Collect for the 7th Sunday after Easter
O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Thy Kingdom Come
Catherine Lough to Lector this Sunday
9 years ago Catherine Lough suffered a major stroke. Doctors warned that her vocabulary may not exceed 5-10 words. Through determination and faith, she has beat the odds. This Sunday at 9am, she will read the second lesson. A powerful image of Pentecost.
Lord Jesus Christ,
who hast built thy Church
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets:
mercifully grant that building upon thee, the chief
cornerstone, with beauty and substance,
we may raise here at St Timothy's a
faithful people and a holy temple to thy glory.
May we and generations yet to come learn to praise thee
more and more in spirit and in truth.
The Feast of Pentecost | Sunday, May 20
The Blessed Virgin Mary is often depicted in artistic renderings of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In Luke 1.12-14, we are told that Mary is among the disciples as they returned to Jerusalem. The story of Pentecost begins in chapter 2 and there is no indication that those mentioned in chapter 1 were not also present.
The Feast of Pentecost
Sunday, May 20
Masses at 7:30, 9:00, and 11:00am
Holy Baptism at 9am and 11am
Pentecost Picnic from 4-6pm
Baptisms this Sunday
 Shelby Elizabeth Britton
daughter of
Jonathan and Amanda Britoon
Missy and Rick Easter
Baptism at 9am
Priya Ann Brieger
daughter of
Michael and Estelle Brieger
Sarah Brieger
Baptism at 9am
Andrea Haven Beamer
daughter of
Christina Corcoran
Amanda Clack
Baptism at 11am
Pentecost Music Notes | Christin Barnhardt
This Sunday as we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, ponder the various names we call Holy Spirit: Comforter, Holy Ghost, Spirit of Life, Intercessor, Gift-giver, Guide, Spirit of Truth. As our processional hymn "Hail thee, festival day" states, Forth from the Father he comes with seven-fold mystical offering, pouring on all human souls infinite riches of God. The Holy Spirit's names are derived from its seven actions ( seven-fold mystical offering), which include initiating the Church, giving gifts to the Church, uniting believers together, calling chosen people for special service, equipping and sending forth God's chosen people, overcoming opposition, and saving souls.

Come down, O Love divine,
seek thou this soul of mine,
and visit it with thine own ardor glowing;
O Comforter, draw near,
within my heart appear,
and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

Fantasia super "Komm, Heiliger Geist", Johann Sebastian Bach
Komm, Gott, Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist (Veni Sancte Spiritus), J. S. Bach 

Hail thee festival day, No. 225
We the Lord's people, No. 51 
Sing praise to our Creator, No. 295 
Come Down, O Love Divine, No. 516 
Breathe on me, breath of God, No. 508 
Holy Spirit, ever living, No. 511 

Choral Anthems:
Come, Holy Ghost, Orlando Gibbons

See you Sunday,
Pentecost Picnic
This Sunday our parish comes together to celebrate Pentecost with our annual Pentecost Picnic! Burgers, hot dogs, and drinks provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share. We'll picnic rain or shine: if it's raining, we'll gather in Drake Hall for a "picnic" and game night; if by chance it's not raining, we'll picnic out by the garden and play yard games. Bring indoor or outdoor games to play and look forward to a great time with your parish!
Stewardship & Giving
New and Improved Online Giving
Please visit our new and improved online giving portal at You can also click on the Give button in this email and the Give link on our website.

This new portal is easier to use and, once you create an account, you can keep up with your giving history. You can also give via check online.
Give by Text - 336-697-6543
This is amazing. I never have cash or a check, but I always have my phone. You can now give to the work of St Timothy's just by texting. Here's how it works:

1. Text an amount to 336-697-6543
2. You will be sent a link to set up your debit/credit card (take a few seconds)
3. Once complete, your transaction will go through and you number will always be associated with the card.

Plus, you can text "Funds" to see a specific fund. If you want to sponsor a lamp, you can text "25 st timothys" and it will go the St Timothy's Lamp, etc. If the fund isn't recognized, you'll get a list of all the funds and you text back the number of the fund you wish to give to

PS: This is not connected to your phone bill. It it connected to a card of your choice.
Holiness of Beauty | Capital Campaign
Raising a Faithful People and a Holy Temple
Shannon Hurley
I received the sacrament of baptism at St. Timothy’s in 2012 and I remember it like it happened this morning. It is no exaggeration when I say it was incredibly profound. Because of my earnest feelings about my baptism AND this amazing parish, I am especially excited about the proposed baptistery design. Our capital campaign can ensure that the deep inward transformation that happens in baptism will be beautifully reflected in the physical space of our baptistery. Graham and I support the capital campaign and look forward to welcoming many more into the household of God here at St. Timothy’s!
John Googe
Since its beginning, St. Tim’s has been my spiritual home, and I raised my family at St. Tim’s. I support this Capital Campaign because these improvements will make St. Tim’s an even more inviting and warm place to worship, pray, and find fellowship. To invite more people into God’s Kingdom of grace is my primary motivation for giving. I support this Capital Campaign 100%!
William and Adrienne Beauchamp
It was so exciting in the late 1990’s when a new and larger worship space was being built at St Tim’s. Now, almost 20 years later, it is time to finish it. We have a “white canvas to paint” with functionality and beauty that will enhance the worship experience for generations to come. Our children, Will and Maggie, are excited about the possibilities they see as well. We are delighted to support a campaign that will bring beauty to a space, deeply rooted in tradition, where we, our children and hopefully generations to come, will be formed in the image of Christ.
Chris and Linda Skarzynski
Our reason for supporting the capital campaign is a simple one............we love this church, but even more so, we love God. We want everyone who enters St. Timothy's to know the joy and peace that knowing Jesus can bring, and we pray that creating the holiness of beauty will open the doors of faith for generations to come. Having the opportunity to make a financial commitment to enhance our place of worship and make it even more beautiful is a blessing.  
Chris and Linda Skarzynski
Let us turn our campaign pledges in by Sunday, May 20, the Feast of Pentecost.
Our Common Life
Law Enforcement Block Party | May 18
We are hosting another "block party" for law enforcement officers on Friday, May 18. We believe we have all the logistics covered, but if you would like to help cover the cost of the hamburgers and hotdogs, as well as help replenish the fund that buys drinks and snacks for the Chapel, you can give here. Just be sure to select the St Michael's Chapel on the drop-down menu.
Club 543 plants for Regenerate Forsyth
St.Tim's community garden is in our sixth summer of growing produce to share with our community. We have gardened for our neighbors at Anthony's Plot and New Communion Mobile Food Pantry, and this summer we are adding a "salsa garden" to share with a new group called Regenerate Forsyth. Through Regenerate Forsyth, compost was made out of the food waste from a community event called Christmas for the City, plant seedlings were raised by the Career Center, and groups across the community are incorporating the plants and compost into their established community gardens. Produce will be collected and salsa will be made late summer early fall. Club 543 (our 3rd-5th grade service corps) prepared the soil and planted the veggies this past Sunday. After this week of rain, we will be starting a sign-up for volunteers to help water and weed the garden this summer. Email [email protected] if you're interested in helping with our garden. 
Costa Rica Golf Tournament
St. Timothy's 9th annual Costa Rica Golf Tournament to benefit Costa Rican mission projects will be held on June 8, 2018 at Salem Glen Country Club. Click the following link for more information and to register:

Resources on Holiness
For more resources on Gaudete et Exsultate and holiness, please visit this page on our website. You will also find archived reflections from Fr Steve on Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation.
Sunday's flowers are recycled into several individual arrangements each week on Mondays by Lea Thullbery. Stop by the church office to pick one up to share with a friend. Call the volunteer desk at 336-765-0294 to check availability.
From the Curate | The Many-Sided Mystery
I read somewhere once (if only I could remember where) that the Mystery of Faith (which we often sum up as “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again”) is like a jewel – one thing with many different facets. Each feast of the church year gives us a glimpse into one facet of that Mystery – Christmas into the Incarnation, Easter into the Resurrection, Ascension into (of course) the Ascension and session at the Father’s right hand. Each of these facets is not only inextricably linked to all the other facets, but also contains facets of its own. To switch metaphors, it’s like examining a snowflake or a salt crystal under a microscope and finding fractal upon fractal.

One of my frustrations as a preacher is that I feel like I have to say everything about the Mystery of Faith or a particular facet of it at once, and, if I leave anything out, then my sermon will somehow be deficient. Instead of being unable to see the forest for the trees, I am unable to see the trees for the forest. The Mystery of Faith, the story that has been passed down to us from the Apostles by means of the Scriptures, is so big that you can’t fit it all into one place, and the same is true even of the individual facets of that mystery.

That’s why we have so much repetition in the Church. We have the church year to focus on different parts of the Mystery, and we repeats the same feasts every year so we can bring out the different emphases and implications of those parts. That’s why we should read the Bible and reread the Bible every day. The Scriptures, and the Mystery to which they bear witness, are inexhaustible in their riches. We must not think we are done with them.

Let us not be content, rest on our laurels, or (heaven forbid) let ourselves get bored with repetition. Rather, let us, to use the image from C. S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, go “further up and further in.”
Winston-Salem Dash Outing
Join your St Timothy's family for an outing to a Winston-Salem Dash Baseball Game

Thursday, June 14 at 7pm
The Dash vs Wilmington

Purchase your tickets online at by May 31st to sit in St Timothy's reserved section.
Homeless Outreach | City with Dwellings
The Overflow Shelter is closed for the warmer months, but our work with our homeless friends continues at City with Dwellings with our Community First Center (633 W.4th St.). We are open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-11am and need adult volunteers to help us provide hospitality and discover connections with our community members. We offer opportunities for art therapy, yoga, tai chi, anger management, stress relief, as well as an open-source peer support group called Together for Housing. Talk to Katie Bryant ([email protected]) or Lea Thullbery ([email protected]) for more info or go to to sign-up.   
VBS 2018--July 29-31 | "Believing Takes Practice"
Vacation Bible School this summer is taking an exciting twist! We will be exploring Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" and considering our God-given gifts that help build up the Kingdom of God. All ages are invited to participate--there will be something for everyone. We'll have a movie night in June so that all can see the new movie "A Wrinkle in Time" together. Email katie@sttimothys if you would like to help with planning VBS--a planning meeting TBA soon! 
Priest and a Rabbi Schedule - One More to Go
Hospitality for Officers on Sunday Mornings
Please help welcome our Winston Salem police officer to services on Sunday mornings. Follow the link below to sign up to provide a snack. The officers enjoy homemade baked goods or breakfast items such as bagels, muffins, or pastries. If items contain nuts please label them. Snacks should be delivered to the basket at the welcome counter in the narthex on Sunday mornings. If you have questions please contact Megan Farrell at [email protected] or 336.408.7779. Thank you for extending a warm welcome to our officers!

Link to sign up.
Write to Graham Green
Our own Graham Green is a Lt Col in the Army National Guard and is currently deployed in Iraq. We are proud of Graham, his wife, Shannon, and children Garrison and Julia. We will continue to surround them with prayer. He is able to receive letters at the address below. Please use the address exactly as it is printed.

LTC Graham Green
HHC 449th CAB
Camp Taji
St Timothy's Stickers
We have a limited number of St Timothy's stickers (perfect for car windows). If you would like one, they will be in the office and in the narthex on Sunday. We will reorder to meet the demand.

If you put the sticker on your car, send us a picture!
Quick Links
Attendance and Stewardship

May 10
Feast of the Ascension: 44

May 13, 2018
Morning Prayer: 5
7:30 Low Mass: 39
9:00 Low Mass: 174
11:00 Solemn Mass: 69
Sunday Mass Total: 282

Offering: $ 11,357.45.
Weekly Need: $18,099.81

Average Sunday Mass Attendance: 329
The altar arrangements are given to the Glory of Almighty God and in honor of the anniversary of the baptisms of Julia Green & Clayton Piersol
by Graham Green & Shannon Hurley.

 The Our Lady of Walsingham Lamp is given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for the work this parish has done for the homeless in Winston-Salem by Jonathan Williams.

The Sanctuary Lamp is given to the Glory of God
by Becky McLean.

The St. Timothy Shrine Lamp is given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the Capital Campaign Committee by Lea Thullbery.

The St. Michael the Archangel Lamp is given to the Glory of God and with prayers for the protection of LTC Graham Green and all those in our armed forces by the women of St. Timothy’s.