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Ebenezer Baptist Church

267 Ebenezer Road

Gladys, VA 24554

Jamie Adams, Pastor (706) 599-5571

James Willett, Youth Pastor (757) 848-6378

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship Service 10:30 am

Radio Station 107.3 FM


July 23, 2023

Scripture: Summary of @ Samuel 8-9 David’s Victory

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August 20 – Taste of Ebenezer following Worship Service – more details to come

Tithes and Offerings - Last Week  $4448.03

There is a locked wooden “Tithe” box in the vestibule on the front table for your convenience to place your offerings in at any time.

Designated Special Fund Donations:

In Memory / *In Honor Of:

Given By:


Dean Claybrook, Burton Farris, and Jimmy St. John

Elizabeth Scott



July 23

July 30


Michael Coleman

Bev McFaden


Annabel Maley-Irby

Kyle Cox & Sam Sjovall


Debbie Sjovall, Beverly, Lilly & Isabel Puckette

Dorothy Edwards, Daelyn Burns, Susan King and Amanda Willett

Children’s Church

Whitney & Aaron Puckette

Virginia Jennings & Robin Monroe


July - Annabel Maley-Irby, Elizabeth Scott


Michael Coleman 434-483-7047

Kyle Cox    434-221-8882

Charllie Edwards 434-660-6733

Bev McFaden  434-941-8703

Eddie Parks  434-907-6569

Mark Roberts 434-942-9329

Chad Seals  434-841-4306

Chris Smith*  865-599-7433

James Spickard  434-420-0049

If you or someone in your family have a need or special accommodations request, please contact Chris Smith or Pastor Jamie

Nominating Committee

Romans 12:6-7 “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;”

We, as Christians, have all been given a unique gift or talent to lead others to Christ and to grow the kingdom. It is our responsibility to find ways to become involved and help make an impact.

THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE is asking everyone to be in prayer as they will be starting to fill the positions in the church and to consider where you might be able to best serve.

Thank you in advance for each of you that volunteer your time and talents in order to invest in our church family and community.

Charlie Edwards, Nominating Committee Chairman

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Sunday School: 9:30am (meeting in the Youth Room (old Music Room)

Youth Wednesday nights: 6:30pm at church


August 2ndYouth Group

August 5th – End of Summer Party

August 9th – Youth Group

August 13th – Pool Party??? More details to come

August 16th – Youth Group

August 23rd – Youth Group

August 30th - Youth Group


New News:


First up, We are going to have a 2024 Summer mission trip meeting on July 30th. We are planning on going to Alaska this upcoming year! This mission trip is not just limited to the youth, so anyone is welcome to come check out our meeting.


Secondly, we are having an end of summer party. I believe it'll be August 13th. I think we're going to try and have a pool party. More details of that are to come soon.


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KID'S CLUB - Kid's club will be the First Wednesday of Each Month . We will have a Bible lesson, snacks, and some games! Please spread the word and join us.

July 23rd - 11:30am Children’s Ministry Meeting

August 6th - 11am-2pm Worship Service, Picnic Lunch & Swimming at Hat Creek Lake. The entire church is invited to participate!   

 Sept 9th - 6:30pm – Hillcats Game 


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Catherine Shorter (Babcock Manor)

Celia Vandegrift (Bentley Commons)

Martha Owen (Runk & Pratt)

Elise Wood (home)

Violet Shrader (home)

Lloyd Williams (home)

Warren Wyman (home)

Margaret & George Vassar (home)


Norma Moon

Donna Davis

Levi Keller

Tommy Howerton

Virginia Darnell

Nikia Payne

Larry Baldwin

Daniel & Logan McClurg Lass

Dana Hunt

Paul & Carla Darnell

Joey Kernen

Joyce Soper

Linda & Charles Crenshaw

Sylvia Minnick Croom

Dorothy Williams

Melaney Hannoteu

Jack Schooler

Barbara Wall

Dennis Clay

Tina Preas (Susan King’s sister)

Nancy Gilliland Barnes

Brandy Wright

Ed & Mary Bailey

Philip Shotwell

Lucas Crutchfield

Sidnei Arrowood

Frank Evans

Bonnie Rosemond

Tommy Layne

Jim Smotrel

Darlene White

Alayna White

Joyce Elder

Coach Doug Smith

Coretta Davidson

Myrtle Davidson

Richard & Rebecca Toms

Suzanne Smith

Linwood Jones

Dean Claybrook family

Clark Breedlove

Trey Hendricks family

Zane Wright

Allison Emmons

Phyllis Guthrie Neal family

Jean Crews family

Mike Rudder

Shirley Taylor

Kevin Ryan Shorter – rehab at Johnston Willis Hospital, 1401 Johnston Willis Drive, Room 503, Richmond, VA 23235

(bold print indicates added this week)   

Please notify Jamie or Virginia when a name should be added or can be removed. Thanks.

BEAM needs: Large Cans of String Beans, Green Peas, Mixed Vegetables, Instant Potatoes, Beets, Tomatoes, Canned Beans, Fruits (all kinds) Canned Meats (all kinds), Peanut Butter, Soups (all kinds) Saltines and Powdered Milk.  Any and all items are greatly appreciated! Our stock is very low!

PRAYER CIRCLE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. All ages welcomed!

YOUNG ADULTS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (formerly Truth Seekers and College/Career Classes) is meeting at 9:30am. Kyle Cox, teacher.

Wednesday Bible study on the Chosen - 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade) meets during Worship Service at 10:30am.  (Please send info slip with child).

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30am meeting in the Youth Room (old music room)

Youth Wednesday nights: 6:30pm at church with James (For more Youth News, see Youth Section)

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Meeting downstairs in children's wing 

NURSERY: located downstairs below sanctuary is available for children ages 3 years and under. (Please fill out info slip on each child).

“THANK YOU JESUS” signs and the “F.B.I. JESUS” ball caps are here! They are located in the muffin room. If you want one or know of someone who does, please pick one up.

“J” DOLLARS: Please save and donate for Missions (it’s a dollar bill with a “J” in the round black seal). Please place them in our “J” basket located in the vestibule. Thank you.

Need to Reserve the Church or Fellowship Hall? If so, check the calendar in the Small Conference (Muffin) Room in the Vestibule and sign up.

Phone Tree: If you are not getting the phone tree calls or text messages, please let Pastor Jamie know so that you can be added to the call list.


Got Bulletin News or Want to Put Someone on Prayer List? Call or text Virginia by Friday 11am at 434-942-9812 9812 or email [email protected]

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - OCC is a year-round project for Ebenezer. We collect small items that can be packed in a shoebox to be sent to children around the world in November. A plastic tote is in the vestibule for these items. Don’t like to shop??? Let us do it for you.  We have a donation box if you would like for us to do your shopping. Won’t you donate to this worthy cause? Spreading God’s love one shoe box at a time. Thanks

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