This Week's Schedule

Wednesday, January 8

  • 9:00 am - Bible Study - HDCR
  • No Yoga - Returns 1/15
  • No Centering Prayer - Returns 1/15

Thursday, January 9

  • No YAMS - Return date TBD

Saturday, January 11

  • 8:00 am - Green Thumbs
  • 5:30 pm - Holy Eucharist Rite II - Chapel

Sunday, January 12

  • 8:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite I - Church
  • 9:15 - Faith Forum - HDCR
  • 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II - Church

Important Directory Information

We are in the process of updating Realm in preparation to print a parish directory. This weekend, there will be a printout of all parishioners with contact information located in the Parish Hall and the back of the church.

  • Please stop by and review the information listed for your household.
  • Mark through any information that you do not want published in the directory.
  • Please place a check mark and initial that you have reviewed your household.
  • The office staff will edit your Realm account privacy settings from this reviewed list. (If you are familiar with Realm, and would like to edit your own privacy settings, please do so. However, do not delete information from Realm. This information is important to office staff.)

Not signed up in Realm, or need a new invite? Contact Michelle Haskew (850) 433-0074


Faith Forum Returns

Faith Forum returns

this Sunday, January 12

9:15 am

Homer Davis Conference Room

Topic: Reflections of the Holy Land Pt. 1 of 2

Facilitator: Susan+

2025 Lay Ministry Assignments

Happy New Year! Many new serving schedules have been sent out from our ministry leaders to their teams (Lectors, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Flower Guild, etc.) Other groups are in the middle of their scheduled year (Cookie Brigade, etc.)

January is a great time to make notes of when you are assigned for lay ministry duties in your personal calendar. Reminder emails and phone calls for each week will continue to occur on Thursdays, but checking these schedules now will help make sure all duties are covered and earmarked. Please contact your team leads if you have questions or need to be sent a new schedule.

City of Pensacola

Canopy Restoration Project

Children & Youth News

Wiggle Worship Rescheduled

Wiggle Worship that was originally scheduled for this Saturday has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 8. Stay tuned for more information!


For information about upcoming events, contact Andie Trahan!

1/15- EYC returns with Stealing Santa and dinner

1/17-1/20 Winter Woods at Camp Beckwith


Winter Woods Camp

at Camp Beckwith


Are you ready for summer camp and just don't want to wait until June? Well, you don't have to! Join us for Winter Woods! All of the fun of summer camp (minus some of the water activities...brrr!), but during a winter weekend!

Winter Woods camp will be open to all ages of campers (3rd-12th grade), and campers will be put in cabins with campers of similar grades--i.e. no younger campers will be bunking with older campers. 

Campers will enjoy craft activities, games, our high ropes course (Zipline, Giant Swing, & Leap of Faith), amazing programming from our Deans, bonfires, s'mores, and more! Come join us! Visit this link for more information and to sign up!

Happening Teen Camp

at Camp Beckwith


Registration is now open for Adult and Youth Staff and Youth Happeners in grades 9th-12th!

Happening is a spiritual formation weekend presented BY teenagers FOR teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. Happening seeks to bring young people to a fuller personal knowledge of and relationship with Jesus, and to a deeper level of commitment and apostleship.

Scholarship are available as needed.

Adult staff includes moms, dads, young adults, youth ministers, and clergy who are actively involved in Diocesan Youth Ministry.

Have questions about Happening? Send an email to Andie Trahan

Visit the Happening webpage at

Ways To Give

Ways To Give

Giving is a Spiritual Act! Thank you for investing your treasure in the work and mission of St. Christopher’s. TOGETHER - we continue to usher in God’s Kingdom - on Earth as it is in Heaven              

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