Online Bulletins
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Email Only Announcements
The Trinity Office will close at noon on Friday, September 27 due to the Queen City Mischief and Magic Festival.

Queen City Mischief and Magic Festival: Broom over to the Trinity Church Booth at Nanny June Vintage Clothing, 29 E. Beverley St., to quench your appetite with Wizard Water and Magical Munchies while adopting your own Wizard Mouse! Saturday, Sept. 28 from 9am - 4pm.

Street Closures for the Queen City Mischief and Magic Festival can be seen below.
September 29 Bulletin Announcements
Fr Paul’s email address will change after September. The [email protected] address will be turned off by the end of the month. If you’d like to write to Paul or Lee after that, you may request their contact info from the office. 

Happening TODAY
Come one, come all! All ages are welcome at 10am in McCracken Hall in the Parish House today for Bible Buzz. We will learn about Abraham and Sarah and what it means to be a family. Join us for crafts, story and song.

Food Collection for Noon Lunch will be TODAY the last Sunday of the month: Please make sure any contributed items have not passed their “sell by” date. Canned vegetables, especially string beans, tomato sauce, tomato paste, and coffee are most appreciated!

Happening this week
Spaghetti Supper and Taize Service Tuesday! The spaghetti supper supports the youth mission trips to Honduras. The supper begins at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1. A freewill offering will be accepted. Please give generously to our important mission work! Any youth who can come to help out would be very much appreciated! Also join us for the Taize Service at 7:00 p.m. following the supper.

Happening next Sunday
Healing Prayer during Service on first Sunday of the month. Laying on of Hands and prayer for Healing will be offered during Communion at all services the first Sunday of the month. To receive healing prayer, please come to the Nativity Chapel after you receive the bread and wine of Communion. 

Blessing of the Animals: Please gather in the Trinity churchyard on Sunday, October 6 at 10am with your animal friends for the blessing of the animals. There will be no Sunday School that day.

Other Announcements
Interim Rector Announced: The Rev. Denise Guinta (pronounced June-tah) will join us beginning on Sunday, November 3. She is an Intention Interim Rector and Transition Ministry Coach. For more information and a message from her please see the lead article in the October Tribune. Copies are available at the back of the church, in the rack in the Parish House hallway, and on our website .

CORRECTION: Novel Theology will meet next on October 22 at 7:00pm in the Foster Room of the Parish House to discuss Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley.

The Youth and Children’s Ministries Committee is beginning a new program we are calling Bible Buzz. This will be a monthly inter generational event during the Sunday School hour filled with crafts, activities, and worship. We need many volunteers to make this program a success! We need amazing storytellers, enthusiastic song leaders, and friendly adults and youth to guide crafts and activities. You can help once in a while or every month. If you have a talent in one of these areas we need your help! Please contact Crystal Fiechtl at (423)367-0570 or [email protected] .

NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet: Saturday, October 12 at 4:00 pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Tickets are $40.00. Please contact Diane Kent (540-255-7478) to purchase tickets.

Haiti Pig Roast: October 12 at 5pm at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 300 W. Frederick St., Staunton. Dine in or take out, roasted by Carolina Q Pig Pickers. Includes Haitian red beans, rice, coleslaw, and mac and cheese. Free will offering donations benefit the Virginia Haiti Collaborative's partners, school, and community in Cerca La Source, Haiti.

Vestry Nominations: Please note that current vestry members are not eligible for nomination, except Kay Manchester who was appointed for a one year term. You may find a list of vestry members in your bulletin. Paper nomination forms are available at the back of the church. Your nomination may be placed in the offering plate, mailed, called in to the office (540-886-9132), or you may use the form on our website found at on the drop down menu under “Members”. Please submit up to four nominations no later than October 20 . Please be sure to ask your nominees if they are willing to run before submitting their names. Those who may nominate candidates (and vote) are (according to Canon 14, sec. 2): “All adults (16 and over) baptized members belonging to the parish, who for three months preceding have been regular worshipers in the parish and regular contributors to its financial support by pledge, subscription, or some other method by which they shall be known to the treasurer of the parish.”

Fall Mission Day: This fall we will continue in our celebration of the 100th anniversary year of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. Just as we did last year, all convocations in the diocese will unite for one Fall Mission Day at Christ Church, Blacksburg on Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 9:30 AM-2:00 PM . Clergy delegates and elected lay delegates and lay alternates to Diocesan Convention will be attending for official convocation business including fall elections and nominations. However, all interested lay leaders and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend this event. There will be no other separate convocation meetings this fall. Please use this link to register:

We want to wish you a Happy Birthday: If you are new to Trinity or if you haven't ever given the office your birthday and would like to have your name in the bulletin prayers for your birthday week, please email your name and birthday including the year to Deidre at [email protected] or call 886-9132.

Periodically we take photos and videos of services and events to use in Trinity publications and on our website. If you do not wish for Trinity to use your child’s or your photo/video, please let us know. In order to comply with your request we will need to have on file in the office a photo that we can use to identify you and/or your child.
Liturgical Assistants

7:45 am
PRESIDER & PREACHER: The Rev. Roger Bowen
ALTAR CHAIR : Tricia McPherson
LECTOR : Tom Bell
USHER: Ted Cathey
GREETER: Doris Goode

8:45 am
PRESIDER & PREACHER: The Rev. Roger Bowen
MUSICIANS : Steve Carpenter, Glendon Gill, Cindy Hickman, Oakley Pearson, Bill Wellington
8:45 ALTAR CHAIR : Janice Sultenfuss
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS : Judith Owens, Mary Schwaner
LECTOR : Lolo Kable
USHER: Lolo Kable
GREETER: Linda Vaughan

11:00 am
PRESIDER & PREACHER: The Rev. Roger Bowen
ORGANIST: Virginia Bolena
ALTAR CHAIR : Tricia McPherson
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Claudette Obenschain, Grace Rice
LECTOR: Richard Obenschain
PRAYERS: Rick Chittum
CRUCIFER: Nathan Boody
TORCH BEARERS: Elaine Boody, Evelyn Boody
CHOIR CROSS: Iris Lockhart
USHERS: Rick Chittum, Lilchy Huffman
GREETER: Pat Clark