Unley Libraries Online
Learn a new skill at home - Focus on Lynda Library
While you may have some spare time on your hands, why not try picking up a new skill, revisiting an old one, or updating your knowledge? Lynda Library has a vast array of learning opportunities for you to work your way through, from short introductions to in-depth training. Visit Lynda from our elibrary .
If you are having trouble accessing Lynda we are available to assist you over the phone or via email during business hours.
Phone Unley Library on 8372 5100
This week
Hello everyone,

This newsletter is a little different this week as we share some of the amazing online opportunities that are being developed not just in the Libraries, but across Council and beyond. If our current situation is teaching us anything, it's that we can learn to adapt and adjust our lifestyles and interests to various different online and remote formats while we have to!
Last week we shared our online versions of our early literacy programs on YouTube; we would love to know if you have been accessing these and any comments or feedback would be welcome! If you are happy to share your little ones enjoying our sessions, please send us a photo - it wont quite make up for not seeing everyone in person, but it would make us happy to know you are still enjoying our sessions remotely!

Get in touch via email, phone 8372 5100 during business hours, or via our Facebook or Instagram pages.
Team Leader, Literacy & Learning
The City of Unley Libraries
Please note: we are now combining communication across our three subscription lists, the main library eNews, the family eNews and the Reboot eNews. We plan to deliver content relevant to all our audiences. However, if you do not wish to receive these emails please unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.
Science Online - Children's Discovery Club
Conduct experiments at home with your young scientist through Little Bang Discovery On Demand! Developed by Inspiring South Australia, Libraries SA and the Children's Discovery Museum this is an online version of our regular Little Bang Discovery Club lessons.

Over four fun-filled sessions, this hands-on program will allow children and their accompanying parents to combine everyday objects and experiences with genuine scientific enquiry methods.

If you are interested in accessing Little Bang Discovery On Demand and for further information on the program, contact us at

Anzac Day
In Books this Week

We have an informative Anzac Day collection of e-books available to borrow on Overdrive or through the easy to use app Libby this weekend –
Check out Pozieres : the Anzac story which draws on the letters and diaries of the men who fought at Pozieres a small village in France by Scott Bennett , Anzac Sons a harrowing story if five brothers serving on the Western front by Allison Marlow Paterson and Fromelles : Australia’s bloodiest day at war an accessible non fiction book for young adult readers by Carole Wilkinson among others.

Also another curated collection on our amazing e-book platform Overdrive/Libby is the Mental Health and Wellbeing selection of books to help keep your spirits up during these challenging times. Titles include Happy is the New Healthy by Dave Romanelli which shares simple immediate ways to celebrate life and feel better and Make your Bed -10 life lessons from a Navy Seal by William H. McRaven available both in e-audio book and e-book.

And remember the eBookClub titles and Classics are always available so check them out.

Please also remember you can always suggest an e-book or e-audiobook title for the collection which we can send through to the Public Libraries Network of SA who manage our e-book platform and if available they will select it for you -just send us an email at or use our online suggest a purchase form on our website and specify e-book or e-audio title.

Team Leader, Collections
The City of Unley Libraries

Storytime Online
During these isolating times, Unley Libraries is able to offer a Storytime Online once a week on Tuesday mornings at 10.30am. The videos are released on our YouTube channel and they feature the familiar faces of our Youth and Children's Team.

This week we have Jackie reading Let's Count Goats! by Mem Fox and Jan Thomas.

Subscribe to this eNewsletter for a weekly update on our services, or alternatively for our videos, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where we offer videos for all ages. 
Check this out
Many art galleries and museums have made their collections available to discover online. Here are a small selection, let us know of any others that you have discovered and explored.

MOD Museum – online exhibitions. Interactive, thought-provoking displays

Australian Maritime Museum – online exhibitions, virtual vessel tours

Art Gallery of South Australia – Monster Theatres virtual tour

National Gallery of Australia – Online Galleries

British Museum – Online exhibitions and virtual tours

Learning & Literacy Officer
The City of Unley Libraries

Unley Libraries is offering an online version of our Wriggletime or Babytime sessions on Friday mornings at 10.30am. The videos are released on our YouTube channel and they feature the familiar faces of our Youth and Children's Team.

This week we have Amelia and Caitlin sharing some of their favourite rhymes and songs.

Subscribe to this eNewsletter for a weekly update on our services, or alternatively for our videos, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where we offer videos for all ages. 
We love LEGO(TM) Masters! Each week we will be setting master building challenges for you and awarding $20 gift e-voucher prizes to the best ones.

  • This week's challenge is: Dream Island. My dream island is a beautiful garden where I can sit and read a good book
  • Send us photos of your build to, and include your name, age, suburb and a description.
  • You don't need to use LEGO(TM), we will also accept entries built with other construction toys or recycled materials.
  • You will have 4 weeks from the date we issue the challenges to submit your entries, and you can enter as many times as you like. Entries for challenge #1 close Friday 22 May 2020.
  • Open to all ages!
Daily Moves
Daily Moves is a free supportive physical activity program for adults aged 65 years and above. The program aims to encourage participants to move their bodies daily for 30 minutes. Daily movement, including things like taking out the bins, can go a long way to maintaining independence, preventing frailty, managing chronic pain, keeping us socially connected, lifting our mood, along with many other benefits.

The Daily Moves team have started a YouTube channel showing some easy at-home exercises you can try - new videos will be added each week.

If you would like to subscribe to the regular newsletter for health tips, recipes, and more, visit the City of Unley website to register.
Animal Management Plan 2021-2025
The City of Unley is developing a new Animal Management Plan 2021-2025 and we would like your help in guiding the direction of the Plan. All Councils in South Australia are required under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 to prepare a Plan of Management for dogs and cats every five years.

As part of our public consultation process, we want to know what you think about the planning and management of dogs and cats in the council area. We also want to hear your concerns about other animals such as chickens, bees, and birds.

This survey has been prepared for residents and businesses within the City of Unley, but you don’t need to have a dog or cat to participate in the survey. Please fill in the survey and tell us what’s important to you about dogs, cats and other animals.

Your feedback will help us inform the planning and management of dogs and cats in the city for the next five years.

The survey will only take a few minutes of your time.

(All personal details in the survey will remain confidential)
Draft Tree Strategy

The draft Tree Strategy was recently endorsed for community consultation by Council. We are seeking your input up until the 11 May on our Your Say Unley website.

The Draft Tree Strategy sets a long-term vision for Council and the community to keep Unley leafy for future generations. It considers current and emerging issues, opportunities and trends in our community relating to trees. In addition to managing and maintaining our existing trees, there is a focus on expanding and establishing new trees across the City.
Family, Nature and COVID-19

Nature Play SA has released a fantastic guide filled with information, strategies and practical ideas to help children and families adapt to social distancing and self-isolation measures.

The guide has a strong focus on nurturing the mental health and wellbeing of families, providing accessible, nature-based method that can be practiced at home, in your neighbourhood and nearby nature.
The City of Unley and COVID-19
Stay up to date with changes to the City of Unley council services
181 Unley Road, Unley
Phone 8372 5100

101 Goodwood Road, Goodwood
Phone 8372 5166

Unley Civic Library
181 Unley Road, Unley
Phone 8372 5174
Unley Civic Library
Phone 8372 5137

411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton
Phone 8372 5167


Disclaimer: Links to external sites do not constitute an endorsement or approval by The City of Unley.