April 11, 2024 |3 Nisan 5784 | תזריע

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

One of the parts of the Pesach story Gan Aleph found super interesting was the fact that the Jews had to build pyramids. Gan Aleph then went on a 3D shape journey. We learned about the different 3D shapes and noticed the similarities and differences between each one. We discussed different 3D objects that we use every day. We then had a fun scavenger hunt around our classroom looking for different 3D objects! 

This week Gan Daled ventured outside to try making our own mud bricks, like the Jewish slaves did in Egypt. It was a messy job and we experimented by adding materials such as leaves and grass to the mud. We look forward to seeing if we can build with them when they dry. Thankfully we didn't have an Egyptian making us do the work!

Lower School


Together at school, whether through science experiments, watching live-streams or carefully viewing during dismissal with our eclipse glasses (and a few parents), our students now have a greater appreciation for this incredible event.

Third graders discussed the significance of this phenomenon and then recreated the process using a small flashlight for the sun, an Earth squishy ball, and a ping pong ball as the moon. “Ooohs and ahhhs” could be heard throughout the classroom as 23 solar eclipses were rotating simultaneously! Students wrote out the process of how a shadow is cast over the Earth in preparation to model it for their family this evening. They were OVER THE MOON about the excitement and this hands-on learning!

Fifth graders learned about Makkat Choshech during the eclipse. Students used their special Yavneh eclipse glasses to try and understand exactly what Choshech felt like! 


This week first graders continued thier learning of the Haggadah! The kids are so excited to learn about our ancestors' road to freedom. They're taking creative pictures that show the students leaving Egypt and singing beautiful songs. They can't wait to show their completed Haggadot to their families!

Our first graders are preparing for earth day!

Class 4D has been hard at work getting ready for State Fair. After each student was assigned a state, they each wrote a letter to the governor of the state, requesting information. Several students have received responses! Students have started to do an in depth research of their state, while also learning about the other states as well. This week they were privileged to hear from Ben's father, who told us all about the state of Maryland. Class 4D can't wait for State Fair!

Congratulations to our incredible 5th-grade robotics team on their win at the CIJE Lower School robotics tournament held at Manhattan Day School! They impressively took home the 1st place trophy out of 82 teams! Our 5th grade engineers worked hard to build, test, and perfect their robots, but it was their teamwork and middot that truly shined. Kol HaKavod to all the team members, and a special shout-out to coach Morah Elana Goldsmith for all of her guidance and support!



Our second grade authors have completed writing and illustrating their own SEL books about conflict resolution! Students worked hard to create their own characters and storylines in which characters use the conflict resolution skills of calm down, share feelings, hear another perspective, and find a solution. We then had the treat of gathering around for story time as each author read their work to the class! 

Middle School

After having their ice skating trip postponed a few times, our seventh graders had a great time on the ice this week!







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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.