This Week at ULC
Newsletter | August 4, 2021
Wallace Foundation Highlights ULC Work and Expertise
In a new blog published by the Wallace Foundation on “How Libraries Can Partner with Communities for Summer Learning Success,” learn more about the role of libraries as essential partners for summer learning. Written by ULC Senior Advisor Liz McChesney, the post highlights ULC’s Partnering with Schools action team, ULC member support of the National Summer Learning Association’s Discover Summer web app and the tremendous work of member libraries including New York Public Library, Stark District Library, Cedar Rapids Public Library and San Francisco Public Library.
ULC continues to follow the developments around the American Rescue Plan Act and potential funding opportunities for ULC member libraries and the communities we serve.
FCC Holds Emergency Connectivity Fund FAQ Webinar
Earlier this week, the FCC hosted a virtual webinar that provided additional information about the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program. The webinar highlighted frequently asked questions about the application process and answered questions from potential ECF participants. View the Recording >
ECF Application Filing Open Through August 13
Libraries can now file applications for the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund, with the first application filing window set to close next week on August 13. Applicants can submit requests for funding for purchases to be made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Learn More >
Accessing ARPA Funds to Support Afterschool and Summer Learning
Afterschool Alliance developed a webinar series which outlines how the American Rescue Plan Act can be utilized to support and expand afterschool and summer learning opportunities. Afterschool Alliance’s Erik Peterson, along with panelists from the National League of Cities, Ignite Afterschool, National Association of Counties and the St. Louis Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth & Families outlined various funding opportunities during the latest webinar held earlier this month. Learn More >
Expanding Outdoor Work and Learning Spaces
Boston Public Library
Boston Mayor Kim Janey, in collaboration with the city’s Environment Department and the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, is working with Boston Public Library to install outdoor pop-up workspaces at 14 BPL locations this summer. The pop ups will provide cool and shady work and learn areas, 24-hour Wi-Fi access and a Boston Summer Eats program. “Extended outdoor Wi-Fi at branches is one more way of removing barriers to opportunity and providing a space to patrons that is safe and welcoming," said BPL President David Leonard.
Pictured: Author Marcie Colleen reads to children at the Jefferson County Library. Photo Credit: Colorado State Library
Encouraging Early Literacy in Colorado
Colorado State Library
In a recent IMLS grant spotlight article, find out how Colorado State Library has coordinated early literacy initiatives across the state. In 2020, CSL’s Early Literacy Programming launched the final year of the One Book Colorado program which has spanned nine years and resulted in 675,000 books being given to 4-year-olds throughout the state. “We created One Book with the idea that providing young children with access to books promotes early literacy skills and helps parents and families serve as their children’s first and most important teachers,” said Beth Crist, youth and family services consultant at Colorado State Library.
Exposing the History of Racial Residential Segregation
Dayton Metro Library
Opening later this week, the new Undesign the Redline exhibit at Dayton Metro Library’s main downtown branch explores the history of redlining, a practice by the federal government and banks that created segregation and racial inequalities in cities. Undesign the Redline includes both local and national elements, with visitors able to learn the stories of individuals affected by this practice. “There’s a real desire to learn more about the long history of racism in the U.S., and a greater openness to conversation about policies and practices," said Dayton Metro Library Executive Director Jeffrey Trzeciak.
Pictured: Attendees at Greensboro Public Library's 2019 Nonprofit Resource Fair
Helping Small Businesses and Nonprofits Navigate the Pandemic in Greensboro
Greensboro Public Library
In our latest ULC blog post, discover how Greensboro Public Library developed a new COVID-19 Small Business & Nonprofit Resource Guide to offer local, state and federal resources to help small businesses and nonprofits navigate the pandemic. The blog post was written by Greensboro Public Library Director Brigitte Blanton and Business & Nonprofit Librarian Morgan Ritchie-Baum.
Tuesday, August 10 | 1 p.m. ET
Baker & Taylor, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, San Diego County Library
Join Amandeep Kochar, Baker & Taylor executive vice president, as he moderates a discussion with Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Executive Director Kelvin Watson, San Diego County Library Director Migell Acosta and Kim Scott, author of Just Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair. The panel will discuss how to recognize, attack and eliminate workplace injustice while transforming organizations in the process, along with the role that a diverse collection plays in educating patrons, overcoming barriers and creating awareness.
Repurposing Storytime Spaces for Exploration and Collaboration
Poudre River Public Library District
Because storytimes at Poudre River Public Library District have moved outdoors for the summer, the indoor room where readings take place has been redesigned to provide fun self-guided activities that help connect patrons to curiosity.
Exploration Centers: Retro Technology
This section includes stations with a record player, boom box and CD/cassette player combos. Patrons get a hands-on tech experience with devices many visitors may have never seen before.
Collaborative Coloring
In the Collaborative Coloring stations, community members can flex their artistic muscles using washable markers on giant coloring posters. Patrons of all ages are welcome to contribute.
Kansas City Public Library
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Call
August 18 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
ULC Collections Leaders
Member Group Call
August 25 | 2-3 p.m. ET
Toronto Public Library
Toronto Public Library launched more youth hubs, bringing the combined total of youth spaces run by the city and the library to 43, with 66 full-time staff working to equip young people with the skills to succeed in early-stage job market!