This Week at ULC
Newsletter | May 5, 2021
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the U.S. and Asian Heritage Month in Canada, libraries across ULC’s membership are engaging their communities in activities that honor the lives, contributions and diverse cultural traditions, identities and ethnicities of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and Canadians.

All month long, we will highlight member library voices and work through our newsletter and social media. Below are just a few of the many amazing stories our members have shared so far:

  • Alexandria Library (Va.) is providing take-home kits for patrons featuring a craft inspired by tapa cloth, a traditional material used in the South Pacific.

  • Anchorage Public Library (Alaska) has curated an Asian American-Pacific Islander heritage picture book list for children. 

  • Prince George’s County Memorial Library System (Md.) is hosting a virtual discussion of the film documentary “Soul of a Banquet - The Modern Matriarch of Chinese Cooking” which features Cecilia Chiang, the woman who introduced America to authentic Chinese food.

  • San Diego Public Library (Calif) is hosting a virtual musical performance featuring staff member Ratna Singh singing “He Sharde Maa,” a song that is dedicated to Maa Sharde or Sarawati, the Hindu goddess of speech, learning, music and knowledge. 

  • Vancouver Public Library (B.C.) created a list of e-books and downloadable e-audiobooks to celebrate Asian Heritage Month by showcasing how art and culture connect us all.

We look forward to sharing more highlights throughout the month! If you have suggested articles, blog posts or photos showcasing your events/programming, please be sure to send them to

ULC continues to follow the developments around the American Rescue Plan Act and potential funding opportunities for ULC member libraries and the communities we serve. 

Acting FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Unveils Proposed Rules for Emergency Connectivity Fund
On April 30, Acting FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel released proposed rules to establish the Emergency Connectivity Fund. Read them here.

ULC Submits Comments to the FCC
On April 23, 2021, ULC submitted comments to the FCC on the implementation of the Emergency Connectivity Fund through the E-rate program. Building on ULC's Digital Equity Leadership Brief and action team meetings, as well as the ongoing discussions about ARPA funding through ULC Member Group calls, these comments highlight the essential role of public libraries in closing equity gaps for home internet access and urge the FCC to implement the ECF to allow for libraries to maximize their participation. Read the comments here.

Funds for Learning E-rate Applicant Survey
Funds for Learning is gathering feedback regarding the E-rate program from library officials with working knowledge of the program. The survey is open through May 15, 2021, with responses solicited to help shape the future of the E-rate program. Fill out the survey here

Stay tuned to ULC communications for regular updates and please review the latest resources on ULC’s American Rescue Plan Act Resources web page.
Pictured: Senior Branch Head Nalini Battu making calls

Connecting Seniors to Vaccine Information
Toronto Public Library

To ensure residents have the information needed to register for vaccines, TPL staff have mobilized to call 7,000 library users who are seniors aged 80+ and 25,000 seniors between 70 and 79. Calls started earlier this month and staff are reaching approximately 1,500 seniors per week. “Connecting people to information is an important part of what public libraries do, and to be doing it in such a meaningful way with instant feedback is a truly rewarding experience for our dedicated staff,” said City Librarian Vickery Bowles.
Business Librarian Mark Pond Honored with Award
Spokane Public Library

Congratulations to Mark Pond for earning this year’s BRASS Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship. Mark’s strong service ethic and promotion of Spokane Public Library’s role in the regional business ecosystem helped him garner this prestigious award. He is currently a member of ULC’s Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses action team.
CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas Turns 15
Central Arkansas Library System

The CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas is a free, authoritative source of information showcasing the history, geography and culture of Arkansas. To celebrate the EOA's fifteenth anniversary, the library is offering a number of programs and releasing an upcoming series of blog and social media posts highlighting staff picks for favorite entries. Today, the site offers more than 6,000 entries and almost 10,000 pieces of media.
Free Upcoming Webinar on May 20
California State Library, Richland Library, Free Library of Philadelphia

On Thursday, May 20, discover how libraries are supporting their communities through farmers' markets, summer food programs, community fridges and culinary literacy centers during a free webinar co-presented by UNC Greensboro School of Education, Let's Move in Libraries, and Featured panelists include California State Library's Patrice Chamberlain, Richland Library’s Leighan Cazier and Free Library of Philadelphia’s Caity Rietzen.
Pictured: Panelists from Speak Up/Speak Out discussion on February 24, 2021.
Speak Up/Speak Out: Conversations on Race in Columbus
Columbus Metropolitan Library

In a ULC blog post written by Chief Community Engagement Officer Donna Zuiderweg, learn how Columbus Metropolitan Library committed to a strong and sustained effort to combat racial inequity in their organization and community. Donna is currently a member of ULC’s Anti-Racism action team
Easy Online Card System for Adults and Juveniles Easy Online
Grand Rapids Public Library
To engage students in remote learning during the pandemic, Grand Rapids Public Library built an inexpensive online library card system that allows for a quick and streamlined registration for both adults and juveniles. The new form enables patrons to request multiple juvenile cards at once and it seamlessly integrates with the library’s ILS system. With an official launch on September 30, 2020, the form has strengthened the library’s relationship with local schools, making it much easier for teachers to encourage their students to obtain library cards.

Click here to learn more about this groundbreaking work and click here to review all 260 submissions to the 2020 Innovations Initiative.
Nashville Public Library Foundation
Columbus Metropolitan Library
Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation
ULC Education Leaders
Member Group Conference Call
May 18 | 2-3 p.m. ET
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Conference Call
May 19 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
ULC Development Professionals
Member Group Conference Call
May 26 | 3-4 p.m. ET
Richmond Hill Public Library

Richmond Hill Public Library is the latest library to sign our Statement on Race and Social Equity! Find out how 207 public libraries are actively working to foster a more just and inclusive world.