Join us for Worship!

Sunday, 10am

What does the word "blessed" mean? Is it just something we say over our food? When someone says something is a blessing, does it mean that it has made their lives easier? Join us this week as we hear Jesus describe what blessing means, and, most importantly, those who are the ones he considers to be Blessed. Join us!

Pastor Michael will beginning a new sermon series drawn from Matthew 5-7 called the Sermon the Mount.

Worshiping in person or online

(streaming to both YouTube AND Facebook). 

Click here for the bulletin

Chicago Wolves Outing

The FUMC Men’s Fellowship Group is sponsoring an outing at a Chicago Wolves Hockey Game on March 11, 2023@7:00PM. The ticket cost to you is $10.00 per ticket. The Men’s Fellowship will pick up the remaining cost of the ticket. The event is open to the entire church families and friends. The seats are in a reserved portion of the upper deck section. Please confirm with us that are going by February 13th, 2023. Email Steve Flint at Note parking is $15.00 per car. So be sure to carpool.

Christian Education:

Explore the miracles of Jesus with Signs and Wonders by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine in the Library at 8:30 am.  

Amy-Jill Levine is Professor of New Testament studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School, and we are using a curriculum she developed and recorded by video. Each week a superbly edited video shows a different miracle and discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events but also how today's readers can draw meaning from Jesus's words and actions!


Save the Date

Lent Begins - Wed. Feb. 22nd

Ash Wednesday service at 7pm

Week at a Glance


Sunday, January 22nd

8:30 am      

Adult Sunday School

10:00 am    

Worship (in-person and on-line)

Children’s Sunday School during worship

Coffee Hour after church


Tuesday, January 24th

5:30 pm      

Staff Meeting

6:30 pm    

Church Council


Thursday, January 25th

6:15 pm     

Choir Rehearsal

7:15 pm      

Bell Choir Rehearsal


Sunday, January 29th

8:30 am      

Adult Sunday School

10:00 am    

Worship (in-person and on-line)

Children’s Sunday School during worship

Coffee Hour after church

In our Prayers Today:

Claire Baker; Abigail Epprecht; Hans Elsner (fall);Angie Aguirre (wrist); Pat Baker; Ken Schmidt; Nancy & Tom Bryne (friends of Pat & Tom Price); Tom Hayes; Ellen Wolatz; Valerie Dehner; Beth Vrablic; Mary Owens; Tom Daniel (friend of Jim Buttjer); JoAnn and Angela


Click here to send a Prayer Request to us
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