Tuesday March 18
8:00 AM Men's Fellowship, Walden Hall
2:00 PM Miracle Kitchen Cooking, Kitchen
6:00 PM NAMI Meeting, St. James Room
Wednesday March 19
9:00 AM Executive Committee Meeting, Rector's Office
10:00 AM Staff Meeting, St. James Room
12:00 PM Lenten Bible Study: The Women of Easter, Walden Hall, zoom
2:00 PM Holy Eucharist, Cape Regency
3:00 PM Bereavement Group, Library
6:15 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal, Walden Hall
Thursday March 20
8:30 AM Books & Breakfast, Walden Hall, zoom
1:00 PM FCEN (Faith Communities Environmental Network) Meeting, St. James Room
6:30 PM Zen Meditation, Walden Hall
Friday March 21
12:00 PM Stations of the Cross, Church
1:00 PM Grief Group, Library, zoom
Saturday March 22
9:00 AM Society of the Companions of Holy Cross,
Church and St. Mary's Campus
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist, Church
Sunday March 23
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Church
8:50 AM Introduction to Contemplative Prayer, St. James Room
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Church
11:15 AM Coffee & Fellowship, Walden Hall
11:15 AM Welcome to The Episcopal Church, St. James Room
2:00 PM Here Now Worship, First Baptist Church
Monday March 24
11:30 AM Garden Party Planning Meeting, St. James Room
3:30 PM Education for Ministry, St. James
6:45 PM Cape Cod Chorale Rehearsal, Walden Hall
Tuesday March 25
4:00 PM AA 12 Step Meeting, Library
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Easter Flower Dedications
Please click here to sign-up here for Easter Flower Dedications. Please note all checks need to be made out to St. Mary's Episcoapl Church and please include in the memo line: "Easter Flowers." Thank you.
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A Note About Deacon Elizabeth Whitmore
You may wonder where The Rev. Deacon Elizabeth Whitmore, known to some as Deacon Elizabeth or Penny, has been lately! For those who may be new to St Mary’s and may not have encountered her, Deacon Elizabeth is a vibrant presence in our spiritual life here at St Mary’s. She was ordained as a Deacon in San Francisco. When she moved to the Cape and joined St Mary’s, she became instrumental in initiating our Healing Ministry. She regularly served at weekend services as a deacon. As part of the Pastoral Care team, she would visit our parishioners who were homebound or ill offering comfort, prayer and companionship. She continues to make regular phone calls to check in on the well-being of our parishioners.
Deacon Elizabeth’s health has forced her to step away from many of these ministries, however she continues to lead Spirituality Discussions each Wednesday on Zoom. Deacon Elizabeth greatly misses her regular and personal interactions with her fellow parishioners. Unfortunately, Deacon Elizabeth is no longer well enough to offer her healing prayers to us individually during mass, but she continues to keep us in her prayers. She watches our Sunday worship livestream and sends her blessings to all of us.
If you would like to let Deacon Elizabeth know you are thinking of her, please feel free to send
her a greeting by mail or email. We are certain she would love to hear from her beloved church family.
Her email is: emmausw65@gmail.com
Her address is: 1391 Hyannis Barnstable Rd, Barnstable, MA 02630-1557
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Stations of the Cross During Lent:
Please join us every Friday at noon throughout Lent, (March 21, 28 and April 4, and 11) for Stations of the Cross in the Church. Fellow parishioners will rotate leading this prayerful tradition. Join us and deepen your faith this Lent.
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Lenten Quiet Day at St. Mary's
“A Journey Through the Wilderness and the Parable of the Prodigal Son”
Offered by: The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross
Date: March 22, 2025
Time: 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: St. Mary's Church
Facilitators: The Rev. Gail Smith
and Liz Tunney
All are welcome to participate in this Lenten Day of Prayer and Reflection sponsored by the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross. Please click here or on the image below for more information on this program. This is a bring your own lunch event. The program will take place throughout the St. Mary's campus, in our church, meeting spaces and gardens (weather permitting).
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SMART (St. Mary's Advocacy Resource Team) - Our Immigrant Neighbors:
What Can We Do?
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Facilitator: Margot Critchfield
In this 1-hour Zoom presentation, Rev. Margot Critchfield will give an overview of what you can do to protect our vulnerable brothers and sisters in the immigrant community—from disseminating “Know Your Rights” materials to advocating for state and national legislation on their behalf with the stroke of just a few keys on your laptop. A carefully curated list of resources will be provided.
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History of St. Mary's - A Guided Tour
Date: March 30
Time: 11:15 AM
Location: Sanctuary
Limited to 15
Facilitator: Peter Gwynne
St. Mary’s is a relatively young example of the Episcopalian church, but it has its own unique history. That history reveals itself in the structures and artifacts throughout the church. On March 30, a guided tour of the sanctuary and other parts of our campus will highlight those items, detail St. Mary’s history, and provide some insights into the Episcopal church. The tour will start at the back of the church at 11:15 am that day -- after the 10 am Eucharist -- and will last about 45 minutes. It’s aimed mainly at newcomers to St. Mary’s, but will also welcome more established parishioners. If you’d like to join the tour, please RSVP to the Parish Office at info@stmarysbarnstable.org
Since we’re limiting the numbers to 15, we suggest that your sign up earlier rather than later.
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SMART (St. Mary's Advocacy Resource Team) & Movie Theology
Are Co-hosting A Film For March -
Traces of the Trade
Date: March 30
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Walden Hall
The Movie Theology Group will be hosting an matinee on Sunday March 30, at 3:00 PM. Traces of the Trade - A Story from the Deep North is a 2008 PBS documentary exploring the history of the DeWolf family, the largest slave-trading family in US history, and the legacy of slavery in New England. The film follows filmmaker Katrina Browne and family members as they retrace the Triangle Trade.
Please feel free to bring your favorite libation. We’ve got the popcorn! Any questions or concerns, please contact me, Kinnet Ehring, Bill Babcock or Peter Gwynne. See you at the movies.
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Covid Booster Clinic
Date: Monday, March 31, 2025
Time: Between 9:30 and 11:30 AM
Location: Walden Hall
We are thrilled to be offering a COVID Booster Clinic in partnership with Whole Health Pharmacy, running between 9:30 and 11:30 AM on Monday, March 31, 2025 at St. Mary's Church. Please sign-up for your individual appointment slot here. You will need to complete the attached Immunization Questionnaire and Consent Form and have it completely filled out and with you. Any questions please contact Peter Scarafile at: 508-362-3036
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SMART (St. Mary's Advocacy Resource Team):
The Stolen Beam - Conversation and Spiritual Reflection on Reparations for the Descendants of Slaves
Date: Sundays, April 27 - May 25
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 PM
Facilitator: Rev. Margot Critchfield
The moral challenge of reparations for slavery can be viewed through an ancient lens: What would you do if you discovered that your house was built upon a stolen beam? How would you make that right? This question, posed for rabbinical debate, serves as a framework today for conversation and reflection: What will we do with the knowledge that the prosperity of our nation – and hence our church – was built upon the stolen labor of enslaved people? How do we make this right – as a nation and as a church?
This SMART sponsored five-session zoom course of educational engagement and personal reflection focuses on the legacy of African enslavement and 400 years of racism, on what was stolen and what may be owed. It examines the historical case for reparations, global and national precedents, practical proposals for national and local reparations, and theological reflections on reparations from Jewish and Christian sources.
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Eucharistic Visitor Training
Dates: April 26, May 3, or May 10
Time: 9:00 AM to Noon
Location: Various..
Eucharistic visitors extend the altar to include those who are homebound or in the hospital. This important pastoral and liturgical ministry is offered by adult lay members of the congregation who are certified by the diocese. In order to be certified, eucharistic visitors must complete Safe Church training, be nominated by their priest, and attend a diocesan-approved training.
This spring, three Saturday morning trainings are being offered by the Diocese in partnership with the St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer. Please consider joining in this training. The May 3rd training will be held at St. David's Church in South Yarmouth.
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St. Mary's Formation & Education |
Lenten Bible Study
The Women of Easter
Date: Wednesdays
March 19, 26
Time: Noon
Location: Walden Hall, zoom
Facilitator: Fr. Michael
Join us for a Lenten journey exploring The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs. Together, we will delve into the stories of women who played pivotal roles in Jesus' journey to the cross and resurrection. Bring a bag lunch and join the discussion. All are welcome to join.
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Education for Ministry
Weekly on Mondays
3:30 to 7:00 PM
| Education for Ministry (EfM) theme for this year is Living into the Journey with God. EfM meets each weekly every Monday for 3 hours from September through June. Year 1 participants study the Old Testament, Year 2 studies the New Testament, Year 3 studies Christian History, and Year 4 puts everything together in Theology. Speak with Amy Crocker if you are interested or have questions about the program. | | | Wednesday Spirituality Discussions | Please note this group is on hiatus until later in the Spring. | | |
Book & Breakfast Group Update
The Books & Breakfast Group is currently discussing A Pilgrimage to Eternity: From Canterbury to Rome in Search of a Faith by Timothy Egan. We are beginning to think about our next book. Please email Fr. Michael if you have any suggestions. All are welcome to join this vibrant group for their weekly gathering of morning prayer, stimulating spiritual discussions, breakfast treats and fellowship.
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Get Involved With Volunteer Opportunities |
OAT's Volunteer Opportunities
OAT is St. Mary's Outreach Action Team that works to highlight opportunities to serve at St. Mary's and in our greater community. Current Outreach opportunities are listed below:
The Miracle Kitchen Ministry needs some cooks and drivers to deliver to the Salvation Army this year. This service feeds lunch for people at the Salvation Army in downtown Hyannis. Cooks shop and create a yummy casserole in the church kitchen (recipes available!) for the drivers to deliver the third Wednesday of the month. Please contact Sally Cameron and Beth Hearn for more information at (508) 364-3850 more information.
Faith Family Kitchen can always use new volunteers to rotate through our team of servers who help set-up for take-out and dine-in dinners for anyone who is hungry. The food is all prepared by the FFK chef. Volunteers are needed on the fourth Monday of every month at 4:30 PM and are usually done by 7:30 PM. Please contact Carolyn Thomas or Beth Hearn if you are interested in helping with this outreach.
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Calling All Crafters!
Do you knit, sew, carve, crotchet, paint, or have other artisan skills? If you are able to contribute something hand-made with love, for our upcoming Celebration of the Garden on May 17, 2025 please reach out to Bev Parke 774-994-2273.
Thank you!
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Seeking Volunteers to Plan and Lead the Easter Egg Hunt in the Garden
We are looking for volunteers to plan and lead an Easter Egg Hunt this year. Please email the office if you or your Ministry Group is interested in leading the Egg Hunt this year. We own the plastic eggs but will need candy, stuffers, hiders etc. This event will require a team of volunteers. Thank you!
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Phase Two Solar Project
You can make a difference. Saint Mary’s has made a significant commitment to reduce our carbon footprint. You can help by joining others in supporting the funding of our second phase solar panel project. Any contribution, any amount, would be gratefully accepted. Contact Ann Kaprielian, our financial coordinator if you wish to make a donation.
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1891 Society
Think Ahead
You have a will and an IRA/retirement account. You think you are all set. Remember the beneficiary form on your IRA trumps your will. Check to make sure your beneficiaries are correct. If you are interested in joining the 1891 Society, please contact Linda Gadkowski at: lgadkows@capecod.net
or 508-292-5500.
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Cape Community News and Events |
Dial M for Murder
Date: March 21 and 22
(Friday and Saturday Evenings)
Time: 6 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: Barnstable Comedy Club
This fun play continues through March 22 on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM with a Sunday matinee performance at 2:30 PM. General admission tickets are $25 / $23 for seniors 65+ and for students. Tickets may reserved by calling the box office at 508-362-6333.
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Artist of the Year Roundtable
Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Time: 6 pm to 7:30 pm
This is more than just a talk—it’s a chance to feed your soul with intelligent conversation, immerse yourself in Cape Cod’s dynamic arts scene, and experience a night of culture in a truly cool, historic venue, the Cape Cinema. This is an evening that promises inspiration, connection, and creative energy. The Arts Foundation’s four Artists of the Year—Jo Hay, Mark Adams, Julia Cumes, and Joe Diggs—will share their artistic journeys, creative resilience, and what fuels their work in a conversation led by Executive Director Julie Wake.
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The 2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
Next week is our “Ingathering Sunday” for the 2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Please place your gift in the Offering basket on “Ingathering Sunday,” March 30. You may also donate directly to the diocesan office by clicking here. The appeal newsletter and donation envelope are available at the rear of the church and in our sunroom. Thank you for your generous support.
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Campus Notes
Parish Communications
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A Good Problem to Have
We are asking for your help with our rapidly crowding parking lot on Sunday mornings. It would be very helpful if St. Mary's Choir members and other liturgical participants could park in the farther away parking areas like the Law Offices at the Old Barnstable House or at Sturgis Library on Sunday mornings. Carpooling is encouraged as well. Thank you for doing all you can to help us with this "happy problem".
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St. Mary's Office Hours
The Church office is open to the public Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. If an Office Angel is present the front office will be open between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. In order to accommodate multiple individual meeting requests, appointments to meet with clergy and staff are recommended.
Please email our Parish Administrator, Julie Remie at: Julie.Remie@stmarysbarnstable.org to schedule appointments with Fr. Michael, and for appointments with our staff, please contact the staff member directly.
For general inquiries, please contact our office at info@stmarysbarnstable.org or call the office at 508-362-3977.
If you have a pastoral emergency, please call our confidential Pastoral Care line at 508-318-6646 and our on-call staff will respond.
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SMART - Offerings Email
Be on the lookout for a new weekly email every Thursday highlighting the current SMART offerings. Please be sure to send all SMART content contributions to Allison no later than the prior Monday. Thank you.
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Announcements During Services
To help us keep announcements concise while ensuring everyone is heard, we kindly ask that anyone wishing to make an announcement let Father Michael or our Senior Warden, Marian Ferguson, know by the Saturday before the Sunday services. Please include a brief description of what your announcement is about. We ask that you limit your announcements to 2 or 3 minutes maximum. This will allow us to coordinate and keep the announcement time running smoothly.
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St. Mary's Social Media
Please be sure you are following us on both of our public Instagram and Facebook pages in order to stay on top of what is happening at St. Mary's. We want our social media to represent who we are and your contributions are most welcome. We welcome your pictures, videos, and voices. Please send Allison your pictures and posts for sharing.
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St. Mary's Communications
The This Week at St. Mary's will go out every Tuesday. Please submit any content for this no later than the prior Friday.
The SMART Offerings at St. Mary's will go out every Thursday. Please submit your content for this email no later than Monday.
The This Weekend At St. Mary's will go out every Friday. Please submit your content for this no later than Tuesday mornings.
The deadline for submissions for our Monthly E-Newsletter is the 25th of the prior month.
For your convenience, the Monthly Newsletter (printed out) will be available in the sunroom and in the parish office for those who would like a paper copy.
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Saint Mary's Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 395
3055 Main Street
Barnstable, MA 02630
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