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For the Love of God's Word

You made us creatures of words, Lord God, like you our Maker; so we hear and understand and speak--because you do. I pray my child will take delight in words, and most of all the words breathed out by you, so mercifully given in your Holy Word. Help me to carry your Word deep, with stores that purify and sweeten my words' flow--while sitting in our house, or walking by the way, or lying down, or rising. May I teach your Scriptures well, and joyfully, in harmony with voices of your people all around. May scenes and stories capture her, the poetry enliven her imaginings, the teachings take firm root and good fruit, in every season. May she love your Word and love Word made flesh, the Savior who shines forth on every page.


Happening this week!


K-1st grade – Gospel Corner (first floor Belser Building)

2nd-3rd grade – Room 204

4th-5th grade – Room 203

6th-12th grade – Room 201

Why Sunday School?

This is a dedicated time for your children to be engaged on multiple levels by the gospel--whether through hands-on activites, Bible-focussed games, or an age-appropriate lesson given by one of our wonderful Sunday School teachers.

We are learning to know God's word as it is revealed in Scripture and to live a life that pleases Him, by applying Biblical truth to our lives. Sunday School is designed especially for students K - 5th grade to help them think and act like Jesus. Each lesson is written at age appropriate levels for early, middle, and upper elementary students. We are intentionally engaging and developing students with games, activities, and practical application that promote character development and spiritual growth. 

Want to learn more about this week's lesson?

Click here to view our curriculum!

Noah's Nursery welcomes you to bring your babies and toddlers (6 weeks to four years old) to our nursery Sunday mornings during the 9am Contemporary Service, 10am Sunday School hour, and the 11am Traditional Service as well as Wednesday nights during our Super Wednesday classes and Bible studies. 

Children’s Church       

Why Children's Church?

This is a time for your younger children to have abbreviated version of the sermon.

Before the sermon in the 9:00 am & 11:00 am services, children aged K - 5th grade will follow the cross to the Kinloch Room for their own sermon with a bit of liturgy, led by one of the clergy! They will return at the passing of the peace.

Volunteer for Children's Sunday School!

Please consider volunteering your time during the Sunday School hour to shine the light of Jesus to our youngest St. Michaelites. If you love the Lord and sharing His love with the next generation, we need you to teach, pray, lead, assist and have fun with us in Children's Sunday School.  

K-1st Grade

2nd/3rd Grade

4th/5th Grade

Contact dee@stmichaelschurch.net if you have any additional questions! Or sign up here: NEW Sunday School Sign Up

Youth Sunday School @ 10:00 am

Ages 6th - 12th grades, meet in Room 201 with Taylor Daniel.

Youth Group

No Youth Group this Week - Happy Thanksgiving!

Youth Confirmation

Sign up today for St. Michael's confirmation course which will start this spring! Confirmation is an 8 week course which takes students through the basics of the faith so that they are able to confidently claim the faith for their own. Confirmation class is on Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting January 18th and continuing without interruption through March 8th. Confirmation Sunday is the 26th of March, 2023. For questions and to reserve your child's spot, please contact Taylor Daniel.

Contact Taylor Daniel for the details by emailing taylor@stmichaelschurch.net or texting "Youth" to 843-258-4445

Events & announcements you don't want to miss!

St. Michael's Church is happy to host Parent's Night Out on December 2 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Drop off your kids for a night of fun and fellowship! Nursery care for 6 weeks to 4 years old. Movie and games for K - 5th grades.

RSVP to Dee Goerhing by November 30th.



Please join us for the Christmas Pageant!

Registration is open online for children and youth.

Children must be at least 5 years old to be in the pageant without a parent.

Children younger than 5 years old may participate with a parent dressed in costume escorting their child.

DEADLINE TO SIGN UP to be in the pageant is December 1st, 2022.

Sign Up Here!

Dec. 2nd

Roles announced via email

Dec. 4th

12:30 - 2:00 pm



Pizza lunch will be served to all cast members and volunteers.

Dec. 11th

12:30 - 2:00 pm



Pizza lunch will be served to all cast members and volunteers.

Dec. 18th

8:00 am

Gospel Corner

Dressed and ready for pageant by 8:15

Christmas Pageant


9:00 - 10:15 am

Christmas Fellowship with the Cast

Kinloch Room

10:15 - 10:50 am

Who's excited for our Advent Wreath Workshop? What a great opportunity to fellowship, celebrate, and create together. Learn more and pay for your wreath here!

Now Hiring Nursery Workers

Do you know someone who loves the Lord and has a passion for caring for children? We would love to have them join our team of nursery workers who care for children between the ages of 6 week and four years old.

Please contact Dee Goehring for more info or to apply by emailing dee@stmichaelschurch.net

Want to hear more about St. Michael's Church? Join them eMessenger list!

Click here to view our latest newsletter and subscribe. Or, email office@stmichaelschurch.net to be added to the contact list.

Join St. Michael's Church and Anglicans for Life in observing November as National Adoption Month!

For more information on ways to pray or get involved click here.

We don't want to lose track of you!

If you move, get a new phone number or email address,

PLEASE send your new contact information to the office.

We don't want you to miss out on anything!

Email: trish@stmichaelschurch.net

Phone: 843-723-0603

St. Michael's Church www.stmichaelschurch.net

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