ublished Weekly by the VWOA Communications Committee
November 21, 2016 Edition!
The Villages of Westcreek Owners' Association wish to send our prayers and express our deepest sympathy with the family, friends and colleagues of Detective Benjamin Marconi, who tragically lost his life yesterday, while in service to his community.
"If you make a mistake, own it and move quickly to fix it."
~ Tooey Courtemanche
The Board of Directors, Staff and Volunteers wish you a "Happy Thanksgiving Day" full of joy and happiness with your family and friends. We also just want to say "Thank you" in appreciation of your, trust, loyalty and commitment to Building a Better Community.
Please note the following changes to our schedules this week:
- November 21 - 9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
- November 22 - 9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
- November 23 - 9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
- November 24 - Closed (Thanksgiving)
- November 25 - Closed (Day after Thanksgiving)
- The Architectural Review Committee will not be meeting this Tuesday. Their next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29, 2016, at 4:30 P.M. in the Community Center Conference Room.
- Zumba Class canceled for Thursday, November 24, 2016 (Thanksgiving Day)
Winners of the Westcreek Chili Cookoff Braggin' Rights!
1st Place -
Patricia Hill
2nd Place -
Sylvia Mennel
Congratulations Ladies! You got Westcreek Braggin' Rights!
VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee Formed
The Communications Committee established
a "VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee" to research and write about the community's history for the "VWOA 30th Anniversary," which will be celebrated in February 2017.
This committee will hold their second meeting on
Monday, November 28, 2016, at 6:00 P.M. in the Community Center Conference Room. This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend.
If you are a long time resident of our community, we could use your help. If you were a former Board or Staff member, you would be invaluable to the committee as we create this historical timeline. If you have copies of Association newsletters from the late 80's, copies of original documents of the Association, photos etc., these would be extremely helpful in this research project.
This is an awesome opportunity to do something to preserve our history for future residents.
This holiday lighting contest is open to all residents of the Villages of Westcreek Owners' Association who are in good standing.
Applications must be turned in to the office by 5:00 P.M. on December 13, 2016.
Judging will take place on December 13th, and will start at 6:00 P.M., and end at 8:00 P.M. Please make sure your lights are on during this time.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Good luck! Please contact the office at 210-679-8761 if you have any questions.
The Villages of Westcreek is sponsoring an Angel Tree this year. Our goal is to help ensure that all Westcreek residents have a wonderful holiday. If you or someone you know needs assistance this holiday season, please fill out a registration form at the VWOA office. This can be done during business hours or can be dropped in the night deposit box after hours. Registrations must be in by Monday, December 5, 2016, at noon. All ages are eligible and all information will be kept confidential.
Residents wishing to adopt an Angel can visit the office now. All gifts must be returned to the office, unwrapped, no later than Wednesday, December 14, 2016. For our Westcreek children and families, the gifts brought in can be picked up in the office by the families, or the office staff will deliver to homes.
Simply, choose a tag from our Angel Tree, turn it around and you will see items needed for girls and boys, from tops and bottoms, to personal items.
These children need some holiday cheer, so please help them by adopting an angel this year.
If you have any questions please call the VWOA office at
An Administrative Resolution regarding "Force Mow/Maintenance Policy," has been reviewed and adopted by the Board of Directors of Villages of Westcreek Owners Association, Inc. in accordance with the authority and powers granted to the Association and its Board of Directors as provided under the
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
One of the functions of the Association is to enforce the rules set forth in its governing documents. It is the Board's duty to use its best efforts to assure that compliance and enforcement occurs. Homeowners will be officially notified of the specifics of this policy shortly and its implementation date.
The Architectural Review Committee will not be meeting on
November 22, 2016, December 20, 2016 and December 27, 2016.
If you wish to do any improvements to the exterior of your property over the upcoming holidays, please note the following schedule:
Submit Your PIA by:
The ARC will Review it on:
November 22, 2016 -
Meeting Canceled!
November 12 thru November 25, 2016
November 29, 2016
November 26 thru December 2, 2016
December 6, 2016
December 3 thru December 9, 2016
December 13, 2016
December 20, 2016 -
Meeting Canceled!
December 27, 2016 -
Meeting Canceled!
December 10 thru December 30, 2016
January 3, 2017
This weekend around the house, many of our deciduous trees have begun shedding their leaves. Please take time each weekend over the next several months to keep grass, leaves and leaf clippings off the streets and away from storm drains.
Rake up heavy accumulations of leaves from your lawns. Bag and dispose of all unused grass and leaf clippings properly.
Let's Make Westcreek Beautiful!
Reported Crimes
- No crimes reported to the VWOA Office!
- Please remember to be observant in your neighborhood.
- Report any suspicious activities or persons to the Bexar County Sheriff's Office at 210-335-6000.
- If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek, please report it to the office at 210-679-8761.
Tip 8: Secure the area surrounding your house.
Secure the yard: Trim bushes and trees to discourage burglars from using them as hiding places. Avoid planting low shrubs in front of windows; you may even consider planting thorny shrubs for an added deterrent. And be sure to add lighting outside your home.
Dickens on Main Street - FREE ADMISSION
This year's 17th annual Dickens on Main invites you and your family to welcome the holiday season in downtown Boerne with a free, family-friendly festival full of the sights, sounds, tastes, wonder, and delight of Christmas.
Kids will enjoy a petting zoo, trackless train, pony rides, vintage ornament making, writing letters to Santa, and sliding down a 60-foot snow slide.
Adults will love the festive food and drink, live music, watching a live ice sculpting show, carriage rides, and shopping along the Hill Country Mile.
WHEN: This Thanksgiving Weekend, Friday, November 25, and Saturday, November 26, from 1:00 P.M. till 11:00 P.M.
WHERE: Main Street, Boerne, Texas
Westcreek resident
Michelle de Jongh prepares a weekly list of
"Things to do in San Antonio."
To subscribe, send your email address to
Property Maintenance
The Homeowner/Tenant shall keep the premises in a well maintained, safe, clean and attractive condition at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, items visible from the street or adjoining property, such as: yards, fences, structures, furniture, play equipment, windows, window screens, solar screens, blinds, curtains, etc.
Refusal to maintain residential properties after several notices go unheeded and it becomes evident that the Homeowner/Tenant has no intention to comply as requested, the VWOA has the right to:
- Perform the maintenance; and
- Demand reimbursement from the Homeowner for the incurred cost. Such cost shall constitute a lien upon the property and is enforceable and collectible in accordance with the CC&Rs.
(Refer to VWOA-CC&Rs, Article X, Section 10.12; Article XI, Section 11.02; and Article XIII, Section 13.03 s.)
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?