Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we experience the love of Jesus Christ and share it with others.

Looking Ahead - Special Events

Sunday, February 2 Presentation of Jesus

8:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:15 Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

9:15 Faith Forum, Welcome Center

10:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Installation of New Vestry Members

10:30 Godly Play

(Ages 3-10, Kids return for communion)

10:30 Nursery & Playroom available for kids,

(1 month to 3 years old)

New vestry members will be installed during the 10:30 service:

  • For 3 years, Janet Hicks, Dalton Fox and Steve Freemen.
  • For 1 year, Sr. Warden Angela McCabe, and Steve Freemen, Jr. Warden.
  • Vestry person appointed to finish Margaret Dodson’s 1 year term: Rich Tillman
  • Continuing vestry: Charles Collins, Jon Cox, Chris Hutchison, Rebecca Klimek.

Friday & Saturday, February 7-8

Diocesan Council in Fort Worth (Pastor Robin, Sondra Griner, Margaret Jones, Angela McCabe, Ron Weeks)

Sunday, Feb 9

Guest Preacher: the Rev. Susanne Darnell Hebert

Noon - DOK meeting at Emily Osborn’s home

Sunday - Wednesday, Feb 9-12

Pastor Robin out for a planning retreat

Tuesday, March 4

Pancake Supper & Jazz Band

4 pm Youth make pancakes

Wednesday, March 5

Ash Wednesday Services:

6:30 - 7:45 Ashes to Go in front of Church

12:30 & an evening service - time TBD

A Word from our Rector

Dear Beloved of God,

My prayer is that you know in your bones, you are God’s beloved sons and daughters in whom He is well pleased. He created you and thinks you are pretty special.

One of the many things I love about St. Timothy’s is our ability to love one another and hold one another in mutual affection and respect even though we may have differing viewpoints.

I learned an important lesson this last week. For me as a preacher, my desire is to help connect the listeners with the love of God. To do this, I need to understand where you are coming from and what your experiences are of the message I deliver. My desire is to uplift and unify our members not add to the growing division.

This past Sunday’s message struck a nerve with some of our members that caused them pain. The grace moment was I got curious rather than reactive. I choose to dare to come together to “listen, listen, love, love!” as I have learned from Jim Cutshall.

I was humbled that as I have listened to many of you, my assumptions of where you were and what you’re experienced, thought and felt was very different from what I had imagined.

I learned how important it is to not assume or generalize what others are thinking but to ask and then listen with an open heart. It is so vital we stay curious and root our exchanges in care for one another first and foremost.

I want to share an exercise I did Sunday night and everyday since. This process has helped me to have an open heart to help me listen to others and really hear them.

This is a way of tending to one’s soul. Here is the process:

  • Take a few minutes to be still and focus on hearing the spirit within.
  • Notice what you are feeling and where it is in your body.
  • Acknowledge the feelings with acceptance for a few minutes.
  • Now, imagine how you wish you felt about a person or situation. Sit with these feelings for a few moments.
  • Give thanks as though this was how things truly were.
  • Finally, journal about it.
  • Revisit this vision as often as you wish.

The beauty of this process, for me, was it moved me from a posture of fear and defensiveness to one of an open heart and true desire to stay connected with open hearts. Furthermore, I was able to feel the pain of the other person. As we heard in last week’s reading from 1 Cor. 12:12-31, as part of the body of Christ, we are all part of one body. When one part hurts we all hurt and are to feel one another’s pain. This would not have been possible for me if I was still stuck in fear, judgement and defensiveness.

It is my desire to live from a place of love with an open my heart.

Beloved, I believe we are here at St. Timothy’s for such a time as this to make a unique impact on our community and world. I hope together we can imagine a community where we have open hearts to “listen, listen, love, love” one another. 🥰

With love,

For His Sake,

Pastor Robin+

P. S.

Details from the annual meeting like the report, state of the church, what we accomplished will be in next weeks Blast.

Year end statements will be mailed on 1/31/2025. If you don't receive it for any reason, please contact Jackie Moore!

View last Sunday's sermon

We are experiencing problems with our sound going in to the video system. Rest assured, we are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Opportunities and Events

Hot Chocolate Love

The ladies of DOK provided a hot chocolate station for the teachers of Brazos Success Academy. We wanted to make sure they felt seen and appreciated! 

Ceremonial Seating of The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe

Join our national church on Feb. 2 at 11:15 am for our special Sunday Holy Eucharist which will include the ceremonial seating of The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe, 28th Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church. Livestream will be available.

Join in-person, or watch the livestream on the Cathedral's Holy Eucharist page or on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel.  

We Love Chili!

3rd Annual Chili Cook-Off & Annual Meeting

Congratulations to our chili champs for 2025:

  1. Mark Lehnhoff
  2. Kerry Cormier
  3. Kim Lehnhoff

Look for the winner’s recipe this Sunday!

Top Food Basket Donation Needs

The next time you go grocery shopping, please remember our neighbors who are struggling with food insecurity. The needs at the Food Basket vary over time, depending on donations and what they can get from Houston Food Bank. Currently, the top needs are:

  • Soup, all flavors and sizes.
  • Canned beans, especially pinto
  • Canned Peaches or Mixed Fruit
  • Diced Tomatoes

The Food Basket also gives out a limited amount of health and hygiene supplies, so you are encouraged to donate those as well.

Regarding your egg carton donations... If you wish to donate, we can use 12 or 6 egg cartons, Styrofoam or cardboard. The Food Basket is not using 18 egg cartons or clear plastic ones, so they will be thrown out.

Tabitha's Guild (Sewing)

Saturdays, 2:00 - 4:00

Yes, our sewing room will be open this Saturday! We'll be evaluating projects for a future class. We'll be working on a quilt-as-you-go hot pad and a snap shut coin purse / wallet.

We also have some community members who need easy access to a sewing machine. If you know of anyone like this, they should feel free to use one of ours during our open hours.

Reach out to Sondra Griner if you have any questions or ideas for this ministry.

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Our next sewing class with Food Basket guests will be on Thursday, February 20 from 10-12. We'll teach our guests how to make fabric baskets. Instructions: https://sewcanshe.com/the-best-square-basket-pattern-free-tutorial/

As usual, we will need a few volunteers to be hostesses and help with basic sewing issues.

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Children’s Choir

11:45 this Sunday

Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to join us after the 10:30 service on Sundays (approx. 11:45 am to 12:15 pm).

Feel free to contact Andrea Hutchison for more information at music@stimothy.org or 817-691-3753

Prayers and Thanksgivings

We pray for the special needs, concerns, and thanksgivings of this congregation and community.

We pray especially for members: Suzy and family, Alan and the Hammond family, Kay and Roy, Mary, Kurt, Mark, Anna, Carolyn, Luke, David and Pastor Robin, Charlie, Carol and family, Donna and Larry, Lauren, Jacob, Richard, Kay, Char, Jim and James, John and Gayle, Mary, James, Jake, Denis and Judi, Steve, Michael, Robert, and Linda.

Thank you for the privilege to pray on behalf of friends and families: Ann, Lillian and David, J.D., Maria, Rebekah, Alexandera, Katie, Jimmy, Paul, the Luna family, Gilbert and family, Alisha, the Dye family, Doris, Kaytlynn, Cody, Warren and Danee, Liam and family, Holly, Mita, Alexander, Margaret, Douglas, Kellye, Liz, Loorie, Derek, Mary, Eric, Kelly, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Terry, Matt, Kevin, and Claire.

We pray for our men and women serving in the Armed Forces: Cory, Jordan, Brad, Lucas, Annie, Justin, Joseph, Caleb, Ed, Brett, Thea, Jaycob, Cody, Joshua, and any others named now.

We pray for those recovering from other natural disasters, fighting fires, war, and famine. Be their strength and aid in all things. Guide us in how we might help our neighbors still suffering. 

We pray for all who have died, especially Lorna Witt, that they may have a place in your eternal Kingdom.

For the diocesan cycle of prayer: St. David’s in Austin, St. George’s in Austin, St. James’ in Austin, and the Diocese of Peshawar. 

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays: Gigi Janeshek, Josh Weber, and Dennis Young

Anniversaries: John and Gayle Pitts

Birthday and Anniversary Prayer

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God from Mary Young in thanksgiving for Dennis’ birthday.

You may donate altar flowers in memory, honor, or celebration of whomever you choose. Select the week of your choice by signing up on the flower chart in the Narthex. The cost is $75 for arrangements on the altar. You may give a check to Jackie (in the office) or put in the offering plate with “flowers” in the memo line.

Birds and Blooms Camp Allen 2025
Sign up for Birds & Blooms

Request Prayer

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

There are 2 ways for prayer requests to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship and the weekly Blast. Details will remain confidential.
  • Call the office to share your request (979-297-6003).
  • Use the online form found on the church website or scan the QR code found here or in your bulletin.

Whether prayers of supplication or of thanksgiving:
  • Incorporate your personal prayers into worship
  • Use the longer pause during the Prayers of the People for spoken and unspoken prayer 
  • Join a member of the Healing Prayer team at the side chapel after taking communion 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. 
Matthew 18:20

Round Dance Lessons (Waltz)

Round Dance lessons are held in the Parish Hall on most Mondays. We are doing a variety of ballroom dances and currently focusing on Waltz. Newbies are welcome as we currently have very low numbers of attendees, you'll get lots of personal instruction. Wear casual clothes with comfortable shoes that slide. Join us for fun exercise and to meet new friends. Cost is $5 per person per lesson approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours on Mondays starting at 7:00PM. Questions, contact Gigi at 979-529-5887 or stop by and check us out.

Got Announcements?

Submit them Online!

You can submit announcement requests from the St. Timothy's website at www.stimothy.org/announcements or by email to Sondra and Jackie at announcements@stimothy.org.

Here is our timeline and deadlines for the Blast.

  • Tuesday 5PM Most new articles should be submitted.
  • Wednesday 5PM ALL new articles should be sent in.
  • on or before noon on Thursday we will send a draft of the Blast to stakeholders 
  • Thursday 5PM ALL edits of existing articles should be submitted

Exceptions should only be for emergencies and information that couldn't possibly be anticipated.

Get our Church Directory

Our digital church directory is a great tool to help you know who's who, associate a name with a face, and reach out to another member. To get started, download the Instant Church Directory app, and log in with the email you provided to the office.

New to St. Timothy's? Have an outdated picture? Take a new picture, and send it in to the office, (office@stimothy.org.)
We accept gifts in a variety of ways including PayPal and SimpleGive.
For your convenience, you may now give via St. Timothy’s PayPal @ https://paypal.me/stimothy200 or the QR code above (There is a small transaction fee to the church for this service)
You may also give your offering via SimpleGive using this link or the QR Code above: https://my.simplegive.com/App/Giving/sttims. (There is a 3% transaction fee to the church for this service)

Current Master Schedule

St. Timothy's Calendar

Our Church Directory App

Dialog Newsletter from our Diocese of Texas-Sign Up Online


Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Safe Church Connection

If you have other suggestions, please let us know.

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