It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I was not a particularly good listener when I was young. I had a lot to say (I still have a lot to say) and I was prone, as many young people are, to distraction and to reacting impulsively to what was happening around me. It was not unusual for the teacher to add a note to my report card along the lines of, “Sam could use a little work in the listening department,” or “this next quarter Sam really needs to work on being a better listener.” My parents probably would have made the same notation if they’d have submitted a written report; I often heard “Son, you weren’t listening” when something went awry due to me not following the directions I’d been given.

You all know what I’m talking about. We’ve all likely been in a similar situation – perhaps even as adults – and we know that our busyness and what we see with our eyes can easily seal our ears up tight. We respond to what we’re experiencing visually, or allow our thoughts and actions to be influenced by physical circumstances or the direction in which the “crowd” is moving. But our eyes don’t always tell the whole story.

This Sunday we remember the Transfiguration of Christ – the story of Jesus going up on a mountain with Peter, James and John and being transformed before their eyes. “His clothes became dazzling white” and Elijah and Moses appear for a little chat. The three disciples don’t know what to make of the scene…so they start guessing. Jesus is glowing, the disembodied forms of Elijah and Moses are there somehow, and they have been led to this place. It must have been so they could witness this interaction. It must have been so they could do something. Peter suggested they build memorials, erect tents to honor each member of this holy triumvirate. They just can’t sit still. What they see is compelling them to act.

Here’s the thing: it’s not the seeing that is important here. What’s important is what the scene is saying. What’s important is what happens moments later when a cloud envelopes them and a voice booms from the cloud, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him.”

I wonder how many times in our lives we’ve engaged with a situation before we really knew what we were doing, what was going on, what we were supposed to do…because we didn’t listen, because we didn’t see what was being communicated. I wonder how our decisions might be affected if we really listen and really look for what God is saying rather than simply reacting to the appearance of things. It may just transform our lives. You figure?


The Word from Westminster newsletter contains all the upcoming events for the month of February. Click the button below to read. Hard copies are available in the narthex and at the back entrance.

The Word from Westminster Newsletter


Westminster Mission Auction

April 13, 2024

This Sunday

9am & 11am in the Sanctuary - or Livestream and YouTube

Message: Called to Listen, Sam Perkins

Scripture: Mark 9: 2-9

Joys and Concerns

  • The prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended to family and friends of our former organist, Jimmy Jones, who passed away suddenly on Sunday.  A celebration of his life will be Saturday, February 10, at 1pm at Juniper Springs Baptist Church in Broadway, NC.  

Submit a prayer request

Women's Circles

Tuesday, February 13, 6:30pm | Library

Wednesday, February 14, 10am | Fellowship Hall

Join this fellowship and study as they study Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts, By Olive Mahabir. These groups are open to all women, books available in the church office for $10.

New Year, New Scheduled Gift. 

If you have a recurring gift scheduled through Realm for your pledge, please take a moment to adjust your payment based on your 2024 pledge. You will find your scheduled gift in Realm on your giving page. Select the 3 dots to the right of your gift, select edit and then make the appropriate adjustment by following the prompts. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Lynn Hemm or call the office.  

Help us prepare some "Lovin' from the Oven"

Sunday, February 25, 2-4 pm | Kitchen

Westminster's Community Connections Committee is gathering to prepare bread to share as gifts with our new members. If you are interested in joining us in the kitchen, please click HERE.

Tuesday Morning Book Study

Tuesdays, 7am | via Zoom

On Tuesday, February 13 at 7am, this group will begin a new book discussion: Burning Faith by Chip Bristol. All are welcome. For more information contact Lita Swanson ([email protected]).

Women's Cancer Support Group

Thursday, February 15, 10am | Room 104

Westminster's Women's Cancer Care group meets each third Thursday in Room 104. This small group provides support for those who have had or are going through treatment for cancer. All are welcome!

Lenten Cello Recitals

Sundays, February18 and March 17, 3pm | Sanctuary

Cellist Chinghung Chang will present the complete cello suites of J.S. Bach in a pair of recitals on February 18 and March 17. Donations will support our Lenten offering. Join us for two beautiful afternoons of music.


Lent in the Living Room

A 6 Week In-Home Study, Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass

February 18- March 17

Join us during Lent as Westminster gathers in small, intimate gatherings in members' homes as we explore Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence, by Diana Butler Bass, as a resource. 

You may sign up as a host, a facilitator, or participant. We may also create options to meet at the church, in coffee shops (or similar), and via Zoom for those who are homebound or live out of the area. Please click HERE to let us know of your interest, listing preference for day of the week, and if you'd like to be a host or faciliatator. For more information, contact Emily Black, Sam Perkins, or Scott Neely


Soup-er Bowl Sunday

Sunday, February 11 | after both worship services

Children's and Youth ministry will be preparing vegetable-beef soup (and some vegetable) to be distributed after each of the worship services on Sunday, February 11th, 2024. The monies raised will be donated to Pennies for Hunger to continue to support the fight against hunger. Each 12 oz container will be $5.00. You can reserve and pay for your soup by clicking HERE. We will make plenty and will sell that until it runs out!

Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper and Worship

Wednesday, February 14, 5:30pm | Fellowship Hall

All members of WPC are invited to join us for a pancake supper prior to the Ash Wednesday service. Our Outrageous Outreach children (grades 4 and 5) will be preparing a meal of pancakes and sausage. We will begin serving dinner at 5:30 on Wednesday, February 14, followed by the Ash Wednesday service at 6:30. Click HERE to make a reservation (Reservations requested but not required.)

Soul Collage - Making Time to Listen

Thursday, February 15, 6-7:30pm | Room 203

Lent is a sacred time to calling us to draw closer to the Holy One. Bring your curiosity and wonder as we use images to move deeper than words and listen for wisdom. No artistic experience or talent is needed. We will have scissors, glue, and lots of pictures. Bring your open heart, and take some time to nurture your soul. As we seek to follow Jesus, use this time at Lent to listen to the guidance of the Spirit working within.  Click HERE to sign up.

ReJOYce Luncheon (65+)

Thursday, February 15, 12pm | Fellowship Hall

Join us as "love is in the air" as we hear from Alison Huber, Executive Director of Triad Honor Flight.  Triad Honor Flight celebrates America’s veterans over 65 by inviting them to share in a day of honor at our nation’s memorials, "one last mission."  Lunch (glazed ham, green beans & small potatoes, bread, and dessert) will be prepared by Denise Booe.  Click HERE to register

Joining Sunday

Sunday, February 18, after both services | Gathering Room

For those individuals and families interested in joining Westminster, we will be welcoming new members after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am worship services in the Gathering Room (1st room on your left down the hall from the Sanctuary). You can choose which time works best for you! If one does work, just let us know so we can be ready. If you're not ready or it's not a good time, then that's perfectly fine, too! No pressure here whatsoever! We wanted to carve out some time in case anyone was thinking about it. Contact Scott Neely for more information or click HERE to let us know you're coming!

Men's Softball Team Forming

Men's Church League Softball is coming up this Spring. We actually started to get our act together and won a couple games last season, so we're expecting BIG things in 2024. Seriously though, while it’s fun to win, we’re just out there to have a good time and build community; we don’t take it too seriously…most of us anyway. 😊 Games are Thursday evenings (6:30, 7:30 or 8:30) at Carolyn Allen Park (off of Drawbridge Pkwy near Kernodle Middle School) and begin on March 21. We will have an official scrimmage on March 14, and we’ll try to get a few practices in before then as the weather permits. The cost is $50, which covers your hat and jersey and 8 games, plus at least two playoff games. And those early games are great opportunities to bring the whole family out to cheer and pray we don’t hurt ourselves. Must be 18 to play. Click HERE to sign up. Deadline for registration is February 18. Contact Sam Perkins for more information.

Composting and Raised Bed Gardening

Saturday, February 24, 9:30-11:30am | Peacehaven Farm

As part of our Lenten journey of "being up to something good," Creation Care invites you to join Peacehaven Farm's "In the Garden" series, learning about composting and raised bed gardening. Enjoy breakfast with Peacehaven staff, core members, and other participants; Learn the basics of composting and raised bed preparation for your home garden from Peacehaven Farmer, Jonathan Bridges. (J.B.); Hands-on instruction will be provided and each participant will leave with a mini compost starter kit.  Click HERE to purchase ticket/register.

Sanctuary House Hygiene Items Collection

Month of February

0pening their doors in 2002, Sanctuary House was established to provide a place of comfort, belonging and inspiration to those who experience mental illness and has rapidly evolved into a close-knit, uniquely supportive community. Each day, members and staff work closely together to learn new skills, build confidence, gain a greater sense of independence and pride, and prepare for a purposeful, rewarding life. Hygiene items are given out monthly to 100 individuals each month in Sanctuary House programs. During the month of February, we will be collecting the following hygiene items to help keep their shelves stocked. Items can be dropped off in the wooden bins outside Fellowship Hall all month long. 

Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Body Wash/Soap, Combs, Chapstick, Dental Floss, Deodorant, Face Wipes, Lotion, Razors, Shampoo, and Shaving Cream


On Sunday, March 3 between services (10-11 am), we will gather in Fellowship Hall to organize the items collected, hear more about Sanctuary House and mental health, and then deliver the items to Sanctuary House. For more information, contact Scott Neely, Director of Mission & Community Connections.

Coffee and Tea!

Along with a warm smile ready to greet you as you walk through the door, Sunday morning just isn't the same without the smell of coffee in the air. It's an aroma that says "Come on in and stay awhile! We are excited you are here!" For some, you find yourself habitually moseying into Fellowship Hall to grab yourself a cup, filling up your own travel mug, or maybe instead steeping tea while you grab a donut hole or two. Hmm, quick thought. If we were able to get one Sunday morning coffee or tea drinker to sign up to set up "shop" just 2 Sunday mornings between now and December 31st, I'm thinking we could keep this simple, yet powerful, welcoming tool running like a well-oiled machine throughout the year. How fantastic would that be? If you have a spare Sunday morning between now and the end of the year to keep the smell of coffee in the air and the hot water HOT, CLICK HERE and see what Sunday works best for you. No experience needed! No pressure! Instructions included!



Faith Formation

Faith formation for children gathers at 10am in Room 106 for children ages Pre-K trough 5th grade. 

We use Godly Play to help our children learn stories from the Bible and grow in their relationship with God. Godly Play offers a creative, child-honoring way of entering into and experiencing Biblical stories. 


We provide nursery care on Sunday mornings in Room 113 for babies and children up to 3 years old. Our nursery is staffed by experienced, loving caregivers.

JAMS - Junior Arts and Music on Sunday

JAMS (Junior Arts and Music on Sunday ) 1st-5th grade meets in room 105 at 11am. Children can join us at 11am after 10am faith formation or we will pick your child up in the Sanctuary right after the 11am Children’s Time.

Outrageous Outreach

February 11 | 9:45am and 11:45am | SOUPer Bowl Sunday

Outrageous Outreach will distribute soup in the Fellowship Hall after each service on February 11th, so we need children who can help at 9:45am and/or 11:45am. Proceeds raised by the sale of our soup will benefit Pennies for Hunger. Please contact Lucy or Sally to let us know if your child is able to participate. If you would like to order soup, fill out our online form.


February 14 | 4:00pm | Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper

Outrageous Outreach will set up, cook, and serve pancakes to the congregation. We need parent volunteers for this one AND electric griddles. We’ll meet in the kitchen at 4:00. We will serve starting at 5:30 and the Ash Wednesday worship service begins at 6:30. Please contact Lucy or Sally to let us know if your child is able to participate – AND if you are able to help out or let us borrow your electric griddle.


Faith Formation

Faith formation for youth gathers at 10am in Room 100 for youth grades 6th - 12th.  

Youth Band

Youth Band rehearsal is from 12pm-1pm in the Sanctuary. Youth band is open to 6th-12th grade. 

Youth & Children Summer Events

Mark Your Calendars and RESERVE YOUR SPOT!

Rock Camp, June 17-21 - Click HERE

High School Mission to New York City, July 7-13 - Click HERE

Middle School Montreat at Maryville College, July 17-21 - Click HERE

Vacation Bible School, June 17-21

PassportKIDS (grades 3-5), June 30-July 3 - Click HERE


NEW Adult Faith Formation Offerings, Sundays at 10am

Sunday Conversations | Chapel

As we continue a new sermon series this week, the pastors will be looking at Call from a number of different angles. Across the series, we will also have members of our congregation share individual stories about how they have experienced elements of call. The Sunday morning conversations between now and Lent will build on these stories and invite everyone who attends to explore their own experiences of listening for and hearing God’s call.

The Gathering: Parents of Children and Younger Youth | Room 103

The Gathering is discussing "A New Family" Film Series by Rachel Held Evans. This 5 session video series follows current themes and conversation starters to engage faith and fellowship.

PEEPS Class | Library

As the season of Lent begins, PEEPS will be using Adam Hamilton's 24 Hours That Changed the World. Come join us!

Cornerstone Class | Room 203

You are invited to join the Cornerstone Class in a study of John: The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton, beginning Sunday, Feb. 4. As the Apostle John explores the meaning of Jesus' ministry, Rev. Hamilton invites us to ponder how Jesus' words speak to our own lives. Facilitators are: Wilson Davis, Jim Gale and Craig Siler. Contact Wilson Davis (336-370-6568) to reserve a book.

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