February 22, 2024 |14 Adar 1 5784 | תצוה

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

In conjunction with our countdown to the 100th day of school, Gan Daled challenged themselves to say 100 brachot before the 100th day of school. We listened for the six words which signal a bracha and each day focused on saying the brachot with kavana. We included brachot on our foods, brachot during tefillah and brachot during benching. We were so proud this week when we colored in our 100th square and each decorated our own bracha award. When asked what we should do when we finish the bracha chart Gan Daled decided to keep counting brachot! 

A lot of excitement filled the air as we finally reached the 100th day of school! The kids have been working really hard counting the days of school and learned different ways to count to 100. For our 100th day celebration in Gan Aleph, we had many different fun activities. We did 100 movements with Coach Lauren, counted out 100 snacks and did a fun Hershey kiss scavenger hunt around our classroom. We also wore our 100th day crowns, sang songs and read some poems. We can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the year!

Lower School

In Parshat Toldot, Yaakov cooked red lentil soup after Avraham died. 3A learned that it’s a minhag to eat round foods after someone dies. We also learned that Esav bought a bowl of soup in exchange for his bechorah. 3A students and teachers then cooked red lentil soup one evening on Zoom together. We chopped and sautéed vegetables with olive oil and then added red lentils. Students really loved cooking and can’t wait for another Dishin’ with Dalia!

Third graders are exploring a unit all about Senses and Inventions. This week, 3A researched Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone. In science, we learned about the parts of the ear and how sound vibrations are converted to nerve messages. Then we experienced the process first-hand through a listening challenge: Guess the 10 mystery sounds. The reveal was pitch-perfect!


Third graders are becoming communication pros! After a deep dive into using assertive communication and accepting feedback effectively, we’ve been practicing our I Messages (“I feel____ when you____ please_____”) to communicate our feelings, wants, and needs. Students acted out I Messages in a variety of realistic scenarios and are about to kick off an “I Message Campaign,” during which they’ll practice using I Messages when they apply at school and at home over the next two weeks.

Middle School

Our 8th graders and teachers celebrated a morning with the MACS basketball teams of Yeshiva University; Our 8th grade boys joined the MACS Team at YU and our girls were joined by MAC Stern players Sara Yolkut and Danielle Besser on our campus. Together, we davened, enjoyed breakfast and shmoozed.

The players shared the drive needed to stay on the team. The MACS practice two hours daily! And, they are expected to maintain a strong grade point average. More important was the conversation regarding their treatment post October 7th. Both teams shared the respect and understanding shown by all teams they were playing. Both teams have adapted their logos to include the flag of Israel. There has been a need to have additional security at the games. There have been isolated situations where a fan has shouted an anti-Semitic comment. The fans were immediately removed from the stadium.

The rest of the day was spent at Dave and Busters with arcade games, virtual reality opportunities and time to enjoy one another. It was indeed a day to celebrate our 8th graders. 

Following a very successful and inspirational Sharsheret Pink Day last week and continuing our Sharsheret month of Adar I,  the Yavneh Academy Chesed Team brought it home at a Sharsheret Pillow Project event on Wednesday evening. Chesed team members decorated pillowcases to be included in Sharsheret busy boxes for children of mothers facing cancer.  Students creatively decorated with cheerful designs.The students also decorated tzedakah boxes for Sharsheret with labels on them saying “Yavneh Supports Sharsheret” to keep in their homes and to keep Sharsheret in mind all year.  We are proud of our over 65 students who came out for a fun and fulfilling chesed team event! 







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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.