Great Books About Business With Just A Click

Your link to success begins at the library. With each week of "In The Know," 
 you to a business book or magazine that will inspire, teach, inform, or elevate you, professionally and personally. This week:

by Lindsey Pollak

Covid-19 has heightened career uncertainty in a work landscape dominated by turbulence and change, and it is directly impacting how people are entering--or re-entering--the workplace. But as Lindsey Pollak makes clear, the pandemic merely accelerated career and hiring trends that have been building. Changes that were once slowly spreading have been rapidly implemented across all industries.

This means that the old job hunting and career success rules no longer apply. Job seekers of all generations and skill sets must learn how to thrive in this "new normal," which will include a hybrid of remote and in-person experiences, increased reliance on virtual communication and automation, constant disruption, and renewed employer emphasis on workers' health and well-being.

Like your personal GPS, Pollak equips you to handle workplace obstacles, helping you see them as challenges to navigate rather than impossible roadblocks. There is no perfect path to a dream career, but with Recalculating: Navigate Your Career Through the Changing World of Work, you'll be prepared with the necessary skills and tools to succeed.

Click here to borrow a copy of this book.