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News 07/21/23
How St. Louis maintains ‘sister city’ relationships around the world
Photo Courtesy Renée Brummell Franklin
A delegation from St. Louis, Missouri, travels to St. Louis, Senegal, as part of the sister cities relationship between the two countries.
The World Trade Center St. Louis, an arm of the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, acts as the umbrella organization for the city’s 16 [sister cities] connections. In turn, each sister city relationship is headed by a committee of volunteers in St. Louis.
While sister city relationships often present an economic benefit, another goal is to enhance citizen diplomacy and cultural ties.
Rosario is St. Louis’ most recently formed sister city. St. Louis’ longest-lived one began in 1960 with Stuttgart, Germany.
Photo Courtesy World Trade Center St. Louis
On Wednesday afternoon, World Trade Center board members and Sister Cities committee members - Renee Franklin (Saint-Louis, Senegal) and Maria De Gregorio (Rosario, Argentina) joined our executive director Tim Nowak in the St. Louis Public Radio studio for an interview about St. Louis’ Sister Cities.