April 4, 2024 |25Adar II 5784 | שמיני

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

This week we have been hands deep in Pesach! From slime making, to dough making, to a triangle hunt, and playing "Who’s in the Middle?" Ganon Gimmel has been learning all about Pesach. We have been learning the story of leaving Mitzrayim through a sequencing game and become more excited for the Seder each day. Make sure to catch us singing all the songs in the hallway! Shabbat Shalom!

Gan Gimmel has been focusing on the different steps of the Pesach Seder as we prepare for the upcoming chag. As we delve more into the story of Yitziyat Mitzrayim, in preparation for the Magid portion of the Seder, students are using various manipulatives around the classroom to build their favorite scene. Lincoln Logs, blocks, Magnatiles, and yoga mats are a few choices that are being used to set the scene of Pharaoh's palace, the Nile River and baby Moshe's basket.

Yavneh Academy Early Childhood children continued their preparations for Pesach with a visit from the Matzah Factory. They had a great time learning how matzah is made and baking their own matzot.



During SEL the Gan students have been learning about a coping tool called “Size of the problem.” We read, The Problem with Problems, by Rachel Rooney, which focused on how problems come in all shapes and sizes and can come at any time, but with some help problems can be worked through. We categorized our problems into three sizes; Small problems, that are easily fixed by the person, Medium problems, that might affect others and may need some help to solve and big problems, which are generally emergencies and need immediate attention. As we played the game “What Size is The problem?" students shared different problems and put them into the corresponding sized box. This led to discussions about how our reactions should match the size of the problem in order for us and those around us to feel most comfortable.

Lower School

During Writers Workshop, 3A is learning all about the difference between main idea sentences and supporting details. This week, student teams worked together to determine which sentence stood above them all and which sentences took on a supporting role. Once everyone got into formation, it was clear to see the relationship between all their information! 

4th grade physical education at Yavneh Academy took a break from the sports and games for a very special Krav Maga program. Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art designed as self-defense for everyone, regardless of strength, size, or fitness level. Miss Traci and Miss Lee from Englewood Krav Maga came to Yavneh to teach students a crash course in this important art. They were given an amazing tool box of self-defense moves. They also took time to discuss when it is safe to use their new tools and how important it is to be responsible with the new skills they have been taught. 

4D has been delving into Pesach, starting off discussing the way the Jewish calendar works, with the "day" beginning at night. This led to a discussion about the rest of our holidays and when they begin. We then discussed the mitzvot of the Seder night, ״סיפור יציאת מצרים״ and how many parts of the Seder reflect the obligation to “להגיד” (to tell- הגדה, מגיד). Our students truly can’t wait to TELL the story at their own sedarim!

5D has been working hard on incorporating saying brachot into their daily lives. As a class during snack time alone, we have said 2,000 brachot! We had a special breakfast catered by Ms. Terry to celebrate! Kol hakavod 5D!

Middle School

On Monday, April 1, teams from all over the country came to compete in the CIJE robotics competition. Meeting at the Armory in Manhattan, Yavneh students competed in 5 rounds. These rounds gave the teams the chance to demonstrate their robot’s talents through a series of tasks. 

Under the direction of Mrs. Gilit Herman, our teams had spent months staying late after school and during their lunch breaks building their models. Mazal tov to the entire team for participating this year. 







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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.