Farnham & St. John's
The Weekly Message
“A Celtic Lens”
I recently went to the Eye Doctor for a vision check-up. At the end of the exam the doctor updated my eyeglass prescription with the comment, “I think with this new prescription we can help you see a little better.”

The lenses through which we view the world do make a difference. And it seems that as the years go by there is the opportunity to assist our view and perception of things with some lens additions and improvements.
I gave a short presentation this week on Celtic Traditions and Reflections at the invitation of the Women of Wicomico Episcopal Church who wanted to explore Celtic Themes. Preparing for it, I arrived at the thought that Celtic spirituality offers us an updated, though also ancient, lens through which we may view and interact with the world around us. Refining the lenses through which we perceive the world is certainly a way to enhance and expand the quality of life as we age and mature. The combination of “lens” and “Celtic” seemed a good one, particularly attractive for those living in the beautiful landscape of the Northern Neck. Celtic themes evidence a special interweaving of Creation and Life – even ordinary life but lived in intricate interconnection with nature, the Divine and all living things. Within this delicate, intentional organic interweaving, the fabric of life becomes a rich tapestry, not only beautiful but sturdy.
So, it has come to mind that “Through a Celtic Lens” might be an engaging theme for us to explore throughout this coming Summer and Fall in some of our congregational programming and even worship and study awareness. In our liturgical year we will shortly enter “Ordinary Time” which takes us up to the threshold of Advent. What a great time to explore rich ways of living and being in the ordinary times of life which are most of the times of life. Some of our opportunities to engage with ways to enhance our vision are presented below. 
Celtic Cross
  •  Continuing last summer’s schedule of two weekly Epistles per month (instead of the weekly ones during our “program” year), I will focus my Epistle “Message” on some aspect of the “Celtic Way” of living and being. 

  • We are again this year planning a parish Shrine Mont weekend (Farnham, St. John’s and Cople Parish) scheduled for Sept. 20-22, 2019. Ellen White (Cople’s Rector) and I have proposed a Celtic theme this year of “Caring for God’s Creation.” 

  • In October (October 29-31) Grace Episcopal Church will be the host location for John Philip Newell’s School of Celtic Consciousness – which in Year One includes recommended reading of a book on the Celtic Tradition and the three day “school” in an interactive conference type of learning experience. What a fun and enriching learning experience a group of us could share if we participate together. (More to come on this opportunity).

  • Meanwhile, this summer we have the potential of having a couple of our Sunday worship services (one Holy Communion Service at St. John’s and one Morning or Evening Prayer Service at St. John’s) with a Celtic orientation (music/readings/reflections). 
The development of this theme is a “work in progress” and so I would love any and all input and your involvement in both planning and implementation. Let’s start polishing our lens, clearing our vision and opening our hearts, minds and souls to incorporate new sights, sounds and ways of being offered by the Creation in which we live, move and have being. It’s the Celtic Way!


wood path photo, above, from Pinterest and stream photo from Better Homes & Gardens. No copyright infringement intended

Prayer of the Week
Never Cast Away
by Celtic author David Adam

Spirit of God
Brooding over the waters
Renew and re-use us

Wind of God
Sweeping over the world
Restore and revive us
Breath of God
Filling all things
Refresh and inspire us

Power of God
Bringing order out of chaos
Work in and through us

Last week at Farnham & St. John's
Marilyn Day photo
Community Outreach
Thanks to Dougie Lawton and Marilyn Day for their "Chili Mac" served at the haven for supper last night. Also on the menu were fresh fruit (bananas and grapes), potato rolls, cookies, and a gallon of whole milk.
Saturday, May 25 th beginning at 8:30 a.m.
St. Stephen’s, Heathsville hosts
the Strawberry Festival
a craft fair featuring more than 150 quality craft artists, fresh strawberries, strawberry shortcake, a large plant and bake sale, music, and a variety of food, the Festival draws major crowds from across the region . click here for more information
concludes its 2018-2019 season with a Schumann Celebration
Saturday,May 25 th at 7:30 p.m. at
Lancaster Middle School Theatre,
(191 School Street, Kilmarnock 22482)
There is a 6:45p.m. pre-concert talk: Tickets are $30. Students are free with on-line reservations, which can be made here
Please note: the E-pistle summer schedule will be Tuesday twice a month, instead of every week : June 4 th & 18 th , July 2 nd & 16 th , August 6th & 20 th , returning to weekly after Labor Day. Also take note of the
June Calendar items ( including Torrence's vacation ) in the
"In the Parish Hall" section below.
In the Church
Sunday May 26 th
Morning Prayer

9:00 a.m. at Farnham

11:00 a.m. at St. John's

Sunday June 2 nd
Holy Eucharist

Combined 10:00 a.m.
at St. John's

no service at Farnham

Sunday June 9 th
Morning Prayer

Combined 10:00 a.m.
at Farnham

no service at St. John's

Sunday June 16 th
Holy Eucharist

Combined 10:00 a.m.
at St. John's

no service at Farnham

In the Parish Hall

Come Worship With Us

Sunday Service this week

9:00 a.m. Farnham Church Farnham

11:00 a.m. St. John's Church