This week's Show
This week on the HR Power Hour, Rob Salafina author of the new book "Leading From Your Best Self - Increase your poise, presence, and influence for more dynamic leadership"
Are you showing up as the best version of yourself? Are you aware of how others experience you? Listen to Rob and your host David Ciullo discuss a roadmap for developing the poise, presence, and influence needed to succeed at work and in life.
The show will air on Saturday 11/17/18 at 10 am on News Talk WLOB 1310am and 100.5fm
This Week's Guest
Rob Salafia
Rob combines two decades of experience as a top leadership development executive with a well-established career in the performing arts. He has a passion for coaching leaders to develop their presence, tell compelling stories and establish authentic connections. He assists leaders to build emotional and narrative intelligence and share vision and strategy in a compelling and relevant way. He is the author of - Leading From Your Best Self: Develop Your Executive Poise, Presence and Influence to Maximize Your Potential (McGraw-Hill).
Rob enjoys stepping onto the main stage as a keynote speaker at leadership conferences. Some highlights include YPO, and YPO Gold, Sony Music Entertainment, ING Bank's Annual Leadership Conference, Association for Training and Development, Vynamic, MITX, Symantic and Wharton Business School's Leadership Annual Conference.
In his work as an executive coach, Rob finds great satisfaction in guiding leaders through transitions to more senior roles, as well as coaching senior executives and leadership teams to enhance team effectiveness and prepare for strategic presentations. What's unique about Rob is that for the first half of his career he was a performing artist where he traveled the globe delivering his unique, one-person variety show. Rob is a lecturer in MIT Sloan School of Management and an MIT Leadership Center Master Executive Coach.
As a speaker, learning partner and workshop facilitator, Rob has worked with Fortune 500 companies including, Sapient Consulting, Digitas, ING Bank, McKinsey & Co, NN Group, News Corp, American Express, Sony Music Entertainment, Thought Ensemble, Metro AG, Philips International, Alliance Bernstein, BASF, Abbott, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, and Royal Bank of Scotland.
Next week's Show
Next week on the HR Power Hour, we have a replay of Peter Lowe, Partner and Employment Attorney at Brann and Isaacson discusses the high stakes topic of "Workplace Recordings and Hush Money".
As an employer, have you ever wondered if your employees are taping you? With everyone having a smart phone, this is now becoming a larger issue in the workplace. Listen to Peter and your host David Ciullo discuss how employers can limit their risk. We also discuss the perception of employers paying "hush money" and how that could have a chilling effect on employer/employee severance agreements.
That's on the next HR Power Hour.
The show will air on Saturday 11/24/18 at 10 am on
News Talk WLOB 1310am and 100.5fm
Listen To Last Weeks Show
About Us
The HR Power Hour is a
radio talk program dedicated to all things related to Human Resources. Local and national guests are hosted each week from a variety of industries to deliver the very best information from top professionals to our listeners. Tune in as Dave and guests bring you current, key information with valuable insight into Human Resources Management.
Catch HR Power Hour in three ways:
- Every Saturday at 10-11am (EST) on News Talk WLOB, 1310 AM
- Streaming live on wlobradio.com
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Career Management Associates
465 Congress St
Suite 600
Portland, Maine 04101
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David Ciullo
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HR Power Hour Host
CEO Career Management Associates & CEO Dale Carnegie Maine
David Ciullo is the CEO of Career Management Associates and the CEO of Dale Carnegie Maine. He is also the talk show host of the HR Power Hour national radio show.
David is
currently a Member of the Maine State Civil Service Appeals Board. He
currently serves
as Chairman of the Board of Directors of (IFOB) the Institute of Family Owned Businesses. He is also the Vice President and on the Board of
Northern New England Association of Personnel Services
as well as President Elect and Board Member of HRASM. David is also a Member of (SHRM) the Society of Human Resource Management.
Prior to CMA, David has over 25 years of experience as an executive for some of the largest retail corporations in the US, including American Eagle Outfitters, Pacific Sunwear, and Designs/Levi Strauss.