This Week at ULC
Newsletter | March 31, 2021
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will define tomorrow's economic health, and fostering a STEM-ready workforce is vital to the future of every community. ULC has published two robust new resources to empower all public libraries as STEM education leaders.

In oupress release published today, ULC President and CEO Susan Benton noted, "ULC’s new Strategic Playbook and Quickstart Toolkit are launchpads for helping libraries of all sizes step up as intentional and active STEM education leaders in order to build a more equitable future for everyone.”
Partners for Middle School STEM:
Strategic Playbook

ULC’s new Partners for Middle School STEM Strategic Playbook guides library teams in building successful programs and cross-sector partnerships to advance inclusive and robust STEM learning environments for low-income youth.

The Strategic Playbook offers a broad toolset of action steps, considerations and resources relevant to libraries of all sizes and in every stage of partnership and program development. 
Building the STEM Workforce:
Quickstart Toolkit

Complementing the Strategic Playbook, ULC’s Building the STEM Workforce: Quickstart Toolkit is designed to orient libraries who are new to this work with strategies for short-term, sustainable progress, as well as resources for deeper exploration.

The Quickstart Toolkit outlines strategies for changes that can help libraries accelerate their progress as STEM equity leaders — no matter how far they’ve already progressed in that journey.
Connecting Communities with Teleservices: Learning from Digital Navigators
Salt Lake City Public Library, Multnomah County Library, National Digital Inclusion Alliance

COVID-19 has made it clear that libraries need to expand services beyond our buildings and reach out directly to individuals and families in order to address the full spectrum of digital needs in our communities. Join leaders from Salt Lake City Public Library, Multnomah County Library and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance on April 8 to learn how libraries across the U.S. are using the “Digital Navigators” model of phone-based services to build digital equity across a wide range of issues.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear from one of SLCPL’s Digital Navigators and learn about what makes this model unique and successful, how libraries are adopting the framework and how you can learn from this project and apply its tools to strengthen your library’s work.

  • Paolo Balboa, Program Manager, National Digital Inclusion Alliance
  • Amanda Perry, Digital Navigator and Associate Librarian, Salt Lake City Public Library
  • Justin Strange, Digital Navigator Project Manager, Salt Lake City Public Library
  • Jon Worona, Director of Content Strategy, Multnomah County Library
ULC is closely following developments around the American Rescue Plan Act and potential funding opportunities for ULC member libraries and the communities we serve. 
Our team has synthesized insights from our ongoing research and conversations with members and partners to create talking points. Click here to access these talking points in ULC’s Member Knowledge Exchange. We hope that this resource will be useful to you in building understanding and communicating with key stakeholders about ARPA and what it might mean for your library.
Stay tuned to ULC communications for regular updates and please review the latest resources on ULC’s American Rescue Plan Act Resources web page.
Meet ULC's Newest Member
Richmond Hill Public Library

ULC is excited to welcome Richmond Hill Public Library as the newest addition to our member community! Serving a population of 200,000 in Ontario, Canada, RHPL prides itself on offering a welcoming presence aimed at touching the diverse lives of community members in positive and impactful ways.
Celebrating International Day of Transgender Visibility
Brampton Library

Brampton Library is co-hosting a virtual event later today with Moyo Health & Community Services featuring local transgender activists and artists Eva Simone, Teddy Syrette and Thoryne Brow. The virtual discussion will highlight the unique and diverse experience of the panelists and cover why representation matters.
Supporting Asian Communities in Pima County
Pima County Public Library

Pima County Public Library recently launched a new Biblio Lotus Team at the library to provide services to local Asian communities. The new team is committed to recognizing the contributions Asians make and educating staff and customers to dispel some of the myths surrounding Asian identities and cultures.
CEO Roberta Phillips Wins Women in Government Award
Prince George's County Memorial Library System

Congratulations to PGCMLS CEO Roberta Phillips for being named a recipient of the Prince George’s County Women in Government Award! Phillips was honored for her leadership in mobilizing the library’s resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carlson Center for Intellectual Property
Rochester Public Library
Carlson Center for Intellectual Property
Rochester Public Library partnered with Rochester Institute of Technology’s Simone Center for Entrepreneurship and Venture Creations to establish a Patent Virtual Assistance Center to offer services to inventors in the community.

Now staff are considered an integral part of RIT’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, helping community members learn about patents, trademarks and copyrights and how to successfully apply and connect with experts in the field.

Click here to learn more about this groundbreaking work and click here to review all 260 submissions to the 2020 Innovations Initiative.
ULC HR Professionals
Member Group Conference Call
April 5 | 3-4 p.m. ET
Connecting Communities with Teleservices: Learning from the Digital Navigators
April 8 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
ULC Deputy Directors
Member Group Conference call
April 8 | 3-4 p.m. ET
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Conference Call
April 21 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
Tools for Middle Grade STEM Success
April 22 | 1-2 p.m. ET
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

In our latest ULC Edge library profile, discover how Edge evolved from a promising opportunity to an essential tool for Texas under TSLAC’s digital inclusion leadership.