This Week In SCOV

June 22, 2023

Association News

Notice: In mid-July the flooring will be replaced in the AFC cardio room and the AFC hallway. More details will be announced in the coming weeks.


SCOV will host the Classic Winds Band on Wednesday, July 12, 6 pm, Auditorium. They will be performing their favorite music from decades past to the present. The vocalist, Elise Hurst, recently won first place in the “Ultimate Singing Competition” with judge Blake Shelton. The band members have training from Juilliard and have performed in symphonies, Radio City Musical Hall orchestras, Broadway shows as well as at the NFL Superbowl and other events. Purchase your tickets, $20 each, by clicking here or going to the website under Member Services > Tickets. Please don’t wait to reserve your seat today, space is limited. Visit their Facebook page “Classic Winds” for highlights of what you’ll see or catch their video here.


Gift Shop news: Are you creative? Do you enjoy meeting new people? The Gift Shop welcomes residents who create quality arts and crafts that are sold in a professional and friendly manner to become consignors. If you are considering a new challenge and are seeking an outlet for your creations, we would love to hear from you. Email us at or And if you are visiting the shop, be sure to check out our Summer Sale Table. You are guaranteed to find a fabulous bargain.

Summer schedule for Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meetings: There will be one meeting in July. No meeting on July 25, all other ARC summer meetings will be held as regularly scheduled on Zoom. As a reminder, the deadline for completed submittals is one week prior to a meeting. Zoom password is 392-932-3921. Meetings are at 2 pm on Zoom. 

          Meeting Date                    Deadline for Submittals

                 Tuesday July 11               Monday, July 3 (holiday on July 4)

                 Tuesday, August 8           Tuesday, August 1

                 Tuesday, August 22         Tuesday August 15


Mark your calendars for a fun Fourth of July:

  • Start your day with the SCOV parade at 10 am. If you are interested in driving a vehicle in the parade, email Mike LaBarbera with the type of vehicle you will be riding. The parade route map will be provided closer to the day. Click here for route map.
  • The Sun City Singers will perform a free concert at 2 pm in the Auditorium. We’ll have free ice cream for concert attendees. Please help us plan for attendance with your RSVP online.


Neighborhood Pride Committee (NPC) needs you. Do you take pride in living in our beautiful community? Do you have about 3-4 hours a month to serve on the committee? Owning a golf cart is certainly helpful. NPC members are all volunteers and we appreciate their time and commitment in helping to keep SCOV beautiful. If you are interested and would like to join us or have any questions, please email Sharon Masterjohn, co-chair: or Bertha Medina, co-chair:


Golf course walking hours: Before 6:30 am and after 6:30 pm. Note: Golfers have the right of way. All carts and walkers need to stay on the cart path, and please pick up after your pets. For the safety of your pet, please keep them leashed. Thank you.


Weekly market summer hours are Wednesdays from 8 am - Noon. Vendors vary on a weekly basis and are there rain or shine, so stop by, take a look, and help support small local businesses. Located behind the Welcome Center.


Library news: Overstock paperback book sale starts Friday, June 23. Paperbacks are 4/$1 or 25 cents each. Shop early for the best selection. Sale runs through Wednesday, June 28 or until we run out of inventory. All proceeds help with the purchase of new books.

News From The Views Restaurant
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Live music this Friday and Saturday. Entertainment schedule is on our website.


Karaoke: Join the fun on Sunday, June 25, 4 - 7 pm.


Daily specials: View online.

News From The Views Golf Course
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Membership renewals for annual 9 or 18-hole memberships begin July 1. Please contact the Pro Shop for further information about the different membership programs.

Golf Clinics are every Wednesday from 8 - 9 am, $20/session. Stop by the Pro Shop or call 520-825-3110 to book your spot.

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings at SCOV are open to all SCOV members.


Tuesday, June 27, 2 pm, Architectural Review Committee, Zoom only

Wednesday, June 28, 2-3 pm, Architectural Inspection Group, WC3 

General News

We are starting a social group for LGBTQ and allies in SCOV. The Rainbow Club will celebrate the lives of Lesbians, Gays, Transgender and Queer People in SCOV and Allies. Currently we are collecting signatures to obtain our club charter. Please contact Loree Lindblom 763-228-3311 or for further information.


We have SCOV logo drinkware to help you stay hydrated on hot days. Stop by the Welcome Center to see all of the SCOV merchandise. 

Mark Wade, General Manager
(520) 917-8080