Events at TBZ this week: September 12-18
8:00-8:45am (Zoom only)
Boker Tov TBZ (Good Morning TBZ, morning prayer in community)
If you would like to be added to the Boker Tov email list, please email Stephanie.
12:00pm (Zoom only)
Lunch and Learn with Dr. Judith Kates
As a part of Elul preparation, the month before the High Holidays, our tradition calls on us to engage in Cheshbon Hanefesh, “Soul Accounting” on three levels of relationship. Join teachers each week to explore one of those levels in depth. This week: An exploration of the teshuva of King David.
4:00pm Beit Rabban (in person only)
7:30 pm Weekly Torah Study with Reb Moshe (Zoom only)
7:00-9:00pm (multi-access)
Co-Sponsored by Jewish Women's Archive, part of their 'Quarantine(ish) Book Talks' series
Purchase Shanda through TBZ and JWA and save!
RSVP and purchase HERE.
9:30-11:00am Nishmat Hayyim Friday AM Sit (Zoom only)
6:00 pm-8:00pm (multi-access)
Raise your voices, move your bodies, catch your breath and gather strength as we create a “circle” of sound to welcome Shabbat. Co-sponsored by Kavod. No sign up necessary to attend in-person. To attend on Zoom, please register to receive the link. You may also live-stream on YouTube

The Potlucks are back!
Following the service we will gather together for a COMMUNITY POTLUCK DINNER and then more singing. Please bring dairy or parve food to share, serving utensils and an ingredients labeled. You are welcome to bring also wine (no hechsher needed) to share. Water & paper goods provided. People are welcome to sit in the community room or bring their food outside to the Sukah area or the outside on the front stairs.
9:00am Torah Study (in person only)

Saturday September 17
 6:30 - 9:00pm at 1550 Beacon St (in person only)
and 9:30pm -1:00am at TBZ (multi-access)
at HoneyPot Orchards in Stow, MA
Sunday, September 18, 10:00am-2:00pm 
Join TBZ for a Farm Fun Adventure! Each participant will get a Farm Fun Adventure Pack which includes ½ peck picking bag (10-12 apples), a hayride, Monster and Small hedge maze admissions, a caramel apple, a cider donut and a 16 oz cider guzzler. $25 per person and you can register HERE
10:15am Learn Hebrew and Hebrew Torah Study with Rabbi Sam Seicol (Zoom only)
7:00pm TBZ Men's Group Weekly Check-in (Zoom only)
How to Hagbah
Do you ever wonder if you could lift the Torah from the reading table? Come to a "How to Hagbah" session to learn how! We're always looking for new lifters (there are many opportunities during High Holiday services to use this skill). It’s more about stability than strength — come give it a try! 

September 17 Learn from Rabbi Ebn Leader after services
September 22 Learn from Ebn during our High Holiday Sanctuary Prep, starting at 6pm
Elul and the High Holidays
Join us for the month of Elul and special programming in September. See some highlights below. For more information about High Holiday services and more, see the most recent High Holidays email that went out our community. Watch for our Fall Programming booklet arriving in member's mailboxes in mid September.
Cheshbon HaNefesh Weekly Learning on Zoom 
As a part of Elul preparation, the month before the High Holidays, our tradition calls on us to engage in Cheshbon Hanefesh, “Soul Accounting” on three levels of relationship. Join teachers each week to explore one of those levels in depth. Click HERE for more info. Upcoming: Bein Adam La’Makom: Between Me and the Creator with Rav Tiferet on Monday, September 19 at 7:30pm.
Wednesday, September 21, 7:30 pm-8:30 pm (in person only)
Tickets: $10 for JCC Members, $15 for guests​
Co-sponsored by TBZ
Michael Twitty is the James Beard award-winning author and culinary historian of The Cooking Gene and the recently released Koshersoul: The Faith & Food Identity of an African American Jew. Michael Twitty will be in conversation with Robin Washington, an acclaimed veteran journalist and The Forward’s Editor-at-Large. Purchase tickets HERE.
Thursday, September 22, 5:30-8:00pm
Many hands make the load lighter! Join TBZ friends to help prepare our sanctuary for the High Holidays. Polish silver, change the Torah covers, and more! Truly a service of love for our community! Let us know you’re coming so we know how much pizza to order HERE.
Friday, September 23, 12:00-1:00 pm (Zoom only)
Featuring Be the Change artists Samuel Mendoza (TBZ Board member!) and Nayana LaFond in discussion with Rav Claudia; Idit Klein, President and CEO of Keshet and TBZ member; and Elizabeth Schon Vainer, Director Journey to Safety, the Domestic Abuse Program at Jewish Family and Children’ Service, Waltham
Registration for our January 8-18, 2023 trip to Israel, a joint trip between TBZ and Temple Sinai is OPEN

For questions contact Rochelle Kelman.