Joys & Concerns
Recently Hospitalized -
Don Bray
Betty Welch
Bill Jones
Births -
Ruth Ann Montgomery was born January 6. Daughter of Erin and Stephen Montgomery. Granddaughter of Doug Wilson.
Sadie Elizabeth Haywood was born on December 22. Daughter of Catherine and Michael Haywood. Granddaughter of Angie and Van Haywood.
Sympathy -
Jeffrey Scott passed away on January 13. Nephew of RaNell Baggett and Marsh Deaton.
Ola Van Dusen passed away on January 11. Mother of Janice Casaday.
Barbara Weigle passed away on January 9. Mother of Harry Weigle.
Julian Roberts passed away on December 29. Husband of Lisa Roberts. Father of Grace and Ruth Roberts. Son of Martha and Haley Roberts.
Mike Monro passed away on December 24. Brother of Bill Monro.
Rebecca Janell Watson passed away on December 24. Mother of Pat Warren. Grandmother of Todd Folley.
Special Gifts -
In Memory Of:
John & Barbara Drew by William Walker, Jr.
Ola Van Dusen by Pairs & Spares Sunday School Class
Ann Tolbert by Mary Hood
Julian Roberts by Panny Force
Billy Schafer by Jane, Phil & Tommy Greene
Barbara Weigle by Ben & Jan McElreath