This Week at ULC
Newsletter | October 27, 2021
Thank you to our ULC members who have already submitted to our 2021 Innovations Initiative! The submissions continue to roll in before our deadline on November 1. If you haven’t already, please submit an Innovation (or several) to one of the 10 categories! Brainstorm with your teams now and talk about your best work in 2021 and share it with ULC!
This year's Top Innovators will have the opportunity to:
- Showcase their Innovation in a celebratory ULC member video
Receive a one-year subscription to Ingram's brand new iCurate® Coming Soon service
Plus, the 2021 Top Innovator in Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion category will receive a complementary iCurate® inClusive Diversity Audit of their print collection
We give a special thanks to Ingram Content Group for supporting the 2021 ULC Innovations Celebration and providing ULC members with new and useful tools for the field.
Thanks to Ingram, we are proud to announce two amazing benefits that will be extended to this year's Top Innovators! The 2021 Top Innovators in nine categories will receive a one-year subscription to Ingram's brand new iCurate® Coming Soon service, which provides hand-selected lists of pre-publication titles delivered on the first of every month and sized appropriately for each collection. The 2021 Top Innovator in the Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion category will receive a complementary iCurate® inClusive Diversity Audit of their print collection, providing reporting on their collection along with lists of diverse titles for addition that are most popular in public libraries.
iCurate® Coming Soon
Easily Manage New, Forthcoming & Trending Titles
iCurate® inClusive
Effortless, Effective Diversity Audit
The application period is now open for Building Equity: Amplify Summer Learning, a new ULC initiative to support engaging learning opportunities for middle school youth in the summertime who have historically been excluded from STEM opportunities (e.g., based on race, income, gender, ability). Building on the success of ULC’s Partners for Middle School STEM initiative and the hard work of our first learning cohort libraries, Building Equity: Amplify Summer Learning will position libraries as critical community anchors for learning, accelerate the public library’s role in summer and reinforce the library as a place in the community for equity and inclusion.
All applications are due by Friday, November 5 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Please note that cohort members will receive a small stipend to help offset material costs.
Funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and with the support of our partners, the National Summer Learning Association and the National Recreation and Park Association, ULC and its strategic partners will work with a learning cohort of up to 20-25 public libraries to design and implement quality STEM summer programming. All ULC members are encouraged to apply!
This is the last week to submit your application to participate in Communities for Immunity, a groundbreaking initiative that is funding local efforts to engage and educate Americans about COVID-19 vaccines. If your library is interested in or already engaging vaccine-hesitant communities, learn more about how you can receive funding to further your work. The application process is quick and easy. Applications for awards up to $100,000 are due by Monday, November 1.
ULC is partnering on this new initiative supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Communities for Immunity builds on a number of ongoing library field efforts to activate engagement in vaccine confidence work, including REopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM), a research partnership between OCLC, IMLS and Battelle.
Hosting Author Talk with Ann Shin
Mississauga Library
Mississauga Library hosts a virtual conversation this week with filmmaker and writer Ann Shin, author of the novel The Last Exiles and the director of programs for CBC, HGTV, PBS and the History Channel. Shin will offer a rare glimpse at life inside North Korea.
Honored with Kentucky's Highest Architecture Design Award
Louisville Free Public Library
Louisville Free Public Library’s Northeast Regional Library was recently honored with a 2021 AIA Kentucky Honor Award by the American Institute of Architects' Kentucky chapter. Opening in June 2019, the nearly 40,000-square-foot facility provides services for more than 170,000 people in eastern Jefferson County, with books, open spaces and modern technology geared towards learning for all patrons.
Tim Kambitsch Named Hall of Fame Librarian of the Year
Dayton Metro Library
Tim Kambitsch, retired executive director of the Dayton Metro Library, was named the Ohio Library Council Hall of Fame Librarian of the Year during a special ceremony earlier this month. Kambitsch, who started at DML in 1972 shelving books, earned the award for his career achievements, leadership and contributions to the Dayton community.
Next week, we invite ULC CEOs to attend the first session of a dynamic three-part Speaker Series focused on ways to manage personal and professional stress. During the first presentation and discussion on November 4 at 4 p.m. ET, —Reducing Stress and Optimizing Resilience. Dr. Selhub will share why it is crucial to create a strong foundation for reducing stress and provide actionable takeaways to create better balance and mindfulness in your lives.
Dr. Selhub will also join us for two additional ULC CEO calls on November 10 and 18, so please mark your calendars!
About Dr. Selhub: Dr. Selhub is an internationally recognized expert on resiliency and stress reduction. She specializes in helping individuals and organizations improve health, well-being, productivity and outcomes by creating a culture of resilience. Her energizing presentations merge science with spirit and mind with body. A board-certified physician, Dr. Selhub taught for 20 years as an instructor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
ULC CEO Speaker Series with Dr. Eva Selhub
Virtual Discussion
November 4 | 4-5 p.m. ET
ULC Deputy Directors
Member Group Call
November 8 | 2-3 p.m. ET
ULC EDI Officers
Member Group Call
November 10 | 2-3 p.m. ET
ULC Communications and Marketing Leaders
Member Group Call
November 17 | Noon-1 p.m. ET
Community Impact Report
Allen County Public Library
Job Description: Library Administrator
LA County Library
Children's STEAM Learning Garden
Wichita Public Library
The Institute of Museum and Library Services announced that more than $15 million in American Rescue Plan Act grants have been allocated to institutions across 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to support libraries and museums in recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. “IMLS is proud to announce our awards for the American Rescue Plan, which provide relief and succor in so many different ways through a vast number of institutions, patrons and their communities,” said IMLS Director Crosby Kemper. Learn More >
Stay tuned to ULC communications for regular updates and please review the latest resources on ULC’s American Rescue Plan Act web page.
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Yes, even pumpkins need a temperature check before entering the library! Browse, borrow and access the internet for free at any Pratt library location.