Volume 6, Issue 48

November 29, 2024

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the four weeks of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ and anticipation of his return. Our theme for this week is Hope

The prophet Jeremiah spoke of a coming ruler, and promised a day when a “righteous branch” would spring up to “execute justice and righteousness in the land.” His words looked to a time when all that was wrong would be made right. Of course, this made no sense at the time since he and the people of Jerusalem were under siege by an over-powered Babylonian Empire who were ready to destroy the city and send the better part of the surviving population into exile for several decades. 

So, how is it that Jeremiah could speak of redemption, restoration, or hope? Because Jeremiah knew the answer to the question the LORD had asked through him: “See, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for me?”


Part of our preparation for the coming of the Lord is to begin to learn to live as if we believe with the same kind of faith as the prophets of old: hope that if God promises it, it is as good as accomplished. 

Join me in worship this Sunday at 9:00 or 11:05 am as we look more deeply into the words of Jeremiah and the meaning of the Hope of Advent.


Pastor Todd

The Chili Cook Off is generously hosted by our Student Ministry!

Please use the registration link to let us know if you plan to join us at the Cook Off even if you're not competing. We will have additional food on-hand and would love for you join us, just need to get a better sense of headcount! And our Children's Ministry will provide Gingerbread House making kits for kids!

Be a HERO! Book your donation appointment now!

Honor or memorialize a family member or friend this Christmas by having us place a poinsettia in the Sanctuary near the altar rails on your behalf. Simply fill-out the short online order form and then submit your payment via the link provided on the order form. Each poinsettia costs $15.00 and all orders must be received on or before Friday, December 13.

Join our 50+ Travelers at "Christmas Around the World" presented by the Conroe Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Gary Liebst. Embark upon a festive global adventure, exploring the rich tapestry of holiday music from cultures around the globe. This concert will feature two soloists and some fun surprises.

The 50+ Travelers will leave together from Strawbridge at 11:00 am before enjoying lunch at Pacific Yard House and continuing on to Conroe's First United Methodist Church for the symphony performance that begins at 2:30 pm. Cost will be $17 per person plus the cost of lunch. Please sign-up and provide payment no later than Sunday, December 8.

The Sign Up sheet is available on the 50+ Travelers table in the Activity Hallway. Please make checks payable to "Strawbridge UMC" with a note in the memo section indicating "50+ Travelers | Christmas Around the World". You may place your check in the Sunday worship offering plate or drop it off at the church office.

  • Wednesday, December 11 | Noon & 6:30 pm: LGBTQ+ United
  • Sunday, December 15 | Noon: UWF Gingerbread & Jesus Potluck

Check-out our United Women in Faith webpage for complete details.

Our 50+ Travelers will kick-off the New Year by attending lunch and then a matinee performance of the hysterical "'Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3" at Stages Theatre. After teaching countless students about the saints, venial sins, limbo and more, Sister is now offering up humorous lessons on the Sacraments of Marriage and the Last Rites, including her own wacky version of the Newlywed Game. Classroom participation is a must, so bring along your sweetie and your sense of humor for a session with the country’s feistiest couples counselor!

They will leave together via bus from SUMC at 11:00 am. Cost will be $49 per person plus the cost of lunch (restaurant TBD). Please sign-up and provide payment no later than Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

The Sign Up sheet is available on the 50+ Travelers table in the Activity Hallway. Please make checks payable to "Strawbridge UMC" with a note in the memo section indicating "50+ Travelers | 'Til Death Do Us Part". You may place your check in the Sunday worship offering plate or drop it off at the church office.

Do you know someone who is experiencing a long illness or recovery? Or maybe someone who is suffering a loss? If you think they would welcome an encouraging card from our church, please contact Pat Rogers (713-410-3557) and/or Margaret Sugarek (281-682-5335). You can also reach-out to our church secretary, Anne Blakely.

Don't suffer alone - our Stephen Ministry is here to help! Each one of our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers that are ready to listen, care for and encourage you, pray with and for you, and help you through a crisis or difficult time. This support is completely confidential. To find out more, please contact Dr. Bill Allen (361-739-5226) and/or Bev Puckett (832-428-4685).

If you or someone you know is homebound and you/they would like to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, please contact Ellen Cosio via text at (832) 514-0128 and/or Dr. Bill Allen at (361) 739-5226.

Please contact the church office (281-360-4500) during weekday office hours (Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; Friday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm) to have your prayer concern(s) added to our Intercessory Prayer Team List.

All new Walk to Emmaus dates for 2025 are posted on our website!

Check-out all of our Adult Sunday School class offerings on our website!

Please don't miss our Strawbridge Kids Facebook Page or our most recent Children's/Mission 56 e-Newsletter or our Linktree Page for all upcoming events. Reach-out to Pastor Emily, for any further information!

Kids Sunday School classes begin at 10:05 am! Please be sure to check where your kiddo(s) should go! See the "Kids & 56 Sunday School" graphic above.

We use the KidCheck system for Sunday School sign-ins. All Kindergarteners through 4th graders need to be checked-in using this awesome system. All check-in machines are located just outside Room 109! If you don’t already have a KidCheck account, you can create an account here.

There are several music & arts programs available for anyone interested. For example, the Chancel Choir is rehearsing on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Please contact Pastor Lindsay for any questions or details.