ublished Weekly by the VWOA Communications Committee
October 31, 2016 Edition!
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
Thomas Jefferson
The VWOA staff and Board of Directors would like to wish all residents a Very Safe and Happy Halloween.
The suggested times for trick or treating on Monday
, October 31, 2016, are 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
I would like to address the misconception about the sidewalks within Villages of Westcreek. All of the sidewalks that run along the streets actually belong to the county. The VWOA doesn't have any control over when they get cleaned or maintained. I know that many of you have received letters about violations and it is causing some frustration towards Spectrum and the Standards ladies. We are directed by the Board as to the level of "Standards" to uphold in the community.
Spectrum was brought on board to help the community of Westcreek run more efficiently. There are always hiccups with any transition, but we are making headway. A couple of our short term goals are:
- Transitioning the VWOA from paper files to digital. This will be a lengthy process as there are a large number of homes and every home has quite a few papers. This was inevitable after 30 years in existence. We are working to be vigilant that all the files are stored properly according to the individual property.
- Revamping the process of violation notice delivery. Due to the existing process that was in place, not all addresses and/or owners were correct in the software that was being used. We are working to correct this issue, so if you receive a letter or notice in error, please contact the office. With that being said, it is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure that the office has the most current information for the home.
- Lighting in the park. I am working with several vendors to get more lighting in the park to increase the level of safety and make it more useful for homeowners after the sun goes down. We will also be installing surveillance cameras at various locations to ensure the safety as well as the value of the park areas.
- The new workout stations in the park will be receiving signage that tells about the exercises. We will also be installing some friendlier surfaces under the equipment.
I would like to make a point to every homeowner within The Villages of Westcreek Owners Association. The Board, Spectrum and all of the committees are here to work for the benefit of the homeowners. If you have any questions, comments, concerns please feel free to contact us and express whatever your issue is and we will do our best to handle it.
Mike Hunsucker
Community Manager
We have received preliminary information about what areas AT&T will begin installing fiber optic lines in the Villages of Westcreek.
Click here for areas scheduled beginning the month of November 2016!
Click here for areas scheduled beginning the month of January 2017!
The VWOA will hold its
Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, November 19, 2016, between the hours of
1:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. in the Sports Park.
We are now accepting "Vendor Registration Applications"!
Click here to download the "Vendor Registration Application"!
Click here to download the event flyer!
Event Planning:
Recreation Department
This weekend around the house, inspect all trees on your property.
Identify weak, rubbing or damaged tree limbs. Use a pruning shear for limbs less than 1 inch in diameter. For larger limbs, use a pruning saw.
- Start each cut where the branch growth begins from the trunk. Make cuts in the same direction that the limb grows so new bark will close the tree's wound.
Prune tree limbs to a desired first branch height after several years of maturing. This will provide access under the tree for lawn care and pedestrians. The most common height from ground to first limb is 8 -10 feet.
Prune damaged forking branches. Make cuts just outside the dead or diseased branch. This will encourage the healthy portion of the branch to heal over the wound.
Prune branches between 12 and 18 inches apart after the tree is several years old. This will decrease the need for crown thinning and allow good air flow within the tree.
- Remove dead tree stumps (level to the ground).
Treat all wounds with a tree wound dressing.
Let's Make Westcreek Beautiful!
Reported Crimes
- October 21, 2016 - The Hollows on Tetford
- All 4 tires stolen from vehicle around 3:00 A.M. Police Report filed!
- October 23, 2016 - The Oaks on Sixpence
- A report was made by a homeowner that someone broke into her tenant's vehicle sometime during the night. Police Report filed!
- Please remember to be observant in your neighborhood.
- Report any suspicious activities or persons to the Bexar County Sheriff's Office at 210-335-6000.
- If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek, please report it to the office at 210-679-8761.
Tip #5: Secure Windows and Sliding Doors
Many sliding doors can be popped off the frame, even when locked. Prevent this by placing a strong steel bar or two-by-four in the back groove, which prevents the door from sliding along the groove and opening. You can do the same with windows: Install a nail in the frame to prevent the window from opening more than a few inches.
Xeriscaping is permitted, but no more than fifty (50%) percent of the front yard, including driveways and walkways, may be covered by impermiable materials (e.g., asphalt, concrete).
Xeriscaping is an option to provide ground cover in areas that have little rain and/or mandatory water restrictions. A combination of plants along with ground cover such as rock, flagstone or gravel is preferred. For a list of plants that thrive well in hot climates with little water, we would recommend viewing the website '
'. If using rock and gravel, it is suggested their size be no larger than nickels and quarters for the ease of walking on. Also, appropriate weed blocking material is recommended to help prevent any vegetation from growing through the ground cover.
Any plants closer than ten (10') feet from the curb may not exceed three (3') feet in height, as measured from ground level, to provide adequate visibility for motorists at intersections and when backing out of driveways.
A PIA with a comprehensive description of all plantings and materials along with a copy of the Plat/Lot Survey showing the proposed location(s) must be submitted to the ARC for review.
All xeriscaped areas must be maintained as designed and proposed and not allowed to fall into a state of disrepair. (Refer to VWOA-CC&Rs, Article XI, Section 11.02 g.)
Click here to view the
2016 Standards!
Westcreek resident Michelle de Jongh prepares a weekly list of "Things to do in San Antonio."
Are you open to experiencing something outside your comfort zone everyday?
The VWOA is hosting a Farmers Market from
9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M. every Thursday,
thru November 17, 2016.
market is located in the overflow parking lot adja
cent to the Com
munity Center. They accept WIC, Senior FMNP Vouchers and Credit Cards. Drop by and support our local farmers!