This Week in Energy
New Publications in the OurEnergyLibrary
Public Lands for the People
February 1, 2020
Energy Futures Initiative, University of Maryland Global Sustainability Initiative
February 20, 2020
Center for Climate and Security
February 24, 2020
Find these new publications and others in the OurEnergyLibrary.
OEP Event
OurEnergyPolicy's latest energy leaders luncheon in New York City brought together three carbon pricing experts -- Robert Litterman (Founding Partner, Kepos Capital), Gavin Donohue (President and CEO, Independent Power Producers of New York), and Marc Hafstead (Fellow and Director, Carbon Pricing Initiative, Resources for the Future) in a panel discussion moderated by Amy Davidsen of The Climate Group .

The panelists discussed federal and state carbon pricing policies, how to set the price, the urgency of acting, the viability of passing a carbon tax, and other aspects of the carbon pricing issue. A summary will be available soon on Until then, check out a few of the highlights on our Twitter thread .

Our event was graciously co-hosted by Robert L. Stout, Jr. , Head of U.S. Policy at BP America, who mentioned BP's announcement earlier that day to pull out of trade associations due to differences in carbon pricing and emphasized the importance of advocating for carbon pricing in BP's corporate purpose.
Our online carbon tax discussion for Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL-22) is open through March 6. Here are several new, related quotes from comments posted last week:
"... Of course, it won’t solve all the problems of climate change with carbon taxes. We need to: slow the closing of our nuclear plants and encourage the building of new clean plants...; immediately clear every federal obstruction for off-shore wind; support universal charging stations everywhere; subsidize the purchase of all electric vehicles – including trucks, buses, to accelerate replacing gas vehicles with electric; replace diesel with biodiesel; subsidize the replacement of heating and cooling systems with heat pumps and geothermal; electrify everything and then accelerate the supply of clean energy to the electrical grid: reduce industrial cattle farming (which will, in turn, reduce deforestation as our need for cattle grain will be vastly reduced); replace food related plastics with compostables. Just for starters. " - Lena Tabori , Founder and Editorial Director,
"Although a carbon tax may be the ideal policy to speed the nation’s transition to a sustainable low/no-carbon economy, I think it necessary to consider political realities . Opposition to a carbon tax in any form is strong, and it comes from both sides of the aisle. Today’s conservative Republicans in Congress won’t support it.... On the democratic socialist side of the aisle, the Green New Dealers (GND) are equally adamant in their opposition to a carbon tax.... A carbon tax could conceivably garner support from middle-moderates and left- populists under certain conditions. First, that the tax must start at $40 or more per ton, or at a rate that gets the nation to zero-net emissions by 2030—maybe 2040 at a stretch. Second, the tax can’t be the only measure; it must be accompanied by other initiatives.... I think a national Clean Energy Standard would be a politically more palatable policy option, at least for moderates and GND community...." - Joel Stronberg , President, The JBS Group/Civil Notion
Reply to Joel: "... You are correct that GND advocates do not support a carbon tax. But that is because they correctly view carbon taxes in general as being regressive taxes that hurt the poor the most. Most are not aware that Fee and Dividend uniquely promotes social justice and is anti-regressive and helps the poor...." - Dan Miller , Managing Director, The Roda Group
March Discussion: Our new March discussion on energy storage will begin next week.
Energy Headlines
The Guardian
The Hill
S&P Global Platts
Podcast Spotlight

In this podcast from Energy Dialogues LLC , an energy thought leader from Stanford University ( Mark Thurber , Associate Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development) discusses energy access and energy poverty solutions.

Note that listening to this podcast requires that you submit your email address.
Update from Congress

New Energy Package

Other New Legislation

Hearings & Business Meeting
Source: Energy Information Administration in Ariel Cohen, The EIA's 2020 Energy Outlook Predicts Rising US LNG Exports , Forbes , February 27, 2020.
Featured Events
Washington, D.C.
  • When: Wed, March 4, 9-10 a.m.
  • Where: 1400 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

  • When: Wed, March 4, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Where: 406 Dirksen Senate Office Building

  • When: Wed, March 4, 2:30 p.m.
  • Where: 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building

  • When: Thurs, March 5, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Where: 366 Dirksen Senate Office Building
To see more upcoming energy events across the country, visit the OEP Events Calendar .
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