July 26, 2019 Edition - The News Palm Beachers Need to Know 
Civic Association Spotlight: Video Tour of Via Flagler
The Civic Association conducted an interview with Cody Crowell, Managing Director of Construction for the Frisbie Group, and he gave us an exclusive tour of the project.
The Town of Palm Beach
is a Special Place
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Palm Beach Officials Host Public Workshop on Zoning Reform
Josh Martin
Josh Martin
The town's zoning department can better serve residents by improving communication and response time, residents said at a workshop last week. The department also needs to be more consistent in its dealings with property owners and professionals who depend upon it for permits required to develop or renovate properties.
Carriage House Renovation Plan Clears Landmarks Board Hurdle
Carriage House
The Landmarks Preservation Commission has approved renovation plans for the two South County Road buildings that are scheduled to become the Carriage House private club. Project architect Keith Spina, CEO of GliddenSpina + Partners architectural firm, outlined the plans at the board's meeting Wednesday.
Prohibition of Plastics & Polystyrene in Palm Beach
photo source Diane Buhler
photo source: Diane Buhler
Expanded polystyrene containers, plastic bags, plastic straws and stirrers are detrimental to our environment. They do not fully degrade, they overburden landfills, introduce unsafe chemicals into the environment, become litter and create hazards for land and aquatic animals due to ingestion. They also create impediments to waste reduction and recycling goals.
Cancellation of the August 20, 2019 Planning and Zoning 
Commission Meeting
Palm Beach Town Hall
The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, 2019 has been canceled. The next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Town Council Meeting Actions
Town of Palm Beach logo
To view the summary of actions taken at July's Town Council meetings, please click on the applicable link below.
FDOT Withdraws Permit for Controversial S.R. 7 Extension in Palm Beach County, but Plans to Make Changes
The Florida Department of Transportation said Friday it's withdrawn its permit for a controversial road project in Palm Beach County, but it's not giving up on the plans altogether.
Look at this Lake: Is West Palm's Drinking Water Supply in Danger?
Greg Lovett
Greg Lovett/
A widening crust of sand around the receding downtown West Palm Beach lake that supplies the city's drinking water is no cause for alarm, said city officials who have been conducting a two-week test of backup water-supply wells. Poonam Kalkat, director of public utilities for West Palm Beach, said the city was experimenting on how the wells would perform during a drought, including how much water they could take and the quality of water they would provide.
President in Palm Beach: PBSO Totals $3.8M in Security Costs for Past Year
secret service motocade
Providing security for President Donald Trump when he visited the West Palm Beach area during the 2018-19 fiscal year cost the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office more than $3.86 million in overtime. It's the second-highest accrual the sheriff's office has racked up in the three years Trump has been president.
Former Ambassador to Barbados Weds Heisman Trophy Winner, College Football Hall of Famer
Retired Brig Gen Peter Miller Dawkins and Mary Martin Ourisman
Retired Brig. Gen. Peter Miller Dawkins and Mary Martin Ourisman
photo by: CAPEHART
The marriage of Mary Martin Ourisman of Palm Beach, a Civic Association Director, and retired Brig. Gen. Peter Miller Dawkins took place July 9 in New York.
Read More (Palm Beach Daily News)
James Patterson to Interview the Post's Leslie Streeter at Culture and Cocktails Event
James Patterson and Leslie Streeter
James Patterson and Leslie Streeter
I've been interviewing people professionally for more than 25 years, and a couple of my favorite ones were as part of "Culture and Cocktails," the annual conversation series sponsored by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County. So I'm pleased to announce that next March, I will get a rare opportunity to be the one answering questions rather than asking them, on the other side of the microphone as the interviewee. And my interviewer? None other than blockbuster author, literacy advocate and Palm Beach resident James Patterson, a Civic Association Director.

Friday, August 2, 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Cup of Joe with Bo:
South Undergrounding Utilities Community Update Meeting
South Fire Rescue: Meeting Room
Monday, August 5, 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Coffee with The Crew:
North Undergrounding Utilities Update Meeting
Palmo Way Park: Near the Pump Station

Wednesday, August 14, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Town Council Meeting
Regular Business and Development Review Matters
Town Council Chambers
Thursday, August 15, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
Town Council Chambers
Friday, August 16, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Retirement Board of Trustees Meeting
Town Council Chambers
Friday, August 16, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Investment Advisory Committee Meeting
Town Council Chambers

Wednesday, August 21, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
Town Council Chambers
Utility Poles-Wires 
Coming Down
utility pole removal
On the northern tip of the island we are free of overhead utility poles and wires. The power was converted to underground in June and pole and wire removal marks the end of Phase 1 for the North end from Onondaga Ave north to the Palm Beach Inlet. All power, phone, and cable television is on and running underground. 
Read More (Civic Association News)
Moving Into the 
Bristol Begins
The Bristol condominium is nearly complete, and residents have begun moving into the ultra-luxury property, considered the most expensive condominium ever built in Palm Beach County. Sixty-five of the sixty-eight units have sold. 
Read More (Civic Association News)
South Florida Scientists Hope 'Seed Banking' Will Protect Coral Reefs
florida coral
Dr. Charlie Gregory with the Reef Institute in West Palm Beach estimates if nothing is done to protect the worldwide coral reef population, 90 percent of it could be gone by the year 2050. "Florida without coral is a sad place to live," said Dr. Gregory. 
Read More (WPTV)
Ocean Ridge Hires Company to Remove Iguanas from Town
The Town of Ocean Ridge is taking action to stop the iguana population from exploding. Commissioners approved spending $12,000 from the 2019 budget to hire Coral Springs Iguana Control to remove lizards throughout the town. 
Read More (WPTV)
Researchers Link Seaweed Blooms to Pollution in Ocean Water
Was it coincidence those piles of seaweed showed up after a very busy hurricane season, including a flux of rainfall from Hurricane Irma out of the rivers and inlets along Florida's East Coast? 
Read More (Daytona Beach News-Journal)
PALM BEACH This Week In Palm Beach 20190524
See all the video versions of This Week in Palm Beach.

Text-to-911 Emergency Service has 'Successful' First Year in 
Palm Beach County
text to 911
Hundreds of Palm Beach County residents have received help through the touch of a cellphone in the first year of the county's text-to-911 emergency service. Since the program's inception in June 2018, county police agencies have responded about 25 times each month to 911 text messages.
Fraud Alert: 
Amazon Gift Card Scam
police car
The Palm Beach Police Department has received information of fraudsters other than asking customers to pay using an Amazon gift card. 
Lake Worth Beach Closed to Public Swimming Again
Lake Worth Beach has been closed for swimming because of high levels of bacteria found in the ocean. Beaches in the Town of Palm Beach have also been tested but at this time no advisories have been issued by the Health Department.
Buyer Beware: CBD Products Could be This Century's Snake Oil
cbd oil
South Florida has become flooded with CBD products for sale, luring buyers with promises of pain relief and medicinal aid. Some labs report that dangerous and deceptive ingredients are showing up in CDB products.
Notice to Residents: Hazardous Trees and Hedges/Vines Removal Ordinance
Palm Beach Town Hall
The Palm Beach Police Department is reminding residents and businesses per Chapter 126, Section 126-31 of the Town of Palm Beach Code of Ordinances.
Read More (Town of Palm Beach)
Total Sales of Florida Homes to Foreigners Down 50% Since 2017
Home Sales Down
Some point to President Donald Trump's tough talk on immigration and tariffs as a factor, along with a strong dollar, slower economic growth abroad, political upheavel in Latin America and bickering over Brexit in Britain.
Read More (Palm Beach Daily News)
Brightline Could Stop in Boca Raton by End of
Next Year
Brightline Red
A shiny new train station could be on the way for Boca Raton, along with more parking and a walkway over Dixie Highway traffic.
Read More (Sun Sentinel)
Palm Beach Recreation Center
Palm Beach Recreation Department
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Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce 
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Chamber Events 
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Civic Association News