Tonight: Ash Wednesday Worship
Join us for this special Ash Wednesday service tonight, February 14, at 7 pm in-person or online. Through music, meditation, and the imposition of ashes, we'll mark the beginning of Lent. Together, let's embrace the promise of everlasting life in Christ.
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Discover WCUCC
February 18
Interested in learning more about WCUCC and possible membership? Join our pastors at 11:15 am (after worship) for this casual gathering. RSVP to Jeff Langner.
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Senior Services Info Session February 18
WCUCC is hosting two speakers addressing ways to access community-based resources and services that promote independence, safety, and general wellness. Joining us will be Karen Lewis, Westerville Community Service Coordinator, and Amy Kotterman, United Church Homes representative for Naviguide. Even if support services are not needed now, this is a great educational opportunity for our older adults and members with older parents still living independently.
Presentations will be approximately 30 minutes. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary from 11:30 - 12:30, and a lunch will be provided.
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Men's Gathering
February 22
The monthly Men’s Gathering will be held on Thursday, February 22, at 6:00 pm. We will have pizza at the church, followed by a visit (carpool or drive yourself) to the new Westerville Justice Center at 229 Huber Village Blvd, arranged by Jack Cashman. Officer John Jeffries, who retires in March, will be providing our guided tour, which will take about an hour. We will leave the church at 6:45 to be able to finish around 8 pm. Please bring whatever beverage you like with pizza, or partake of wine which will be provided. The cost is $5.00. Please sign up here or in the Narthex.
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New Mobile App
Download the new WCUCC mobile app using the QR code to the right or click here. You'll be able to access the following and more:
- Sermons
- Easily accessible calendars
- Registrations & payment for events
- Weekly publications
- Member directory
- Prayer chain request
- Social media access
- Donate
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Wednesday Nights:
Wandering Heart Stories
Throughout Lent, church leaders and members will share about pivotal moments in their faith journeys. Come and learn about the surprising twists and turns they've taken as they've explored their thoughts on God, the Bible, and more. We'll meet on Wednesdays at 6 pm in Room 100-101. This week, Pastor Sigrid will share parts of her journey you've never heard!
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Last of Winter Carnival
Our Last of Winter Carnival is a few weeks away! We'll bring winter to an end, and the Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with the Snowflake Café serving ice cream sundaes, a Hot Chocolate Bar, a Cookie Decorating Station, and winter-themed “homemade” carnival games with prizes. Game tickets are 25 cents or five for a dollar. Parish Life provides the prizes for you “game-makers,” and you create the games. If game-making is not for you, please sign up to operate a game. We’ll have a children’s costume parade at 3 p.m. Bring winter to an end in a big WCUCC way! Questions? Contact s Jim Waldsmith or any Parish Life Board member.
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Souper Bowl Offering a Success!
Thank you to everyone who participated in last Sunday's Souper Bowl offering to benefit WARM. The Chiefs won our Souper Bowl, but the real winner was WARM, with over $1,800 donated to their ministry!
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2024 Mission Trip
WCUCC is excited to spend a week with Almost Heaven Habitat for Humanity for our summer mission trip! We'll be in Lewisburg, WV, from July 14-20, helping to build new houses, repair existing ones, and assist in the Habitat ReStore.
This trip is open to all high school students (including those entering 9th grade in 2024) through adults. All skill sets are welcome – you just need to be willing to work hard and have fun! Click the button to read more and begin the registration process.
Contact Heather Fisher, Pastor Susan, or Trey Pearson with questions.
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Youth Group for Middle and High School students is on Sunday from 5 to 6 p.m. Come hang out for good food and games!
Our High School Retreat at Buckeye Lake will be March 1-3. You can get details and sign up here.
Youth Sunday is March 10. We would love to have your student involved. Help them sign up and pick a role here.
Check out the full calendar for the semester below.
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Vacation Bible Adventure
July 8-11
Mark your calendars for this year’s Vacation Bible Adventure! It will be July 8-11 from 6:00—8:00 pm, and kids ages 4 through rising 8th graders are invited. Many volunteers are needed. Please contact Joanna Bennett to volunteer or if you have questions.
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