This Week at Strawbridge

This week, we will hear the scripture from Matthew 14:22-33, where Jesus walks on water. Peter calls out to Jesus, and says something pretty crazy: “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”

Peter has such audacity!

The rest of the disciples are content to be amazed on the boat, but Peter always seems to take it a step further. But, when he gets out of the boat, he gets scared! The waves are high and the wind is blowing. He starts to sink, but Jesus reaches out and saves him.

I think we all can be like Peter at times, somehow both confident and full of self-doubt. I know I have been there! I've asked God to use me in God's work, and then been scared to keep going.

Join me this Sunday in worship at 9:00 and 11:05 am as I'll be sharing my personal “call story” and how this particular passage changed the direction of my life. I hope to see you there!


Pastor Lindsay

Thursday morning provided a wonderful surprise as we discovered our longtime resident turkey vultures are proud parents to 2 new chicks!

Yeah, many churches probably wouldn't broadcast having their "very own" family of vultures residing on-site. But this "wake" of vultures have been with us through thick and thin over the years. Now, what should we name these new little guys/gals? Submit your ideas!

We will be taking a brief hiatus in July, but Coffee with Pastor Todd will return to its normal second Sunday of the month schedule again in August. If you want to check-in with him to learn more about what's going on at Strawbridge or the denomination in general, please join him in The Library during the Sunday School hour (10:05 am) on August 13.

Don't suffer alone! Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and encourage you, pray with and for you, and help you through a crisis or difficult time.

To find out more, please contact Dr. Bill Allen (361-739-5226) and/or Bev Puckett (832-428-4685). Our Stephen Ministry is here to help.

>> Advent Class <<

Sundays | 10:00 to 11:00 am | The Great Hall (Room 114)

The Advent Class (adults of all ages) will have a social hour on July 2. Tom Chandler will return this Sunday (July 9) to continue the series "Who is this Jesus Guy Anyway?" He will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount with Jesus concerning the Law. They will also be looking at insight from Emmett Fox. Please contact Tom Chandler or Pat Chandler for more class information.

>> Connect Class <<

Sundays | 10:00-10:50 am | Room 151

The Connect Class (parents of tweens, teens, and 20-somethings) is discussing Magrey deVega’s book, “Questions Jesus Asked”Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. Please contact John Swank for more information.

>> Faith Builders <<

Sundays | 10:05-10:55 am | The Choir Room

Our newest adult Sunday School class, the Faith Builders (adults of all ages) will continue their study of the growth of the church in the first century. They will be looking at Claudius. They will see how the reign of this Roman Emperor - who tried to quell the growth of the Christian Church - was used by God to actually help spread the growth of the church and Christianity to England and its surrounding territories. Please contact David Rozema for more information.

>> Families Finding Faith <<

Sundays | 10:00 to 10:55 am | Room 212

Join the Families Finding Faith in their current multi-week study of Matt Rawle's “The Grace of Les Misérables" where they will dive into the six ideals found in the story: Grace, Justice, Poverty, Revolution, Love, and Hope which are all represented by a character in Victor Hugo’s story. As these imperfect and relatable characters interact, we can see how these ideals work together (perhaps even in spite of each other) out in the world. Please contact Mikel Russell-Nelson for more info.

>> Koinonia <<

Sundays | 10:00 to 11:00 am | The REC Center

Our Koinonia Sunday school class (adults of all ages) recently began a new study discussing the history of the Methodist movement based on "Revival" by Adam Hamilton. This study will be facilitated by various members of the class. Please contact Dr. Bill Allen or Pattie Allen for any further information.

>> New Directions <<

Sundays | 10:05 to 10:55 am | Room 207

The New Directions class (adults of all ages) is currently engaged in a study based upon "How Happiness Happens" by Max Lucado. The author shares the unexpected path to a lasting happiness, one that produces reliable joy amid any life circumstance. Based on the teachings of Jesus and backed by modern research, this book presents a surprising - but practical - way of living that will change you from the inside out. Newcomers are always welcome to join New Directions. For further information, please contact Jim Telljohann.

>> Open Book <<

Sundays | 10:00 to 10:55 am | Room 210

The Open Book class (adults of all ages) is currently engaged in a multi-week study where they are focusing on 1 Peter. All are welcome to join at any time! Please contact Miranda Hofstad for any further information and details.

>> Seekers/Young Adults <<

Sundays | 10:00 to 10:55 am | Room 209 and Zoom

The Seekers/Young Adults Class (young adults to active older adults) are continuing their study based upon Adam Hamilton's book, "Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White." This Sunday (July 9), they will welcome Tiffani Whitaker, our new SUMC Director of Adult Ministries, as she continues her introduction to all of our adult Sunday School classes. And - if time permits - they will continue with the final section of the book, "Politics and Ethics in the Center" with Chapter 18, "Abortion: Finding Common Ground." Newcomers are always welcome to join them! Please contact Skip Richardson for any additional information including Zoom login credentials.

Please don't miss our Strawbridge Kids Facebook Page or our most recent Children's/Mission 56 e-Newsletter or our Linktree Page for all upcoming events. Reach-out to Pastor Emily, for any further info!

Kids Sunday School classes begin at 10:05 am! Please be sure to check where your kiddo(s) should go! (See the "Kids & 56 Sunday School" graphic above). We use the KidCheck system for Sunday School sign-ins. All Kindergarteners through 4th graders need to be checked-in using this awesome system. All check-in machines are located just outside Room 109! If you don’t already have a KidCheck account, you can create an account here.

Summer dates are here! Registration is NOW OPEN for our summer events. Go ahead and mark your calendars and sign-up now. Remember: It is the grade your child(ren) complete this May for our camps and ministry opportunities. A Volunteer Registration Link is also available now.

Check-out all of the upcoming Student Ministry events on our Linktree Page! You can also connect with our Student Ministry via:
For any further Student Ministry questions, please contact:
Director of Student Ministry
(Office) 281-360-4500
(Cell) 713-829-1189
There are several music & arts programs available for anyone interested. For example, the Chancel Choir is rehearsing on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Please contact Pastor Lindsay for any questions or details.