Produce Guide:

1) Mixed Zucchini & Summer Squash

2) Bolero Carrots

3) Lavender

4) Radicchio

5) Lemon Basil

6) Mixed Summer Greens

7) Marketmore Cucumbers

Live Oak Farm Playlist Pairing

Save the dates!

If you've attended these dinners in the past you know how much fun a night at the farm is highlighted by hyper-seasonal produce and the creativity of guest chefs.

We're proud to announce two new dinners that highlight local culinary programs from restaurants here in Sonoma County, Street Social and Bloom (Petaluma & Sonoma, respectively). We can't wait to share our farm's summer harvest with our guests as well as raise a glass in community with some really great wine partners by way of Darling Wines and Kivelstadt Cellars as well.

Tickets are available and going quickly to both our upcoming farm dinners. Reserve your seat today!

Follow the link here to our Event's Calendar , or click the banners below to be directed to the EventBrite ticket sites for each respective dinner.

- Saturday August 5th -

Bloom Carneros & Kivelstadt Cellars

- Saturday September 23 -

Street Social & Darling Wines

Reminder - We Recycle! 

We encourage you to return your CSA boxes to your pick-up location, or leave cartons, boxes, and other farm CSA reusables at your doorstep for exchange on Friday delivery days. A big thank you to the many of you that already participate in our recycling efforts!

We thank all those who have recently joined us in this practice as well. Your recycling efforts are noticed & appreciated! Thank you!

Live Oak Farm