Friday, February 9
Repro Shabbat Service at 6:30 pm
Our service focusing on reproductive justice will feature Maryland State Senator Ariana Kelly (District 16) as our guest speaker. Senator Kelly sponsored key reproductive rights legislation, including making access to abortion care in Maryland more accessible. This service is being held on the same Shabbat weekend as many other synagogues, as coordinated by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). Join us for this special Shabbat service, followed by a festive oneg.
Virtual Details
Calling all who
- worked on TS Reproductive and Health Rights programs and events
- attended a rally
- provide or advocate for women’s reproductive health and rights
Please join us for a photo with Senator Kelly on the bimah immediately following services. Thank you for the important work you are doing!
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Saturday, February 10
Torah Study at 9:15 am
Join us in person or virtually for our Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Hannah Goldstein.
Virtual Details
Shabbat Morning Service at 10:30 am
We celebrate the B’nei Mitzvah of Felix Fisher and Samantha Pipe.
Virtual Details
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Next Week: Family Shabbat & Hiddur Mitzvah Program
Friday, February 16 starting at 5:30 pm
Hiddur Mitzvah is the commandment to beautify Jewish ritual. Please join us for this special Shabbat gathering to help create a colorful glass mosaic that will be incorporated into mezuzot for the interior doors of Temple Sinai’s new South Addition.
This is a Shabbat for TS families of all ages and sizes! Please choose to join us before or after the service based on what fits your schedule.
Learn more and RSVP
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Pastoral Notes
We Mourn the Death of Our Members...
...Adam Prill, father of Jack, Alyssa, and Isabella. There will be a funeral service at Temple Sinai on Thursday, February 8 at 1:00 pm or join the service via livestream here. The service will be followed by burial at the Temple Sinai Cemetery at the Garden of Remembrance in Clarksburg, MD. Shiva will be at the home of Adam's father, Stanley Prill, on Thursday, February 8, 7:00-9:00 pm and Sunday, February 11, 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Please contact Helena Peter for the address.
...Gertrude Slifkin. Funeral services took place on Monday, February 5.
We Extend Condolences to...
...Ray Fields (Sharon) on the death of his sister Hope Lois Abrams.
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South Addition, Phase 2, Update 20
Major work has started on the exterior of the South Addition over the past couple of weeks! Concrete has been poured for the new South Entrance stairs and covered entryway.
Read more
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Israel Engagement & Social Justice | |
The Current State and Trends of Antisemitism and Hate on Campus and Beyond
Tuesday, February 13 at 4:00 pm
Temple Sinai members are invited to learn from ADL experts about the current state of campus antisemitism, antizionism and hate and how issues, events, rhetoric and incidents on college campuses reflect larger trends. This critical update will also include suggested actions college students can take to combat hate.
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CIESJ Recommends
The Committee for Israel Engagement and Social Justice continues to compile materials meant to provide a range of thoughtful opinion and analysis pieces that supplement the basic factual reporting that people follow in their regular media intake.
Read this week's recommendations
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The Davis Center for Social Justice | |
Washington Interfaith Network (WIN)
Political Education Series Kickoff
Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 pm
It's budget and legislative oversight time in DC! Join our WIN Core Team for the Kickoff at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 222 M St., NW, across the street from the Waterfront metro stop. Dinner will be served, along with organizing insights and good conversations with other WIN teams across DC. Guest speaker, Professor of Law, Anthony E. Cook from Georgetown University will join us.
If you'd like a ride or want to attend with someone, email Barbara Kraft or Anne Schwartz. Future Political Education Series evenings are March 7 (Public Safety and Gun Violence focus), April 4 (Affordable Housing & Home Ownership) and May 2 (Climate and Healthy Housing).
Join WIN in advocating for the Healthy Homes Act
Tuesday, February 13, 9:30 am-1:30 pm
WIN will be holding an in-person advocacy day with the DC Council to support the Healthy Homes Act. The bill, which will retrofit 30,000 low- and middle-income DC residents' homes from fossil fuels to clean electricity, will be a huge step in transitioning us to a healthier, cleaner, and all-electric city and be a historic moment for affordability, health, and climate in DC. We will meet with several council members throughout the day including Chairman Mendelson. Questions? Contact Barbara Kraft.
Opportunity to Act
DC Council is considering criminal law reform measures -- like expanding pretrial detention -- that threaten civil liberties and don't work to reduce crime. WIN and WIN allies are asking us to speak up. Take action, learn more, and contact your Councilmember. To learn more about WIN's Public Safety Team and its work, email Barbara Kraft or Adas Public Safety leader Lois Fingerhut.
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Interested in Helping Lead the Gun Violence Prevention Team?
Temple Sinai’s Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) Group is looking for new leaders to develop and implement programs and actions to address this important national and local public health issue. Our GVP Group seeks to educate, engage and activate members of Temple Sinai to confront the gun violence epidemic in our community and nation. We also work closely with the DC Interfaith GVP Group.
For further information or to volunteer, contact Jenny Cohen.
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2024 Lipman Grants Now Open
As in years past, Temple Sinai, through The Davis Center for Social Justice, will once again be making small social justice/action focused grants from the Lipman Fund. Learn more about the Lipman Grants, including past recipients here.
Key areas that the Davis Center Steering Committee has identified for awarding grants are as follows: Digital Divide, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental, Food/Hunger, Gun Violence Prevention, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, Income and Wealth Inequality, Refugees/Asylum Seekers/Migrants, Reproductive Health and Rights, and Racial Equity.
As always, our focus will be on organizations or groups with relationships with Temple members, though the Committee may, in exceptional circumstances, consider innovative proposals by local non-profits that are especially promising regardless of relationship to Temple Sinai. Applications are due by March 8, 2024. Application can be found here.
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This Week at TSRS
Join us on Sunday, February 11 at 9:15 or 11:00 am for a security briefing and town hall to answer your security-related questions. This meeting will be postponed to an online meeting if fewer than 30 people reply that they will attend.
RSVP (required)
Purim is coming! Join our Mishloach Manot (Purim gifts!) exchange. (All ages welcome!)
Are you subscribed to TSRS texts? If not, Opt In: Text @tsrsdc to the number 81010
Coming Up
- Saturday 2/10: Shabbat b’Yachad (PreK-2nd Grade & Their Grown Ups)
- Sunday 2/11: Sunday Programming with Security Meetings
- Monday 2/12 – Wednesday 2/14: Weekday Programs as Scheduled
- Sunday 2/18 – Monday 2/19: TSRS Closed (President’s Day)
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Our 9th graders are studying stories of Jewish Washington DC, including Temple Sinai! In anticipation of our new space, they are researching and preparing a children’s book on Temple Sinai’s history. Thanks to the dedicated work of volunteers before them, they toured Sinai’s history through the 1990s right in our building! | |
Shirlings: K-2 Choir
Saturdays, February 10, March 9, April 13, May 11, 8:50-9:30 am
Introducing Shirlings: our newest K-2 choir at Temple Sinai! We will be rehearsing on the 2nd Saturday of the month before Shabbat B’yachad in the Bet Am. Come drop off your singers with Cantor Rhodes, go grab a cup of coffee and relax before Shabbat B’yachad, or hang in the back and watch the musical magic happen! Open to members and non-members alike!
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Tot Shabbat Storytime
Saturday, February 17 at 9:30 am
Head to the TSLibrary for a special Shabbat Storytime with librarian Ruth Polk. We’ll also enjoy challah, juice, crafts, and have some time to browse the shelves!
No RSVP necessary. Best for children ages 0-5 and their families.
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Adult Learning & Programs | |
Haftarah Chanting Class
Continues Saturday, February 10 at 1:30 pm
Learn to chant Haftarah or improve your current skills in this accessible and engaging trope class taught by Cantorial Soloist Robyn Helzner via Zoom.
Learn more
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Sunday, February 11 at 9:00 am
Meet the WRJ for a hike at the Rock Creek Park Nature Center parking lot, next to the water fountain. No RSVPs necessary. Questions? Contact Liz Brenner.
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Monday, February 12 at 1:00 pm
Join us via Zoom for "An Introduction to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)" with Lauren Wistreich and Zoe Bierce from the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (JCADA)
Learn more
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Rabbi's Class
Tuesday, February 20 at 10:00 am
Join us in person or virtually as we study Chasidic teachings, especially as applied today outside Orthodox circles in what is commonly called “Neo-Chasidism.” This class is taught by Rabbi Jonathan Roos and meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month through Spring 2024.
Learn more
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Brotherhood Trivia Night at World of Beer
Tuesday, February 20, 6:30-9:00 pm
All members ages 21+ are invited to join the Brotherhood team in World of Beer Bethesda's Trivia Night. The Brotherhood will pay for beverages; you’ll be responsible for paying for your food. If you plan to be there, let Howard Oppenheim know by Sunday, February 18, so we know how much space to grab when we get there.
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Tutor Needed
Sinai House is in need of a tutor for a Middle School age boy. All subjects are needed, especially in reading. His school and home are both located near Catholic University. Sinai House relies on our TS community to help our families get the help that is needed. We are so appreciative of your support.
If you are interested, please email Grace Dickerson at or at
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In the Community
JUFJ Think Jewishly, Act Locally Series
February 13 at 6:00 pm, February 20 at 6:00 pm
Join Jews United for Justice throughout February at the JCC (1529 16th St NW) for free food and learning. Sign up to connect with other Jews in DC who share our values as we discuss local activism, how the DC budget can reflect our morals and values, and how to speak truth to power and make change right here where we live. Questions? Contact Michelle Engelmann.
Learn more
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Saturday, February 24 at 2:30 pm
TSWRJ Authors' Roundtable
Learn more
Saturday, March 2 at 9:30 am
Tot Storytime Playdate
Learn more
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Tuesday, March 5 at 10:00 am
TSMRJ Volunteering at A Wider Circle
Learn more
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Security Reminder
As we continue to focus on security, only one entrance will be open at a time. Please look for signage in the parking lot indicating which entrance is open based on our scheduled activities. Bags are being checked and, at the discretion of the security team, individual bags may be disallowed in the building entirely. MPD is continuing patrols in our vicinity.
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