This Sunday

8:30 Holy Eucharist

The Rev. Robin Reeves-Kautz

9:30 - 10:15 Fellowship in Parish Hall

10:30 Holy Eucharist (Timothy's Troop)

The Rev. Robin Reeves-Kautz

Nursery available

On-Line Worship

The 10:30 service will be live streamed on YouTube. Details are on our website at

Note from Our Rector

When I first arrived at St. Timothy's in January 2022, I asked God for a word of encouragement for you. God gave me Psalm 1:3. You are mighty oaks of righteousness bearing fruit in and out of season.

I did a painting at the time to depict the word God had given me. Not fine art. None-the-less, I did hear God asking questions as I painted, how we will nurture the next generations? How will we teach them about drawing deeply from the streams of living water? It starts with sharing the abundance of what we have been blessed with - our faith, hope and love, our gifts and talents and our amazing facilities.

I see you doing this St. Timothy's! Way to go! We are sharing our space with more and more groups to be a blessing to them. Let's keep going. The thing is it takes alot to maintain what we have to be able to share it. During Co-vid a few faithful folk, kept things going so you and I can now enjoy the fruit of their labor. They need a break.

Now is the time for everyone to pitch in and do something to help us grow into the community we are to become. Just like any well-functioning family everyone owns a chore.

The easy excuses are I'm too busy or I'm not really good at anything, or I prefer to just come to church, don't hold up any longer. We each have been called by God to love God with all our heart, mind. body and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

I am challenging you this Fall to love God by serving him through the church (his bride) in caring for each other, the building and beyond. I am asking you to engage in your faith, to not just be passive. Only in this way will you and St. Timothy's begin to grow to be all we can be to glorify God. This is our work. In the next 5 weeks we will be exploring different ways you can Be love as you are loved and share of your abundance.

Let's Be the Church - Blessing others as we have been blessed!

For His Sake,

Pastor Robin+

P.S. I am back, I am well, I am rebuilding my strength and I am excited about serving alongside you, learning from the Mighty Oaks of St. Timothy's and rooting deeper in God's word. If you wish to know more of the details about my being out on short term disability. There is a letter to the vestry posted on the bulletin board outside the church office, or you can ask me.

Welcome Fall Gathering

Back to Church and Growing in Prayer and Bible Study

This Fall, I invite you to "begin anew" if you've gotten out of the holy habit of worship in community. Come and join us for Sunday morning worship at 8:30 or 10:30. We will have Christian education between services for adults, and time for kids during the first part of the service.

September's challenge:

Pray daily the Prayer of Jabez and notice what begins to happen in your life. Bruce Wilkerson says it is ok to ask God to bless you with all that he has for you and your family. God wants to give us more than we could hope or imagine. We just have to trust His blessings are what is best for us.

The prayer is a simple one:

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain. ' So, God granted him what he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

September 17th after church: Youth Gathering for Pizza Making & Devotional

October, we will be focusing on Being a Blessing to Others as we are deeply rooted in God.

Early October: we will have several opportunities to come together as the family of God for a meal and fellowship at different member's homes.

Saturday, October 7th: Join us for a field trip to Trinity Episcopal Church in Galveston. The St. John Bibles - Illuminated scripture with be on display, as well as,an opportunity to hear from one of the original illuminating artists. These are just a few highlights of what is to come this Fall. So, come and join in the joy of being connected to God's family and invite your friends.

Fall Formation of Faith

Sunday's in September: In the parish hall by the windows: Pastor Robin will lead a discussion about forgiveness as it is being presented in our Sunday readings.

Living the loving lifestyle of Luke 10 could just bring about a great revolution of love that could result in revival of the Church and a great spiritual awakening and harvest in our nation and beyond.

Pick up the workbook in the office or ask Gary, Colinda, Gigi, Tony, Angela or Pastor Robin how it is impacting their living their faith daily and bringing joy. Bring any questions you may have.

We are gearing up to share this with you in a variety of ways to help you engage your faith in simple ways as you go about your daily activities. Whether you are very shy or extraverted, you can do these four easy steps in the best way for you.

Stay tuned.

The question is, how do we love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves? The Luke - 10 Training answers this question and will prepare participants to live out their faith in small ways everyday as they go about their daily lives - We are Blessed to BE a blessing. Come learn simple ways of how to pass on God's blessing and build up the Kingdom of Heaven.

Timothy's Troop

Students in grades 1-5 are invited to have a lesson with Jane Power during the 10:30 service.

Come to the back of the church - students will return for Eucharist with their families.


Part of Being a Ambassador of Love, is giving of our time through volunteering. Whether it is just pitching in where you see help is needed or joining a ministry team, you are needed. There are no by-standers here. Join in something as it is part of being a part of the body of Christ. You will discover you find joy in serving which enriches the rest of your life. Below are just a few ways you can join in worshipping God through the giving of your time and talent.
Serving On the Vestry or Board of St. Timothy's Is An Honor

October 29th St. Timothy's Members will Vote In New Leaders for the Vestry.

You can nominate yourself or someone else by contacting Gary Jones. Forms are located in the Narthex as well as the link below.


Today's vestry is not what it used to be! We enjoy fellowship, grow spiritually and focus on strategic initiatives for furthering God's mission in and through St. Timothy's. Each year we covenant how we want to work together with respect, care, joy and confidentiality. We no longer sit through reports of what has been done. Those are posted on Base Camp.

We read the reports before coming to the monthly meeting, the 4th Tuesday 6:30 - 8 p.m. That way we can approve or amend them quickly all together and move on to the important work of building relationships and holy habits like Jesus and His disciples did. We listen for how the Holy Spirit is at work in and about St. Timothy's and look at how we might join in. We focus on strategic initiatives.

If you have a desire to grow spiritually and share your gifts of communications, strategic planning, hospitality, volunteer coordinating, among others, please talk with Gary Jones or Pastor Robin. Those on vestry this year can tell you more about their experience as well. I give thanks for each of them and the gifts they bring to contribute to the life of the church. Note: you can nominate someone by filling out the form below or you can nominate yourself.

2024 Vestry Nomination Form

175th Diocesan Council, February 9-10, 2024, Waco Convention Center

What is Council? Diocesan Council is the annual business meeting of the Diocese held every February. It is a gathering of elected delegates from all congregations, college ministries, lay heads of congregations, and canonically resident clergy. Article 2 of the EDOT Constitution details the membership of Council. The Bishop serves as ex-officio president of the council. 

Four lay delegates attend representing St. Timothy's and our Pastor. This is an ideal opportunity for those who want to learn about the wider church.

Forms are located in the Narthex as well as the link below.

2023-2024 Diocesan Council Delegate Form

Nursery Open for 10:30 Service


Nursery Volunteers Needed!

An attended nursery will be open starting this Sunday at the 10:30 service. Kerry Cormier will be waiting for any Littles who need a playtime place, so their parents can attend the church service.

We need some others generous volunteers to help out. Due to safety reasons, we have to have 2 adults in the room. We need someone on standby at the service, so if a Little comes in, they can come into the nursery to help out. Contact Kerry Cormier or the church office for details or to volunteer.

Gatherings to Grow

Pizza! Pizza!

Calling on the youth to create your favorite pizza Sunday, September 17, after church. We will have all the toppings so you can make it your way!

Then we will see who can "Win it in a Minute".

Contact Jane Power at 979-299 9454 or David Kautz at 979-824-2484.

Daughters of the King News

We are meeting this Sunday, September 17, after the 10:30 service.

We will gather in the Hall for a light lunch before starting the meeting at 12 pm. Feel free to bring your favorite finger food to share. All women of the parish are invited to attend.

If you have any questions about the Order of the Daughters of the King or our chapter at St. Timothy's, please contact Margaret Dodson via phone or email.

Dale Rasco's Celebration of Life will be Sat., October 14th at 10:30 a.m. with a reception to follow.

Honor Dale's memory by being an encourager to someone today. Prayer cards are available in the Narthex for you to share a story of how Dale blessed you. Some will be shared in a collage at her funeral.

As we all grieve the sudden death of Dale Rasco, you are invited to write a favorite memory or share a story and post on the bulletin board in the Narthex. As people of story, when we share them the person's memory lives on. May we find comfort and healing as we share stories of Dale's love.

Kairos 29

October 5-9

Kairos 29 will occur October 5th-9th at Clemens in Brazoria. Kairos is like Cursillo or Walk to Emmaus for those in prison.

We ask people on the outside to pray for the weekend and create a paper chain of that act. In the Narthex of the church there are colored strips of paper where you can write a Bible verse number or an encouraging word along with your first name. These will be put together and placed around the room in one continuous chain during the weekend.
Please take a minute as you leave to fill one out and pray that the Holy Spirit will reach these men.

Jim Cutshall, Rich Tillman and Ron Weeks will be volunteers during the weekend.


Camp Allen Happenings


Growing the Holy Habit of Daily Prayer

There's an App for that!

Our Fall Challenge is to engage in the Way of Love by praying and studying scripture.
For Individuals
Morning & Evening Prayer
For Families


Round Dance Lessons (Waltz)

Mondays at 7:00 PM

It’s not too late to join weekly Round Dance lessons (waltz) in the Parish Hall. Wear casual clothes with comfortable shoes that slide. Join us for fun exercise and to meet new friends. Cost is $5 per person per lesson approximately 1 hour on Mondays starting at 7:00PM. Questions, contact Gigi@ 979-529-5887 or stop by and check us out.

Last Sunday on YouTube

Missed us? You can always view the service on YouTube by clicking on the YouTube link at the right. The link takes you straight to the sermon.

Service Opportunities

Saturday Sewing Group 2-4PM
(Tabitha's Guild)
This week, we will be finishing up our cute teddy bears, to be distributed at the Teddy Bear Tea in late September. We will be stuffing, and tying ribbon. We can also make some mini bears if you want to take them to friends or family.

We hope to see you next Saturday at 2:00. If you have a friend who sews and might like to participate, please invite them. We have lots of fun together.

Please mark your calendars - We will be offering a sewing class for the Food Basket clients on Thursday, September 28, from 10-noon.

Contact Sondra Griner with any sewing project ideas or community needs we may be able to meet.
Teddy bear time!

The Week Ahead


11-12 pm in Chapel - Silent Prayer with the Daughters of the King

"Enjoy the peace and quiet for the soul that only God's presence can bring." Some read scripture. Some read from Waiting on God devotional. Some write their prayers and listen for what God has to say. Come for a brief time or the whole time. Come as you are and know you are loved!

Wednesday Compline Prayer

Compline prayer is Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. Consider making Wednesday night Compline a small part of your daily devotionals. You will find this on our Facebook page,

Healing Prayer

Our Healing Prayer team meets on Friday mornings in the Welcome Center, and is available to pray with you in the chapel during communion at the 10:30 service.

Prayers and Thanksgivings

Almighty God, source of all wisdom and understanding: Look graciously on your church, and so guide the hearts and minds of those who will choose our next presiding bishop, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for all of your people, equip us for our ministries, and proclaim your word to us and to the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We pray especially for members: Kay, Lorna, John and Gayle, David and Pastor Robin, Mili and LaWane, Pamela, Jim, Norma, Lauren, Jeff and Davis, Lori and Jared, Mary, James, Jake, Denis and Judi, Ben, Chi and Amaka, Bill, the Friehauf family, Ed, Dave and Kay, Carolyn, Kurt, Jessey, David, Steve, Jay and Cathy, Michael, Robert, Kay and Roy, Donna and Larry, Linda, Susan and Keith.

For friends and families: Kathleen, Mike, Nolan, Earlene, Brennan, Pam, Annette, Nina, Liam and family, James, Cody, James, Holly, Crystal and Billie, Signe, Jane, Kim, Andrea, Nancy and Bill, Carmen, Kristi, Terri, Marie, Jaycob and Stephanie, Lane, Jaycie, Cody and April, Charlie, Casey, Leisa, Mita, Jay, Alexander, Dustin, Kristi, Hannah, John, Margaret, Sue and Kenneth, Grace, Tate, Douglas, Steve, Jean, Rebecca, Kellye, Liz, Loorie, Derek, Mary, Eric, Judy, Kelly, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Terry, Matt, Kevin, Claire, Mary, and Amy.

For our men and women serving in the Armed Forces: Jordan, Brad, Lucas, Annie, Justin, Joseph, Caleb, Ed, Brett, Thea, Jaycob, and Joshua.

We give thanks for all who have answered God’s call to leadership in the church. May you watch over them and guide them in their studies, discernment, and process. We especially lift up to you Stephanie Townes and Will Parker.

We pray for our college students: Hannah Poore, Carter Hutchison, Sarah Laurel, and Oren Murillo.

We pray for all who have died, especially Sam Arant (Gayle Pitts brother-in-law), that they may have a place in your eternal Kingdom.

For the diocesan cycle of prayer:  San Esteban in Cleveland, St. Aidan's in Cypress, St. Cuthbert's in Houston, St. Dunstan's in Houston, Santo Nino Filipino Episcopal Church in Pearland, and the Diocese of Peshawar.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays: Lola Meza, Blayne Friehauf, and Mel McKey

Anniversaries: Douglas & Sarah Chumley; Tim McDonald & Lola Meza

Birthday and Anniversary Prayer

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

You may donate altar flowers in memory, honor, or celebration of whomever you choose. Select the week of your choice by signing up on the flower chart in the Narthex. The cost is $75 for arrangements on the altar. You may give a check to Jackie (in the office) or put in the offering plate with “flowers” in the memo line.


Request Prayer

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

There are 2 ways for prayer requests to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship and the weekly Blast. Details will remain confidential.
  • Call the office to share your request (979-297-6003).
  • Use the online form found on the church website or scan the QR code found here or in your bulletin.

Whether prayers of supplication or of thanksgiving:
  • Incorporate your personal prayers into worship
  • Use the longer pause during the Prayers of the People for spoken and unspoken prayer 
  • Join a member of the Healing Prayer team at the side chapel after taking communion 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. 
Matthew 18:20

Those in Need of Self-Compassion or Compassion for Others

Did you know practicing self- compassion has proven health benefits. On her TEDx talk on self-esteem versus self-compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff with University of Texas, shares how self-esteem is based on comparison. However, self-compassion grows not only health for self but care and compassion for others. Research has shown it to reduce stress and the negative health effects of stress, anxiety, blood pressure and more. More information can be found at
or TEDx: The Space Between Self Esteem and Self Compassion.

I highly recommend you listen to the meditations she has from 6-20 minutes long on this site.

Got Announcements?

Submit them Online!

You can submit announcement requests from the St. Timothy's website at

Please send any new announcements by 5pm Wednesday, so we have time to assemble and format the Blast.

Get our Church Directory

Our digital church directory is a great tool to help you know who's who, associate a name with a face, and reach out to another member. To get started, download the Instant Church Directory app, and log in with the email you provided to the office.

New to St. Timothy's? Have an outdated picture? Take a new picture, and send it in to the office, ([email protected].)

Our Ministry Scheduler App

Involved in one or more of our weekly ministries? If so, you are encouraged to download the Ministry Scheduler Pro app. This app helps you:
  • View your schedule and all schedules
  • Let us know when you will be unavailable, so we don't schedule you
  • Get reminders when you are due to serve
  • Request a substitute if you can't serve after the schedule is live

For more information , contact the church office by phone (979-297-6003) or email ([email protected].)
We accept gifts in a variety of ways including PayPal and SimpleGive.
For your convenience, you may now give via St. Timothy’s PayPal @ or the QR code above (There is a small transaction fee to the church for this service)
You may also give your offering via SimpleGive using this link or the QR Code above: (There is a 3% transaction fee to the church for this service)
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