January 15, 2025

Deedra Olney & Annie Renzi

We welcome Deedra & Annie and their daughter Amara! Deedra is a director in developmental disabilities and loves to thrift and cook. Annie is a social worker who can fix anything! They are joining the Joy Care Circle.

Phil & Charlene Ward

Phil & Charlene are both pilots! Phil retired from the USAF and Charlene is a retired flight instructor. They enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and their grandson frequently joins them in worship. They are in the Blessing Care Circle.

LGBTQ+ Fellowship Group

We're excited to announce a new monthly LGBTQ+ discussion and support group at WCUCC! This inclusive space welcomes church members and non-members to connect, share experiences, and build community.

The first meeting will be on January 19 after church (approximately 11:15-12:15) in Rooms 110-111. The group will meet on the third Sunday of the month. Contact Martha Mallott with questions and bring ideas for discussion to this first meeting.

Women's Retreat

Our annual Women’s Retreat will be on January 24-25 at Camp Christian. Join us for an overnight filled with fellowship, a hands-on mission project supporting Rachel’s House, a supportive housing program serving female ex-offenders directly following incarceration. Contact persons are Pastor Sigrid and Julie Biswas

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Learn About Mental Health Support

We are excited to welcome representatives from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization, on January 26 after worship. They will share information on the free mental health services they offer, including mental health support groups. A small lunch will be provided & the presentation will be streamed. Pastor Sigrid is the contact person.

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Blood Drive

The Board of Mission is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, February 6 from noon - 6 pm. Please consider sharing the gift of life.

Talent Show & Dessert February 8

Our annual Valentine’s Talent Show & Dessert celebrates love with music, laughter and lots of tasty treats. Please bring your favorite dessert to share and enjoy Valentine’s Fun with your WCUCC family! New this year, dessert will immediately follow the show. Featuring our own members, the biggest talent show of the WCUCC year begins at 6 p.m. All ages are welcome!  Parish Life will provide coffee, tea and hot chocolate. 

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Welcome our Friends from Schwelm

Since 2008, our church has partnered with a church from Schwelm, Germany. Our friends from Germany will visit in October, and we will visit New York City with them. Contact Pastor Sigrid if you would like to host, offer rides, or join the fun in NYC on October 15-20. The deadline to sign up for the NYC trip is February 15.

Faith Formation

Discover Epiphany

The Church entered the season of Epiphany, the period between Christmas and Lent. Join us on Thursday morning from 9-10 at Java Central, 20 S. State St, to explore the meaning and how to observe this season in the church year. Contact person is Pastor Sigrid.

Wednesday Noon Book Study

The Wednesday noon book study will begin the book, Even After Everything by Stephanie Duncan Smith on January 15.

In Even After Everything, Duncan Smith traverses the church’s circle of time and reorients herself and us in the sacred story told through Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, and Ordinary Time. She reveals the sacred year—through its endless interplay of love, loss, risk, and resurrection—as a mirror to the human experience, an anchor for turbulent times, and a womb strong enough to encompass every human care. 

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Thursday Evening Discussions

Join Pastor Sigrid to learn more about the Christian resistance in Nazi Germany. We will watch a documentary about Dietrich Bonhoeffer and learn about the 1934 Barmer Theological Declaration and the Confessing Church. Pastor Sigrid will share her experiences in her former congregation in Barmen. The class will meet January 30, February 6 & 13 at 6:30 pm in rooms 104-107 and via Zoom. Contact Pastor Sigrid for the Zoom link.

MLK Day of Service

On Monday, January 20, 6th-12th grade students are invited to participate in our MLK Day of Service. Pastor Susan is working with local nonprofits to provide three different service options. One of the volunteer sites will be WARM. WARM's MLK sign-up link can be found here. Those interested in volunteering at WARM should sign up soon, as spots are available to the wider community, and they fill up quickly. Sign up here to help at Little Bottoms Free Store or Habitat for Humanity.

Church Calendar of Events
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