Produce Guide:

1) Lemon Basil

2) Summer Squash

3) Roscoff Onions

4) Persian Cucumber

5) Marketmore Cucumber

6) Radicchio

7) Blueberries

8) Live Oak Farm Greens Mix

Friends of the Farm-


Happy Friday and welcome back to another week of Live Oak Farm CSA...

Happy 4th of July weekend! With last week's observance of the Summer Solstice, Independence Day this Tuesday, and a spout of hot summer weather this weekend, I think it's safe to say summer is now upon us here in Sonoma County, California!

We are now harvesting some of the season's very first tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers and now blueberries! Blueberries are a celebrated first for us as farmers (and for you too this week as CSA members), with inclusion of a clamshell in this week's box.

A bit of the backstory on this looking to expand + evolve our farming we met Nancy Walters. Nancy, a former veterinarian practicing for years in Occidental turned blueberry farmer established just under an acre of mixed variety blueberries on her property on a western ridge of Occidental, overlooking Freestone in 2011. Nancy is incredibly knowledgeable on the subject of blueberries and we are honored to now be taking the reigns of her blueberry farm, lovingly named White Fox of Freestone. We will be continuing Nancy's commitment to CCOF organic certification, (aligned with our own existing practices), and taking her wisdom & spirit with us as we wrap our arms around this new project.

Blueberries at this site will typically expect first crop around Mother's Day in May. Our first crop arrived end of June this year, matching much other produce in its delay to crawl out of our prolonged winter. That said, we look forward to blueberries in our CSA, farmstand, and farmer's market presence through August, should all go according to plan.

This week you are tasting some of the first Southern Highbush varieties - Patriot & Emerald. Star and Toro are bigger, later ripening varieties still to come.

For our recipe this week we embrace peak summer and bring you a refreshing Blueberry Basil Lemonade! Sorry 4th of July, but I couldn't in good conscious give you another Flag Cake recipe. This recipe is also a nice compliment to the Lemon Basil in this week's box.

Make a night ahead to maximize flavors and get nice & cold for serving the next day. Enjoy all weekend long!

A CSA housekeeping note- we encourage you to pick-up your CSA from our pick-up partners (or the short walk to your front porch) in a timely manner especially on these warmer days of summer. We harvest produce fresh and wish to maximize its life & eventual enjoyment for you our members. Let us know if you will be delayed, or out of town and unable to pick up produce and we can make arrangements.

We and our veggies thank you!

Lastly, we welcome you to enjoy our weekly music playlist..

With a holiday weekend ahead, I too extended the mix from our usual 25-30 tracks of 2 hours of music to 37 tracks and just short of 2.75 hours of music to get you through. There were a few obligatory nods to the holiday at hand with James Brown's Living in America and the introduction of Eye of the Tiger both found via the Rocky IV soundtrack. Keeping it in the city of Brotherly Love, this week's mix features Elton John's Philadelphia Freedom and the collaboration of Quincy Jones & Bill Cosby on Hikky Burr.

Saturday, July 1st also marks the start of this year's Tour de France (which starts its first stage in Bilbao, Spain). Discover some threads of Spanish and French songwriters in this week's playlist to compliment all the red, white, & blue. Enjoy!

All our best from the farm,

Tom & William and Live Oak Farm team

Live Oak Farm Playlist Pairing

Farm Tisane


all Blueberries

all Lemon Basil, picked

1 cup Sugar

1 cup Water

15 -20 Lemons (depending on size), juiced

1L Sparkling Water


*add your favorite Vodka, Gin, or Bourbon to turn this refresher into a crisp cocktail*


We'll begin by making a blueberry-lemon basil simple syrup.

Heat 1C of water over medium low in a small saucepan. Bring to just under a boil.

Add sugar and stir until dissolved.

Next, stir in blueberries and basil. Let come to a simmer.

Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

Remove from heat and strain using a sieve or cheesecloth to remove solids.

Let cool to room temperature before adding to cocktail.

In a large pitcher build your lemonade by adding lemon juice, sparkling water, and ice.

Add 6 oz of your Basil Blueberry Simple Syrup. Stir and taste.

Adjust flavor / sweetness with any additional simple syrup.

Garnish with Lemon Basil sprig.

Serve cold & enjoy!

Yoga at Live Oak Farm - w/ Nicole

Monday, July 3

6-7 PM

Nicole returns with her yoga practice to our farm's this Monday evening.

All are welcome!

Class meets at our farm's event pavilion, beside the historic white barn.

Bring your own mat and payment to be collected with Nicole after your class.

Enjoy the serenity of the farm as your backdrop, while enjoying yoga and community

this holiday weekend.

LIVE OAK FARM at the Farmer's Market...

A reminder that you can now find farmers Tom & William each Thursday night at the Occidental Community Farmer's Market!

The market runs seasonally through October 28, 2023.

Market starts at 4pm and runs till 8pm / dusk.

Family-friendly with produce, live music, food vendors, and community fun.

Come say hello and support our farm and other local vendors each Thursday night.

Link here for market website, to view details and participating vendors.

Save the dates!

If you've attended these dinners in the past you know how much fun a night at the farm is highlighted by hyper-seasonal produce and the creativity of guest chefs. We're proud to announce two new dinners that highlight local culinary programs from restaurants here in Sonoma County, Street Social and Bloom (Petaluma & Sonoma, respectively). We can't wait to share our farm's summer harvest with our guests as well as raise a glass in community with some really great wine partners by way of Darling Wines and Kivelstadt Cellars as well.

Tickets are available to our September 23rd farm dinner with partners, Street Social & Darling Wines!

Follow the link here to Eventbrite to secure your seat now, or click the banner below.

August 5th dinner tickets releasing soon!

Reminder - We Recycle! 

We encourage you to return your CSA boxes to your pick-up location, or leave cartons, boxes, and other farm CSA reusables at your doorstep for exchange on Friday delivery days. A big thank you to the many of you that already participate in our recycling efforts!

We thank all those who have recently joined us in this practice as well. Your recycling efforts are noticed & appreciated! Thank you!

Live Oak Farm