The Views Restaurant is open for dinner. Dinner seating is available every day in the lounge and on the terrace. Due to limited staffing, the dining room is only open for dinner seating (after 3 PM) on Friday and Saturday. Please be assured that we are actively seeking wait staff and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this labor shortage.
Gift Shop news: It’s Monday Madness time this coming Monday, December 13, from 10 AM until Noon. Our Monday Madness sales are so popular that we decided to have two this month! There’s still time to stock up on bargains galore, including pottery, fabrics, all types of jewelry, wood creations, fused glass, decorative artwork and much, much more all at discounted prices. The shop is filled with wonderful holiday gifts, so be sure to shop inside and outside. And, again, thank you for supporting your resident artists.
Sun City Singers Christmas concerts scheduled for Thursday, December 9, and Friday, December 10, are canceled due to two Covid instances in the choir. Contact tracing has been conducted on all those exposed while on our campus. They have been notified and given direction on how to proceed with Covid protocol.
Holiday coloring and craft sheets for kids are available at the Welcome Center. Pick up holiday sheets for children visitors to color during the holiday season, crayons included. Limited amount offered.
Architectural Review Committee (ARC) holiday meeting schedule: The December ARC Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday, December 14, 2 PM. Zoom meeting #932-392-9321. There will be NO meeting on Tuesday, December 28.
     After the holidays, the next regularly scheduled Zoom ARC meeting will be held January 11. Deadlines for submittals are one week prior to the meeting dates.
On Wednesday, December 15, at 2 PM, the Government Affairs Committee will host a live Zoom webinar with Pima County District 1 Supervisor, Rex Scott. Supervisor Scott will update us about current and future issues, such as the latest in Covid protocols, local economic recovery, voter redistricting, and the renewal of the Regional Transportation Authority taxing district. Questions from the audience will be taken at the end of the presentation. Whether or not you are a registered voter in Pima County, we all pay County property taxes, so we invite you to attend this informative presentation. Please be sure Zoom is installed on your device, then click this link to join the webinar.

The Active Health Committee is starting its new winter season presentations Friday, December 17, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. We have a very interesting presenter, Dr. Jonathan Tait, from Rejuv Medicine. He will present a non-surgical approach to orthopedic problems including stem cell therapy and PRP (platelet-rich plasma). For the safety of our participants, attendance is limited to 100 individuals. Masking is recommended.
Community Directory: You should have received your phone book last weekend. Be sure to check your front door or courtyard gate. If you don't need your book, please return it to the Welcome Center. You can recycle the plastic bag with your grocery bags. Huge thanks to all our volunteers!
Check out the SCOV website bulletin board for items to buy and sell. So many great bargains and finds. Sell items here. (Don’t forget to log into the website first.)

Golf course walking hours: December – February, before 8 AM and after 5 PM. Please be mindful that golfers have the right of way. Remember to stay on the cart path, leave golf balls alone (especially if there are still golfers on the course) and please clean up after your pet. Thank you.

Holiday hours for the Library will be from 9 AM-Noon on December 24 and December 31. Check out the new audios and books added to the shelf this week: