This Week at ULC
Newsletter | July 28, 2021
ULC members are going for the gold this week by featuring innovative programming and events celebrating the 2020 Summer Olympics, currently being held through August 8, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan!
Below are just a few of the many amazing ways our members are celebrating our U.S. and Canadian athletes competing at the Games:
Alameda County Library developed a curated list of films for patrons that celebrates the pinnacle of amateur sports.
Frisco Public Library created a Summer Olympics online quiz testing patrons’ knowledge on the history of the Games.
Kitchener Public Library created a digital living web page that features Olympic-themed individual and team sports activities.
Portland Public Library published an updated “Life of the Library” blog post that explains some lesser known and newer sports featured at this year's Summer Olympics.
ULC continues to follow the developments around the American Rescue Plan Act and potential funding opportunities for ULC member libraries and the communities we serve.
Accessing ARPA Funds to Support Afterschool and Summer Learning
Afterschool Alliance developed a webinar series which outlines how the American Rescue Plan Act can be utilized to support and expand afterschool and summer learning opportunities. Afterschool Alliance’s Erik Peterson, along with panelists from the National League of Cities, Ignite Afterschool, National Association of Counties and the St. Louis Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth & Families outlined various funding opportunities during the latest webinar held earlier this month. Learn More >
ECF Application Filing Window Now Open
Libraries can now begin to file applications for the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund. The first application filing window is open through August 13, 2021. Applicants can submit requests for funding for purchases to be made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Learn More >
Emergency Connectivity Fund Q&A
In order to address ECF concerns unique to library applicants, ALA, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition recently co-hosted an open Q&A forum. The recording of this call is available online, as are links to resources mentioned during the discussion. Learn More >
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officers
ULC is excited to announce the formation of a new Member Group dedicated to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officers. Members of this group share strategies and best practices related to advancing anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion at their libraries and within their communities. To join this Member Group, please email ULC Project Manager Matt Wims at Only staff from ULC member libraries are able to join ULC Member Group listservs.
Allison Grubbs Named as New Library Director
Broward County Library
Congratulations to Allison Grubbs who was recently named as Broward County Library's new director! Grubbs joined BCL in June 2019 and served as interim director since February 2021, bringing more than a decade of public library experience to her new role. Grubbs was instrumental in the library's award-winning efforts to provide community library services during the COVID-19 pandemic and she currently serves statewide as the vice-chair for the Intellectual Freedom Committee. "I am honored to be selected for this position and to have the opportunity to serve the people and communities of Broward County," said Grubbs.
Pasadena Goes Fine Free
Pasadena Public Library
Earlier this month, Pasadena Public Library joined public libraries across ULC’s membership in waiving overdue fines and late fees. The library previously was fine free for children's and young adult materials. In a statement, the library noted that "removing barriers to access the library's free resources will help provide equal access to information and knowledge for all."
Pictured: Patron at Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
Adapting Digital Offerings to Meet Patron Needs
Sarasota County Public Library, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
Sarasota County Public Library and Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library were recently featured for their exceptional work meeting the changing needs of their patrons during the pandemic.
In Sarasota, the library launched a new service called HelpNow, which provides live tutoring to students of all ages and grade levels. “They simply go online to the library's website and look under digital resources and online tutoring for the HelpNow platform and they just log in right there," said Renee di Pilato, director of libraries and historical resources.
In Tampa, the library system continued to meet the growing demand among patrons for digital materials with expanded collections. "Already this year, customers have borrowed 1 million e-books, e-audiobooks and digital magazines through the library's Overdrive service and Libby app,” said Cheryl Wolfe, digital media and PR coordinator.
Leveraging Community Partnerships to Offer Outdoor Programming
Kansas City Public Library, Jacksonville Public Library, Cedar Rapids Public Library, Madison Public Library
In our latest ULC blog post, discover how ULC libraries across North America have established innovative partnerships to transform their outdoor programming for patrons.
Thanks to the following ULC members for sharing their insights:
- Crystal Faris, Director of Youth & Family Engagement, Kansas City Public Library
- Chris Boivin, Assistant Director of Community Relations and Marketing, Jacksonville Public Library
- Kevin Delecki, Programming Manager, Cedar Rapids Public Library
- Tammy Ocampo, Youth Services Manager, Madison Public Library
Pictured: RCPL Library Assistant Bryce Chalkley
Adapting Services for Patrons During the Pandemic
Roanoke County Public Library
Roanoke County Public Library dramatically shifted service and program delivery online during the pandemic to continue providing a sense of community to patrons during isolation.
During quarantine, the library launched a Let’s Stay in Touch service for people to call to chat. As RCPL moved to curbside services, patrons were able to pickup Book & Movie Bundles, themed bundles of genre-themed items, and Take & Create Kits for all ages — simple crafts with enclosed instructions. More than 4000+ craft kits and hundreds of Book & Movie Bundles have circulated since the launch of this initiative.
Click here to learn more about this groundbreaking work, originally submitted to ULC’s 2020 Innovations Initiative.
St. Charles City-County Library
San Francisco Public Library
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Call
August 18 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
St. Charles City-County Library
Hear St. Charles City-County Library’s Classes and Events Coordinator Elizabeth Nelson discuss the library’s telescope lending program with Chuck Simms and Don Ficken of the Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri!