Ebenezer Baptist Church
267 Ebenezer Road
Gladys, VA 24554
Jamie Adams, Pastor (706) 599-5571
James Willett, Youth Pastor (757) 848-6378
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Radio Station 107.3 FM
March 20, 2022

We welcome Ben Updike to our pulpit today!

News and Events:

March 28: The annual Spring Meeting for the Stuanton River Baptist Association will be held at 7 p.m. at Monte Vista Baptist Church.

To start out the year 2022, we would like to recognize and celebrate the elders within our church. If you are over the age of 80 and are a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church, we would love to recognize you. If you have any questions, please let Pastor Jamie know. If you know of someone that should be recognized, please also let Jamie or the deacons know.

APRIL 17- EASTER EGG HUNT following Worship Service. Please donate plastic eggs filled with candy (no chocolate).  Thanks

APRIL 24: Baby Shower for Troy and Regan Morris Burns from 2-4pm in the Church Fellowship Hall. They are registered at Target and Amazon.  
General Fund: $1782       Special Funds: $100          Total: $1882

Special Fund Donations

In Memory/*Honor of.................................Given by ................................................................Fund
Jean Bradshaw, Faye Emory, O’Neil McHaney..........Elizabeth Scott ..................Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Stanley Hailey,Raymond Isaacs, Ray Maddox .........Elizabeth Scott ..................Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
*Linda Owen (in appreciation for placing flowers .............Elizabeth Scott ..................Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
in the church for March
Frances Smith .....................................................................Kathleen Marshall ................................................................General

Charlie Edwards   434-660-6733
Bill Jones               434-660-4937
Kevin Jennings 252-558-5843
Dean Monroe        434-942-0515
Eddie Parks          434-907-6569
Mark Roberts        434-942-9329
Chad Seals           434-841-4306
Chris Smith 865-599-7433
James Spickard 434-420-0049
Deacon of the Week
March 20 Dean Monroe
March 27 Charlie Edwards

March 20 Kate Wilson
March 27 Isaiah Burns

Nursery Workers
March 20 Kim Reamey/Abigail Spickard
March 27 Beverly/Lilly/Isabel Puckette
Children's Church:   
March 20 Whitney/Aaron Puckette
March 27 Virginia Jennings/Robin Monroe
March – Beverly McFadden & Elizabeth Scott
April - Pat DeJarnette & Carolyn Jones
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering®
Who Was Annie Armstrong (1850-1938)? Annie was born in Baltimore at a time when there was little opportunity for women. Yet, her devotion to Christ led her to a life of service and leadership. She organized women to pray, to give and to meet the needs around them. She challenged pastors and churches to action and rallied vital support for missionaries. Ultimately, Annie was recognized as a national Southern Baptist trailblazer for her visionary leadership that still inspires millions today.

Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.

Won’t you give today?  Our goal is $2500. Donations to date: $25

Norma Jean Claybrook Holt (Heritage Hall)
Catherine Shorter (Babcock Manor)
Celia Vandegrift (Bentley Commons)
Martha Owen (Runk & Pratt)
Elise Wood (home)
Vernon Wallace (home)
Violet Shrader (home)
Lloyd Williams (home)
Norma Moon (home)
Warren Wyman (home)
Margaret & George Vassar (home)

Norma Moon
Jean Brasuell
Charles Overby
Tommy Howerton
Linda Clark
Harold Chambers
Karen Allen
Virginia Darnell
Nikia Payne
Danny Lee Beadles
Billy Austin
Mike Hall
Michelle King
Marvin Owen
John Leo Jennings
Sharon Crews Reynolds
Keith Myers
Ken Silby
Doug Irby
Linda Jennings
Jane & Bobby Francis
Covid Victims
Hayden Grosvenor
  Beth Brumfield
  Harold Clark
  Eugene Beadles
Samuel Tyree
  Betty Tanner Hamlett
  Phyllis Francisco
  Cecil Mason
  Owen Moon
  Ann Booker
  Susan Armstrong
  Dawn Laughlin
  Gloria Wright Roach family
  Easton & Elijah Bender
  Larry Baldwin
  Doug & Sheryl Parker (death of his parents:  Tommy & Nancy Stanley
  Ukraine country
  Levi Keller
  Ellie Barka (Heritage Hall)
  Logan McClurg Lass
  Inez Owen Johnson Tolley family
Bold print indicates added this week. Please notify Virginia when a name can be removed. Thanks.

BEAM needs your help!
Their stock is extremely low. Tomato sauce, large cans of String Beans, Soups, Tomatoes are out of stock. Other items needed… any canned items, powdered milk, cereals, non-perishable items are greatly appreciated.  You may drop items off in the basket in the vestibule at church. Just bring one item each Sunday! What a difference that could make! Thanks for caring and thanks for sharing! 
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is a year-round project for Ebenezer. We collect small items that can be packed in a shoebox to be sent to children around the world in November. A plastic tote is in the vestibule for these items. Won’t you donate to this worthy cause? Spreading God’s love one shoe box at a time. Thanks.
The Children's Choir will perform the first Sunday of every month. Their practice will be during the Sunday School hour on the last Sunday of every month) as well as the latter portion of the Sunday School hour the day of performance. If you have any questions, please contact Joshlyn Lukin at:  (434) 401-1032 or [email protected].  Thank you!    Joshlyn 

Youth News:

Sunday School: 9:30am (meeting in the Old Library Room)
Youth Wednesday nights: 6:30pm at church with James 
William Campbell Students, Join us weekly at the FCA Meeting at William Campbell! Coach Cox, as well as Pastor Jamie, myself, and others who are from the school will be leading the ministry. 7:50-8:05 in the auditorium!
March 25-27 will be the DNow weekend at Midway Baptist Church! This event involves Liberty Students coming and teaching, worshipping, and having our youth go out into the community! If you want to be a host home and have a few youth stay with you, and be willing to drive them, please let me (James) know! The cost per student is 45$ and that covers food, the programming, and a t-shirt! You MUST register by Sunday, March 20th! To register, go to Midway Baptist’s website, or come see me for a paper copy and return that back to me!
Finally, we are looking to go to Summer Camp. As of right now, we are looking to go to Thomas Road Outpost from August 1-5. Details are not finalized as of yet, so the dates and camp could still change. Adults, I would like to have at least one male and one female leader attending with me. If you are interested in going, please let me know!

           James Willett


PRAYER CIRCLE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. All ages welcomed!

YOUNG ADULTS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (formerly Truth Seekers and College/Career Classes) is meeting at 9:30am. Kyle Cox, teacher.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade) meets during Worship Service at 10:30am.  (Please send info slip with child).

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Meeting in the old Music Room to divide up
March Teachers: Kelly Breedlove, Suzanne Coleman & Robin Monroe

NURSERY: located downstairs below sanctuary is available for children ages 3 years and under. (Please fill out info slip on each child).

Ebenezer is set up for online giving. If you wish to have it drafted from your checking account, you will be charged a 1% fee ($100 check to the church you will be charged a fee of $1 so $101 will be deducted from your checking account). If you decide to tithe via Credit/Debit Card, you will be charged a 2% fee. The link to online giving is https://tithe.ly.give?c=1310972

J Dollars Please save and donate your “J” dollars for Missions (it’s a dollar bill with a “J” in the round black seal). You may give them to Linda Morris, Kim Roberts, Barbara Williams or place them in our “J” basket located in the vestibule. Thank you.

Need to Reserve the Church or Fellowship Hall? If so, check the calendar in the Small Conference (Muffin) Room in the Vestibule and sign up.

Phone Tree: If you are not getting the phone tree calls or text messages, please let Pastor Jamie know so that you can be added to the call list.
Got Bulletin News or Want to Put Someone on Prayer List? Call or text Virginia by Friday 11am at 434-942-9812.