Produce Guide:

1) Mixed Heirloom & Cherry Tomatoes

2) Blue Rock Romaine Lettuce Head

3) Summer Bunching Onions

4) Marketmore Cucumbers

5) Lemon Basil

6) Jimmy Nardello Peppers (Sweet)

7) Romano Beans

8) Purple & Green Tomatillos

Live Oak Farm Playlist Pairing

Reminder - We Recycle! 

We encourage you to return your CSA boxes to your pick-up location, or leave cartons, boxes, and other farm CSA reusables at your doorstep for exchange on Friday delivery days. A big thank you to the many of you that already participate in our recycling efforts!

We thank all those who have recently joined us in this practice as well. Your recycling efforts are noticed & appreciated! Thank you!

Live Oak Farm