPal @ https://paypal.me/stimothy200 or the QR code above (There is a small transaction fee to the church for this service) | | | | |
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