This Week at St Timothy's
Episcopal Church
July 25, 2018

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Prayer for St Timothy's
Lord Jesus Christ,
who hast built thy Church
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets:
mercifully grant that building upon thee, the chief
cornerstone, with beauty and substance,
we may raise here at St Timothy's a
faithful people and a holy temple to thy glory.
May we and generations yet to come learn to praise thee
more and more in spirit and in truth.
Today is the Feast of St James
O gracious God, we remember before you today your servant and apostle James, first among the Twelve to suffer martyrdom for the Name of Jesus Christ; and we pray that you will pour out upon the leaders of your Church that spirit of self-denying service by which alone they may have true authority among your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Adoration: Liturgy, Prayer, & Devotion
We're Back in the Church!
After 3 weeks of a disrupted worship schedule due, we plan to be back in the main church for 9am and 11am. While we've had a delay with the pest control company's work due to issues with the roof, we have not seen nor heard any evidence of bats since July 2, and believe me, we've done various things to see if we can get any reaction of out them. The maternity season is over and the juveniles seem to have moved on. We very much look forward to our normal schedule this Sunday!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who helped set up and take down during this transition.
Looking to Sunday July 29, 2018
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday's Lessons (n.b., we follow Track 2)

Preacher: Fr Steve Rice
Celebrant: Fr DJ Griffin

Due to worship in Drake Hall and the Chapel, recording was not possible.

Previous week's homilies can be found here.
Summer Attendance
Summer is here and travel plans are ready! We all deserve time away and rest to heal body and mind. If you are in town, however, let's make a commitment this summer to be in church. Let's set a goal to average 300 in worship this summer.

Summer average beginning June 3: 269
Average Attendance for the year: 311
From the Choir Loft | Christin Barnhardt
Sunday's procession hymn is a familiar tune,  Old 124th,  that we sing in Lent to the text "Eternal Lord of love, behold your Church walking once more the pilgrim way of Lent." This Sunday, we will sing a different text, Hymn 404 "We will extol you, ever-blessed Lord," which is a paraphrase of the first half of Psalm 145. Compare the text of Hymn 404 below with Psalm 145 in  The Book of Common Prayer, p. 801.  Notice that the striking phrase "slow to anger" remains unchanged (is not paraphrased) in the hymn, stanza 3, from Psalm 145:8. The hymn's final phrase, "We love you with our heart and strength and mind." is a paraphrase of "and your faithful servants bless you. (v.8) ... My mouth shall speak of the praise of the Lord; let all flesh bless his holy Name for ever and ever. (v.22)." The choir will chant Psalm 145:10-19 during the Liturgy of the Word, so we will sing most of Psalm 145 during two parts of the mass. 

Hymn 404
words: J. Nichol Grieve, 1868-1954
music:  Old 124th
1. We will extol you, ever-blessed Lord;
your holy Name for ever be adored;
each day we live our psalm to you we raise;
you, God and King, are worthy of all praise,
great and unsearchable in all your ways.

2. Age shall to age pass on the endless song,
telling the wonders which to you belong,
your mighty acts with joy and fear relate;
praise we your glory while on you we wait,
glad in the knowledge of your love so great.

3. You, Lord, are gracious, merciful to all,
close to your children when on you they call;
and slow to anger, merciful and kind,
in your compassion we your blessings find.
We love you with our heart and strength and mind.

Chorale Prelude on Old 124th, Healey Willan (*this is the tune of the procession Hymn 404)
Toccata in F Major, Dietrich Buxtehude

We will extol you, ever-blessed Lord, No. 404
If thou but trust in God to guide thee, No. 635
We the Lord's people, No. 51
My God, thy table now is spread, No. 321 
Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing, No.334 

Communion Anthem:
Non nobis, Domine, William Byrd

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give the glory.

I continue to extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to sing in the Summer Choir or share your musical talents in worship. Contact me at 336-406-0134 or  with questions.

Hope to see you Sunday,
The Parish Prayer List
Every single day we pray for those on our parish prayer list. You are welcome to add names each Sunday to the list in the narthex or you may do so online by clicking here. Please note this list is not a request for pastoral care. To speak to a member of the clergy and/or request counseling, visits, and/or a sacrament, please call or email Fr Steve Rice or Fr DJ Griffin directly. 
Devotional Sponsorships
Altar Flowers
Our altars in the Church and Chapel are adorned weekly with flowers beautifully arranged by St. Timothy’s Flower Guild. Frequently the flowers are given in honor and/or memory of loved ones. The suggested donation to sponsor the flowers is $60. Is there a date coming up when you would like to honor someone or remember someone with a flower dedication? If so, please contact Ellen Turner at 
Also, are you interested in assisting the Flower Guild in arranging the flowers? If so, please contact Lea Thullbery at
Hospitality for Officers on Sunday Mornings
Please help welcome our Winston Salem police officer to services on Sunday mornings. Follow the link below to sign up to provide a snack. The officers enjoy homemade baked goods or breakfast items such as bagels, muffins, or pastries. If items contain nuts please label them. Snacks should be delivered to the basket at the welcome counter in the narthex on Sunday mornings. If you have questions please contact Megan Farrell at or 336.408.7779. Thank you for extending a warm welcome to our officers!

Link to sign up.
Formation: Study, Learning, & Knowledge
The Truth of the Resurrection, Part I | Fr DJ Griffin
“This is the night, when Christ broke the bonds of death and hell, and rose victorious from the grave.” These are the words of the Exultet, the proclamation of Easter, which is sung at the beginning of the Easter Vigil every year. The Resurrection of Jesus is the central claim of the Christian faith, the claim on which the whole thing stands or falls. And it’s a claim that many people find hard to get past.

This week and next week, I want to talk about why the Bible’s and the Church’s claim that Jesus rose from the dead is not only true, but reasonable.

There are many who say, “Come on, we all know that dead people don’t come back to life. Dead people stay dead. Period.” And this includes people not only outside the Church, in our increasingly secular age, but also people within the Church itself.

Admittedly, it’s an understandable question, and the questioners would be in good company. After all, people 2,000 years ago would have said the exact same thing. They may not have had the benefit of many of our scientific discoveries and technological advancements, but they weren’t stupid. They knew, just as well as we do, that dead people don’t come back to life. Sure, the Jews, or at least some of them, believed that God would raise all the dead at the end of the world. “But,” they would say, “that’s the end of the world we’re talking about; it certainly doesn’t happen now, in the meantime.”

So, in many respects, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The claim by the disciples of Jesus, from Mary Magdalen to the apostles to the hundreds of others that saw him after his crucifixion, that Jesus had risen from the dead, had to overcome essentially the same skeptical obstacles back then as it has to today.

So the question remains: What are we to make of their testimony? Stay tuned for Part II.
VBS 2018--July 29-31 | "Believing Takes Practice"
July 29-31
Join us for 3 nights of formation as we journey as God's people discovering the gifts we have been given to build up God's Kingdom. This will be an intergenerational VBS (all ages!) based on Madeliene L'Engle's beloved classic, "A Wrinkle in Time". Sign up here Families are invited to participate together if possible--and friends and neighbors are welcomed to join in too!

VBS Schedule:
Sunday, July 29 4-6pm
Monday, July 30 5-7:30pm (snack dinner at 5pm)
Tuesday, July 31 5-7:30pm (snack dinner at 5pm)
Save the Dates
St.Tim's & Anthony's Plot/Freedom School at Seven Springs!
Thursday, July 26th 12-3:30pm
Kids and youth (K-12) are invited for an afternoon of swimming, boating, fishing, and games with our friends from Anthony's Plot. Younger children can come with parents. Carpooling to Seven Springs is encouraged and adults are welcomed to stay! Address is 118 Alder Lane, Mocksville, NC. 

Parish-wide Pool Party & Potluck
Sunday, August 19 4-6pm
Peace Haven Pool ($2/person)
Stewardship & Giving
Why do we report giving and attendance?

Following Jesus Christ is about faith and not figures. However, figures do shed some light on how we are living out our faith. There are many places in the Gospel where Jesus makes the connection between one's spiritual health and their relationship with monetary wealth. Generosity is a gift of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5.22). By reporting the giving, we shed light on the practicalities of supporting ministry and mission and these numbers remind us of our responsibility in generously giving to the spread of God's kingdom. The same is true with attendance. We have to be present to receive the Sacraments. Our priorities are best demonstrated by our bodies. If we want to see what matters the most to a person - we look at where their spend and where they stand.
Giving for the Week of July 15, 2018

Offering: $ 11,665.33
Weekly Need: $18,099.81
See below for more information regarding online giving.
Online Giving
Please visit our new and improved online giving portal at You can also click on the Give button in this email and the Give link on our website.

This new portal is easier to use and, once you create an account, you can keep up with your giving history. You can also give via check online.
Give by Text - 336-697-6543
This is amazing. I never have cash or a check, but I always have my phone. You can now give to the work of St Timothy's just by texting. Here's how it works:

1. Text an amount to 336-697-6543
2. You will be sent a link to set up your debit/credit card (take a few seconds)
3. Once complete, your transaction will go through and you number will always be associated with the card.

Plus, you can text "Funds" to see a specific fund. If you want to sponsor a lamp, you can text "25 st timothys" and it will go the St Timothy's Lamp, etc. If the fund isn't recognized, you'll get a list of all the funds and you text back the number of the fund you wish to give to

PS: This is not connected to your phone bill. It it connected to a card of your choice.
Holiness of Beauty | Capital Campaign
Did you know?
The Church was constructed in 2000 at a cost of $1,200,000. Adjusted for inflation, that number is $1,791,391.00, $93,459 less than what we’ve raised so far. Well done! We still have a relatively low number of pledges and gifts. Imagine what we can do.
Our Common Life
Grace Dinners | Richard & Debbie Graves
Sustenance. Spiritual Devotion. Caring and sharing with one another. The bible is full of stories about people breaking bread together with glad and sincere hearts. This is what our grace dinner groups are all about.

Grace Dinner groups meet regularly from September-May. Groups are organized with approximately 10 adults (singles, couples and families). These fellowship groups provide an informal setting for members to get to know one another outside of church, sharing our backgrounds and experiences and developing enduring relationships nurtured by a shared meal, devotional readings and open conversations that lead to spiritual growth. It is a fun way to engage with one another outside the church walls.

Families with young children will be matched with other such families. Everyone generally hosts a meal. This could be at your home, in a restaurant, or a community event, like a play or sporting event.
Registration is now open and will remain open through August 19, 2018. If you are already a registered member and all of your info is current, send an email to Richard and Debbie Graves ( letting us know that you wish to participate this year. If your schedule no longer permits you to participate let us know this as well. If you do not wish to commit to the full schedule, but would like to be on the fill in list, let us know this as well and groups that have vacancies will call and check your availability.

Mark your calendar of the kick-off scheduled for Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 6 p.m. in Drake Hall. The kick-off is a covered dish dinner, please bring on or two of your favorite dishes to the dinner. Tea, water and coffee as well as dinnerware will be provided.
For further information contact Richard and Debbie Graves (828-310-6626, 336-602-1470 or
Lemonade on the Lawn
Photo by Robert Matthews
Starting this summer and continuing all summer long, you can join us for Lemonade on the Lawn between the 9am and 11am masses. Stop by the lemonade stand outside Gribbin Hall and enjoy fellowship with our parish family. If you'd like to help host, sign-up at or contact Kristen Machado at  
Write to Graham Green
Our own Graham Green is a Lt Col in the Army National Guard and is currently deployed in Iraq. We are proud of Graham, his wife, Shannon, and children Garrison and Julia. We will continue to surround them with prayer. He is able to receive letters at the address below. Please use the address exactly as it is printed.

LTC Graham Green
HHC 449th CAB
Camp Taji
Quick Links
Attendance and Stewardship

July 22, 2018
Morning Prayer: 3
7:30 Low Mass: 59
9:00 Low Mass: 140
11:00 Solemn Mass: 88
Sunday Mass Total: 287

Offering: $ 11,665.33
Weekly Need: $18,099.81

Average Sunday Mass Attendance: 311
The altar arrangements are given to the Glory of Almighty God and in memory of Ralph and celebration of our wedding vows on August 1, 1952, by Shirley Amen and in honor of St. Timothy’s Staff: Katie Bryant, Christin Barnhardt, Chris Ervin, Mark Ardrey-Graves, Robert Matthews, John Rak, & Jaime O’Byrne by Claudette Weston.

The Our Lady of Walsingham Lamp is given in honor of Chuck & Marsha Ware and the renewal of their marriage vows by Tony, Christine, & Lily Jordan.

The Sanctuary Lamp is not sponsored at this time.

The St. Timothy Shrine Lamp is not sponsored at this time.

The St. Michael the Archangel Lamp is given to the Glory of God and with prayers for the protection of LTC Graham Green and all those in our armed forces by the women of St. Timothy’s.