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Ebenezer Baptist Church

267 Ebenezer Road

Gladys, VA 24554

Jamie Adams, Pastor (706) 599-5571

James Willett, Youth Pastor (757) 848-6378

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship Service 10:30 am

Radio Station 107.3 FM

November 27, 2022

1 Timothy 5:1-8 ESV


Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity. Honor widows who are truly widows. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God. She who is truly a widow, left all alone, has set her hope on God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day, but she who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives. Command these things as well, so that they may be without reproach. But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

TODAY – anyone interested in singing and helping get a Praise Team together, please meet up front in the sanctuary right after Worship Service today. 



WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY – 6:30p.m. in Fellowship Hall - – Study on Heaven

11/20 - 12/18  Children’s Sock Collection 

Church members are encouraged to bring various sizes of socks for local elementary school children. A designated collection basket is in the vestibule. 

December 1 - Blood Mobile - William Campbell School - 8:30-2:00

December 2nd – 7pm Brookneal Christmas Parade

Sunday, December 18th -  Christmas Drama 6pm

See other events under Children and Youth News.

TITHES/OFFERING for 11/20/22: $2850

A donation to OCC was given by Beverly Puckette In honor of her 10 precious grandchildren

Our “Change for Change” box donations during the month of November will be given to the OCC fund to help with shipping shoeboxes. Won’t you give your change to help change the life of a child who may hear the gospel when they receive their shoebox this Christmas? Thanks


Michael Coleman 434-483-7047

Kyle Cox    434-221-8882

Charllie Edwards 434-660-6733

Bev McFaden  434-941-8703

Eddie Parks  434-907-6569

Mark Roberts 434-942-9329

Chad Seals  434-841-4306

Chris Smith*  865-599-7433

James Spickard  434-420-0049

Deacon of the Week

November 27 Eddie Parks

December 4 Chad Seals


November 27 Kate Wilson

December 4 Liz and Barry Riddlebarger

Nursery Workers

November 27 Regan Burns, Kim Reamey, Mike & Suzanne Colema

December 4 Chad & Stacey Seals, Janice White

Children's Church:

November 27 Annabel Maley-Irby , Laurla Lee & Maggie Spickard

December 4 James & Maureen Puckett


November - Pat DeJarnette, Carolyn Jones

December - Annabel Maley-Irby

Muffin Room: 1st Sunday – Muffins. If anyone wishes to bring something on the other Sundays, please feel free to do so.

Due to the continued number of Covid cases, we encourage all members to take precautions if it makes you feel more comfortable and safer by social distancing in the church, using hand sanitizer frequently, and wearing a mask (over mouth and nose). The Worship Service is also available for viewing downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you.

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Poinsettias for Christmas: There is a signup sheet in the vestibule for those wishing to place a poinsettia in the sanctuary for Christmas which can be designated as in memory or in honor of a loved one.

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KID'S CLUB - Kid's club will be the First Wednesday of Each Month . We will have a Bible lesson, snacks, and some games! Please spread the word and join us.


11/20 - 12/18   Children’s Sock Collection 

Church members are encouraged to bring various sizes of socks for local elementary school children. A designated collection basket will be in the vestibule. 

12/2 Thursday @7pm Brookneal Christmas Parade

Children and Youth will decorate and enter a float in the parade. We will be decorating the float a few days before the parade, more information soon!


12/7 Wednesday @ 6:30pm - 7:30pm Kids Club Pajama Party Enjoy cookies, cocoa and making a craft for shut-ins! 


12/18 Sunday @ 6pm Christmas Drama

written and directed by our own Maureen Puckett, with refreshments to follow - see insert for more information


1/8/23 Sunday @11:30am Children’s Committee Meeting

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Sunday School: 9:30am (meeting in the Old Library Room)

Youth Wednesday nights: 6:30pm at church with James 



11/28 Monday – 6pm Missions Trip Meeting – if you are interested in going on the trip, please attend


11/30 Wednesday @ 6pm Youth Committee Meeting

in person or virtual


12/14 Wednesday @ 6:30 pm Youth Christmas Party


12/17 Saturday @ 6:30 am Operation Christmas Child Box Processing Center processing center workday. We will be working in Charlotte from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We have 3 spots remaining! Must be 13 to attend.



THIS SUMMER:  We are heading to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for our missions trip. We will have more details soon including dates, our first meeting and fundraising efforts.

James Willett



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Exciting news… 


A Christmas Program presented by the Youth of Ebenezer Baptist Church!


Oh What a Glorious Night!


Sunday, December 18th at 6 PM


Casting calls for all kids wanting to participate. Looking for energetic kids and youth that want to make a joyful noise for the Lord! 


Program will be a Nativity scene with various character parts, group/choir singing, instrument playing, and some speaking parts.  


Practices will be as follows:


Wednesday, Nov. 16th at 6 pm

Sunday, Nov. 20th at 6 pm

Sunday, Nov. 27th at 6 pm

Sunday, Dec. 4th at 6 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 7th at 6 pm

Sunday, Dec. 11th at 6 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 14th at 6 pm (Dress Rehearsal)

Sunday, Dec. 18th at 11:30 pm (Dress Rehearsal)


Children/Youth are not required to attend all practices, but as many as possible all are welcome.  


Adults, we need your help too… Looking for church members to help build a manger scene, help with props, costumes and set decorations, and help with the kids during the program.


Also will need a dedicated AV(auto-visual) person or two to attend all practices.  


We are so excited to share the true meaning of Christmas with our church…Please spread the word!


Please contact Maureen Puckett for more information or with any questions.


Children’s Committee 


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International Missions – Lottie Moon Christmas Offering - Goal $4000


We pray for missions around the world

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.


SINCE 1918 - What is the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering?

Lottie Moon was sent as a Southern Baptist missionary to China from 1873 to 1912. She saw firsthand the world's greatest problem — LOSTNESS. Meeting so many people who had never heard the gospel compelled her to write letters to American churches describing the need for a greater missionary presence.

She pleaded for increased prayer and financial support to send and sustain more missionaries. This challenge became known as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®. Please see the insert about our Week of Prayer and won’t you give today? Thanks.



Catherine Shorter (Babcock Manor)

Celia Vandegrift (Bentley Commons)

Martha Owen (Runk & Pratt)

Elise Wood (home)

Violet Shrader (home)

Lloyd Williams (home)

Warren Wyman (home)

Margaret & George Vassar (home)


Norma Moon

Donna Davis

Ralph Jennings

Levi Keller

Dean Claybrook

Tommy Howerton

Virginia Darnell

Nikia Payne

Danny Lee Beadles

Billy Austin

Ken Silby

Linda Jennings

Eugene Beadles

Phyllis Francisco

Dawn Laughlin

Larry Baldwin

Daniel & Logan McClurg Lass

Dana Hunt

Paul & Carla Darnell

Joey Kernen

Joyce Soper

Linda & Charles Crenshaw

Sylvia Minnick Croom

Jerry Woodson

Ryland King

Cecil Mason

Eva Stone

Kevin Wade

Barbara Moon

Angie Harris

Cokie & Teresa Davidson

Shirley Foster

Bernadette Klein

Bill Woodall

Maureen Henley

Coretta Davidson

Dorothy Williams

Jamie Johnson

Doug Ridgeway

Ann Booker

Catherine Smith family

Lowell Williams

Rachael Simasek & family

Vivian Hawkins family

Susan Scott Norton

Ed Jaworecki

Keith Myers family

Susie Holt

Joyce Moorefield

Odell Foutty

Jessica McCall

Alan Taylor


 Please notify Jamie or Virginia when a name should be added or can be removed. Thanks.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD- Thank you again for your donations and support this year with over 370 boxes packed from Ebenezer. Now we start again as OCC is a year-round project for Ebenezer. We collect small items that can be packed in a shoebox to be sent to children around the world in November. A plastic tote is in the vestibule for these items. Don’t like to shop??? We have a donation box if you would like for us to do your shopping. Won’t you donate to this worthy cause? Spreading God’s love one shoe box at a time. Thanks

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The Brookneal Lions Club will once again sponsor the "Christmas Memory Tree" in memory/honor of people whom we cherish. For a Five Dollar donation cherished family or friends will be remembered with their names posted on a banner at 246 The Main and a listing in the near future in the Union Star newspaper. Please make your donation to any Brookneal Lions Club member by today, November 27th, so the banner can be made and placed by Thursday December 2nd for the Brookneal Christmas Parade. All donations will be used to provide for needy visually impaired citizens of the Brookneal and surrounding communities.

BEAM needs: Canned beans, canned tomatoes, carrots, corn, string beans, fruits of all kinds and meats (no tuna please). Any and all items are greatly appreciated! 


PRAYER CIRCLE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. All ages welcomed!

YOUNG ADULTS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (formerly Truth Seekers and College/Career Classes) is meeting at 9:30am. Kyle Cox, teacher.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade) meets during Worship Service at 10:30am.  (Please send info slip with child).

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30am meeting in the Youth Room (old music room)

Youth Wednesday nights: 6:30pm at church with James (For more Youth News, see insert)

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Meeting downstairs in children's wing 

NURSERY: located downstairs below sanctuary is available for children ages 3 years and under. (Please fill out info slip on each child).

“THANK YOU JESUS” signs and the “F.B.I. JESUS” ball caps are here! They are located in the vestibule. If you want one or know of someone who does, please pick one up.

J Dollars Please save and donate your “J” dollars for Missions (it’s a dollar bill with a “J” in the round black seal). You may give them to Linda Morris, Kim Roberts, Barbara Williams or place them in our “J” basket located in the vestibule. Thank you.

Need to Reserve the Church or Fellowship Hall? If so, check the calendar in the Small Conference (Muffin) Room in the Vestibule and sign up.

Phone Tree: If you are not getting the phone tree calls or text messages, please let Pastor Jamie know so that you can be added to the call list.


Got Bulletin News or Want to Put Someone on Prayer List? Call or text Virginia by Friday 11am at 434-942-9812 9812 or email [email protected]

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