This Week at ULC
Newsletter | December 1, 2021
Our new resource, the Trigger Terms: Harmful Detours and Healing Redirects framework and web page, has been updated with three new terms - equity, oppression and white fragility. Developed by ULC's Anti-Racism action team, this new framework names words and phrases that spur polarization and conflict ("trigger terms”) as well as interpretations that can derail productive conversations (“harmful detours”) and suggested translations to foster mutual respect and understanding (“healing redirects”).

Libraries and leaders can leverage the web page’s language to:
  • Define key terms for use in policies, MOUs, strategic plans and other documents or web pages.
  • Structure conversations and self-reflection among staff teams and program participants.
  • Build alignment and shared language with partners such as government and school leaders.
  • Provide talking points to prepare staff for challenging conversations with external and internal stakeholders.

The terms included on this web page will receive ongoing additions and updates. Please contact with questions.
Every year, ULC's Innovations Initiative features the very best of the tremendous work our libraries do every day in their community — and 2021 is no exception! Check out every “new” and “next” program, partnership, event and strategy submitted this year by ULC members online at our website. All Innovations submissions are in the process of being reviewed and ULC will reach out to the directors/CEOs of award-winning libraries in the next few weeks.

Once the submissions are reviewed by the judges, ULC will contact library directors to inform them that their library has been selected as either a Top Innovator or Honorable Mention. Only libraries that have been selected as a winner will be contacted. 

If your library is selected as a 2021 Top Innovator, we will ask you to submit a short video featuring a staff member and/or patron explaining the impact of the Innovation on your library community. This short video will be showcased during the upcoming 2021 Innovations Celebration. 

if you have questions about the selection process, please reach out to ULC Director of Community Engagement Colleen Morsli at
We give a special thanks to Ingram Content Group for supporting the 2021 ULC Innovations Celebration and providing ULC members with new and useful tools for the field. 
Jacksonville Goes Fine Free
Jacksonville Public Library

Jacksonville Public Library is one of the latest ULC member library systems to join the Fine Free movement by eliminating fines for everyone. "We see how people turn to the library to learn new skills, start businesses or just escape into a great story. Anything that increases fair and equitable access to the library is a good thing for Duval County,” said Carlo Fassi, chair of the Board of Library Trustees.
Bridging the Digital Divide in Wichita
Wichita Public Library

With funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, Wichita Public Library is putting 250 internet bundles into circulation for customers to borrow which feature a wireless hotspot and Chromebook. "We definitely see a need for internet inclusion out in the community and I think that this service is really good now because we've seen through the COVID-19 pandemic... how many people are doing school or working from home and some people just might not have the best connectivity," said Sean Jones, a communications specialist at Wichita Public Library.
Transforming Old Memories Into New Gifts in Regina
Regina Public Library

Utilizing Regina Public Library’s Digitization Station, patrons can convert old negatives, photos and VHS home videos into digital files for festive gifts this holiday season. Staff are on hand to provide a short orientation on the equipment and residents can book four-hour blocks during Central Library business hours.
Member Group Call
December 9 | 4-5 p.m. ET
ULC Education Leaders Call
Member Group Call
December 14 | 2-3 p.m. ET
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Call
December 15 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
ULC EDI Officers
Member Group Call
December 15 | 3:30-4:30 p.m. ET
Public Presentation Proposal Form
Jefferson County Public Library

Job Description: Technical Services/UX Manager
Hartford Public Library

Children's Toys Handling
Dallas Public Library

Columbus Metropolitan Library

A new partnership between Columbus City Schools and Columbus Metropolitan Library will increase students’ access to e-books and e-audiobooks by combining digital reading resources from the library and the schools into a single computer application!
We are looking for talented professionals to join our ULC team! 

ULC’s Communications Manager will help our team implement communications and outreach efforts with internal and external stakeholders. The communications manager will work closely with ULC’s senior leadership team to raise the profile of how public libraries are addressing critical issues in local communities. Click here to apply >.

ULC’s National Program Manager will help collaborate on initiatives across ULC’s strategic focus areas to help public libraries lead education, strengthen digital equity and build healthy, sustainable communities through innovation. Click here to apply >.

Please contact ULC's Interim Director of Communications Paul Negron at